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10 Body Transformations Involving Zero Weight Loss

Improving your lifestyle habits should be about how you feel - not what number it says on the scale.

By and Scarlett Shallcross
Clothing, Bikini, Stomach, Undergarment, Selfie, Abdomen, Swimwear, Waist, Swimsuit bottom, Leg, pinterest

Many would assume that changing your body means losing weight—right?

But, did you know, factually, muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight may not be the best indicator of your overall health.

If you've found yourself focussing on reaching a number on the scale as opposed to working hard to feel better and become stronger, keep scrolling to see ten women who have made some serious body changes without losing a single pound. Remember - there is so much more to being healthy than a number on a scale.

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"What’s important is how you FEEL, if you’re being kind to your body (and mind), if you’re nourishing yourself with proper nutrients and letting your body sweat" - Arielle


"I'm happy with what I see in the mirror now, so I guess, who cares" - Stella


"Moving up in weight...and muscle. In 2016 I was all cardio. I ran 6 miles a day and was in tip top shape. I was very lean but lacked strength. Bikes and weight training has made me much stronger. My body is definitely changing" - Melissa

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"The difference between the two pictures is NOT what those foods do to my body it's what those foods do to my head" - Nikki


"I look forward to training. Having recently been through an injury where I couldn’t train properly for months has made me appreciate what our bodies are capable of doing in full health. I saw that number go up again on the scale the other day but this just proves that we should all shout a massive F U to those numbers because the number on the scale don’t mean sh*t!" - Tara


"Proof that just because you weigh more doesn’t mean you’ve got fatter. I’ve been training more and I haven’t been eating any more than usual so where is this weight coming from? MUSCLE! Muscle weighs more than fat! So don’t be discouraged by the number on the scales" - Lottie

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"I am proud because I no longer define my worth by my weight. I am proud because I have muscles and I feel strong. I want you to be able to make yourself proud too. Do yourself a favour; stop weighing yourself and start focusing on what steps you can take to make you feel good about YOU." - Katie


"It takes time, hard work and dedication to change your body. Don't forget that the scale means absolutely nothing" - Eva


"I remember vividly when this before photo was taken, and I was beating myself up for not being “skinny“. Moving away from my old mindset to being healthy and fit has been the one thing that has helped keep me moving forward. I’m not competing with anyone else, no longer trying to look like anyone else. I want to be my best self, for myself and my body" - Nikki

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"The scale will always be there - it will always be a tool for us to measure with. But listen here - it measures how much gravitational pull something or someone has towards the earth! It does not measure your success, your happiness, or your worth" - Meagan

From: Cosmopolitan UK
Headshot of Catriona Harvey-Jenner
Catriona Harvey-Jenner
Features Editor

Cat is Cosmopolitan UK's features editor covering women's issues, health and current affairs. news, features and health. The route to her heart is a simple combination of pasta and cheese (somewhat ironic considering the whole health writing thing), and she finds it difficult to commit to TV series so currently has about 14 different ones on the go. 

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