In a time where Monica Geller’s organisational skills have become life goals and ‘Kondo’ is now a verb, talk of simple processes to streamline your life is everywhere. And happily science suggests making moves to embrace routine is key to nixing stress from your everyday.

We’re dedicating multiple sessions to the topic of self-care for mental health at this year’s Women’s Health Live, including Emotional Health Adviser Roxie Nafousi offering her take on what self-care really looks like.

women's health live

Where most of us will dream of living a simplified, no-stress life, the reality is usually just that - a dream. But implementing just a few key strategies on the regular can make a surprising difference to how smoothly things run - especially if you can get them ticked off before the average working week begins and time seems to slip out of your hands.

Women's Health Live is only weeks away (3-5 April). Don't miss out on the UK's biggest wellness event.

‘Sunday afternoon or evening is the perfect time to set aside a few hours to look ahead, set some goals for the week and prep to make it run smoothly,’ says Roxie. Here’s her top five strategies to try this Sunday…

Schedule in your workouts

Thinking about how you feel and what your body needs, block out time in your diary for your week’s worth of exercise. It’s so easy to let your workouts drop off the schedule when life is busy, but planning ahead makes you much more likely to actually follow through with them, plus you can think ahead in terms of making sure you have enough rest in-between and can pack your kit bag in advance to avoid rushing to get ready in the mornings or realising mid-shower that you forgot to pack a bra.

Practice gratitude

This might take a bit of time to do, or feel a little forced, if you’re not used to these kind of practices but it pays to stick with it as it can have such a massive impact on maintaining good mental health. Every Sunday I do a gratitude exercise where I’ll write down 20 things that have happened in the last week that I’m thankful for or that have impacted me positively. 20 is a good number because it really makes me think back over what I’ve done or experienced, which in turn helps me seek out positivity and prioritise good things the following week.

Roxie Nafousi
Karis Kennedy

Indulge your skin

Sunday is the day where I really take time on my evening skincare routine - it’s definitely a form of self-care for me. I’ll light a candle to create a relaxing atmosphere and have a bath with magnesium salts, then remove my make-up, cleanse, and apply each product slowly, gently, really massaging them into my skin. It also means you can keep tabs on which products you’re running low on to stock up before you finish them entirely, or any that you aren’t keen on which you can regift to a friend or know not to buy again.

Change your bedding

Is there anything better than slipping between fresh sheets? It’s the physical equivalent of wiping the slate clean, making it more likely that you’ll feel rested and content when you get into bed - thereby sleeping better - and also means I know to get my washing done each weekend so it doesn’t pile up.

Plan your meals

Knowing you have a handle on good nutrition is a game-changer in terms of feeling good, in control and making healthy choices throughout the week. I don’t meal prep as such but I do have signature dishes that I tend to fall back on, so will always do an online shop to be delivered on a Sunday. It means I feel power over not only my spending but my time too - no stressful rushed visits to my local shops after work gives me more time putting my son to bed.

Bring it on Monday, we're ready for you...

Join Roxie Nafousi at Women's Health Live at the Business Design Centre, London from 3–5 April 2020.

This weekend is hosted by some of the most-inspiring names in health packed with:

  • 100 of the leading names in health and wellness
  • 3 days of must-see panels, immersive workshops and shopping
  • 50+ workouts

women's health live

Admission to the WH Live festival costs just £20 for an entry ticket, which covers a day-long programme of expert speakers including Jillian Michaels, Kayla Itsines and Alice Liveing.

What’s more, for just £5 per slot, you can book classes like dance cardio with Simone de la Rue and Kayla Itsines' Signature Sweat and panel discussions on topics from bullet journaling to the use of CBD in skincare.

Headshot of Abigail Buchanan
Abigail Buchanan
Former Fashion Assistant

Abigail is WH’s former fashion assistant who joined the team after graduating with a MA in Journalism at City, University of London. She’s a journalist and activewear enthusiast who takes the quest to find the perfect pair of high-waisted gym leggings very seriously. While she's not working, she can usually be found attempting over-ambitious recipes on a weeknight and planning how she could become the next Nigella (in her dreams).