It’s official – bouncing is back. Michelle Keegan, Demi Lovato, Julianne Hough, Goldie Hawn, and Kate Beckinsale can’t get enough of mini trampoline workouts.

Brassic star Michelle Keegan recently shared this video of herself mid-cardio trampoline workout:

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Eva Longoria is also a big fan. See exhibit A:

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Trampolining, or rebounding to those in the know, has hit home too. The UK’s ((BOUNCE)) was born in 2014, when founder Kimberlee Perry used £200 to purchase eight second-hand trampolines for a hired studio in Essex. By 2022, ((BOUNCE)) had attracted 47,000 people per month across 320 UK studios.

So, what does it actually do? I set out to try it myself, committing to mini trampoline workouts every day for a week, but first, here's everything you need to know.

First, is rebounding actually a good workout?

Despite its reputation as an activity for the 12-and-under set, trampolining provides the aerobic trifecta, says Steve Farrell, PhD, a senior investigator at the Cooper Institute and a fellow with the American College of Sports Medicine.

‘It uses significant amounts of oxygen at the muscular level, engages large muscle groups, and can be sustained continuously.’

Why are trampoline workouts so popular?

For Perry, it’s the fun factor: a workout people actually enjoy, rather than just suffer through. ‘If your workout is a bore, fitness feels like a chore – but what’s more fun than jumping on a trampoline? Combined with our exciting dance-choreographed routines, the classes are the most fun you can have while working out.’

But it’s not all fun and games: ‘Participants burn up to 700 calories per class, or about 520 for 45-minute online class, depending on how hard they work,’ she says.

That said, don't get too caught up in calorie burn as it differs from person-to-person. Just give it your best and know that you couldn't have got more from the class.

What are the benefits of a trampoline workout?

It’s truly low-impact cardio – the trampoline mat absorbs over 80% of it, according to Perry. ‘It’s also really beneficial internally, helping to build bone density and improve lymph flow which flushes the body of viruses, toxins, bacteria, waste and dead cells.’

On top of that trampolining can help to:

  • Improve cardio fitness
  • Improve coordination and balance
  • Improve body composition
  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Improve lower body strength
  • Increased bone density

Can trampoline workouts help with weight-loss?

Any form of exercise that adds to your daily energy expenditure can assist in weight loss. A 2018 study put a group of overweight Italian women on a 12-week rebounding programme that saw ‘significant improvements’ in body composition – decreased waist circumferences, decreased fat mass, and increased lean and muscular mass.

Is rebounding as good a cardio workout as running?

Rebounding has a lot in common with running, actually. Bouncing on a mini-trampoline is just as good for you as pounding the pavement, but it doesn’t feel as hard or intense on the body, according to a study by the American Council on Exercise.

That’s because ‘the trampoline absorbs a lot of the impact that, on a harder surface, travels up your legs,’ Farrell says.

Trampoline workouts burn as many calories as running at a 6 mph pace.

We tried it: The verdict on mini trampoline workouts

Former WH Editor Kirsti Buick got the jump on mini trampoline home workouts, trying them every day for a week. Here's her honest review.

It all seemed a bit retro to me. I hadn’t set foot on a trampoline since trying to double-bounce my best friend on the rusty-springed trampoline in her back garden when we were 12 (I was excellent at it, for what it’s worth).

Double bounce skills aside, I couldn’t quite see how it might burn the calories and max the intensity of my go-to HIIT class. But the nifty little ((Bounce)) trampoline, with its fold-away legs for easy storage, was a welcome, novel addition to my burgeoning home gym.

1/ Classes usually cater to all levels

((Bounce)) online classes have three instructors – one to present the class, one to do a simpler regressed version tougher, and another to offer a tougher, progressed version of the choreography with small hand weights.

‘You mean I can make it harder?’ I thought. Excellent. I had my hand weights at the ready, foolishly believing I’d need some extra burn. But from the warm-up to the stretch track at the end, I could barely catch my breath enough for a sip of water, let alone to grab weights.

After my first session, the little red dumbbells stayed in the cupboard every time the trampoline came out.

2/ Your coordination will be challenged

Each 40-minute class was divided up into tracks, all of which featured repetitive choreography-type moves and jumps: one warm-up track, four or five cardio-heavy jump tracks, one arm-focused track, one core, and then a stretch to close.

By the third song of my first workout, I was already drenched in sweat and studiously ignoring my boyfriend, who was wracked with silent laugher watching me flail about in our living room.

3/ I got sweatier than expected

At the end of the first session, I’d burned over 332 calories, according to my tracker. Honestly, I was surprised it wasn’t more. I’ve done more aerobics-style classes than I can count, but the added bounce element just threw my threw my brain. It rubbing your tummy and patting you head is difficulty level five then this workout is a solid nine.

Mercifully, the moves were repetitive – one song would see you perform the same three or so sequences several time – so by the end of each track, I’d managed at least full bar of each in time with the beat.

I improved steadily with each class thereafter, and by four or five, could perform each jump track without missing a beat. Great success.

4/ It wasn't noisy

I was nervous about the impact all that bouncing would have on my second-floor, wooden-floored flat, but pleasantly surprised to find the sturdy trampoline didn't cause so much as a rattle.

This was likely thanks to the rubber feet at the end of the ((BOUNCE)) trampoline's legs, so I'd recommend doing your research if you're looking at buying your own.

Here are a few options:

HIIT BOUNCE PRO Folding Rebounder
MXL MaXimus Life HIIT BOUNCE PRO Folding Rebounder
£169 at Amazon
Ultrasport Fitness Trampoline
Ultrasport Fitness Trampoline
HXZ Adult Mini Trampoline
HXZ Adult Mini Trampoline
Leic Fitness Trampoline
Leic Fitness Trampoline

5/ There are plenty of class options out there

In the interest of getting the full experience, I signed up for the 7-day trial of LEKFit’s streaming classes, and tried out one of their classes too. It was similar to ((BOUNCE))’s offering, but incorporated more work off the trampoline, with light dumbbells, bands and ankle weights.

I didn’t have all of the required kit, and had to adapt quite a few of the tracks. As a result, I preferred the more cardio-heavy jumping classes on ((BOUNCE))’s site.

The only frustrating thing about ((BOUNCE)) was the set class times – while the classes weren't live, they still had to be streamed at specific times (6:30am, 9:30am, 12pm, 6:30pm, 8pm). LEKFit class videos can be watched any time.

  • ((BOUNCE)) charges £4.95 per class, or £25 for a 6-class pass.
  • LEKFit has a 7-day free trial, after which you'll pay £19.54 / month

There are a few decent trampoline videos on YouTube too, and this WH-recommended 25-minute trampoline workout if you're keen for a taster.

So, will I stick with it?

    After a week of trampolining workouts, I can certainly see the appeal of a high-calorie-burn cardio class that isn’t murder on your joints. The twinges of pain that I’m used to experiencing in my treadmill-terrorised knees in workouts – zero.

    And as Kate says, you'll feel rather jolly when you really get into it. It’s official: rebounding may be my new cardio MO.

    Also: you’ve never truly experience that jump squat burn unless you’ve done them on a trampoline...

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    Headshot of Kirsti Buick
    Kirsti Buick

    Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London. 

    Headshot of Ashley Mateo
    Ashley Mateo is a writer, editor, and UESCA- and RRCA-certified running coach who has contributed to Runner’s World, Bicycling, Women's Health, Health, Shape, Self, and more. She’ll go anywhere in the world once—even if it’s just for a good story. Also into: good pizza, good beer, and good photos.