Not sure how to do mountain climbers? You've come to the right place – the mountain climbers exercise is one of those moves where it pays to nail your form to get the full (and numerous) benefits. Let's take a look, shall we?

The mountain climbers exercise – so named because they kind of resemble the way one may scale a steep peak (it's a stretch, we admit) – are a regular fixture in both core-focused sessions and HIIT workouts alike. Not many moves can get your blood pumping and push your abs to the limit at the same time.

‘The mountain climbers exercise is great to add to a workout between resistance training sets to keep your heart rate elevated – but it’s not an exercise you want to do in isolation,’ says biokineticist David Fabricius.

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What muscles do mountain climbers work?

  • Core
  • Glutes
  • Triceps
  • Shoulders

It might look like one for leg day, but it actually targets the core and shoulders – those leg movements just help to raise your heart rate and increase the burn.

‘Your core, chest and triceps will be doing most of the work here,’ explains personal trainer Aneeka Buys. ‘To reap the rewards, focus on form, otherwise, you risk shoulder strain,’ she cautions.

    5 benefits of mountain climbers

    • Cardio and strength training hybrid exercise
    • Targets your core, as well as your chest and triceps
    • Easier on the spine than supine exercises
    • As a low-impact exercise, it's easier on the joints
    • Can be used as a warm-up move or exercise

    We've already covered how much of a multi-purpose move mountain climbers are – they'll give you a near-full body workout, and challenge your cardiovascular system too.

    But they're a real superstar when it comes to strengthening your core, says personal trainer Judine St. Gerard. 'They allow you to truly work your entire core in a dynamic way, as opposed to, say, crunches, which only work part of your abdominal muscles,' she says.

    'They are also a lot easier on the spine than abs exercises that require you to lie down, plus they force you to engage the stabilising muscles in your shoulders.'

    They're versatile too – as a low-impact move they're great for warming up the body pre-workout, or as mini cardio bursts between your sets in a strength-training routine, St. Gerard says.

    'For example, you could complete 3 sets of 10 reps of shoulder presses, then follow it with 1 min of mountain climbers, then continue to the next strength move.'

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    How to do mountain climbers

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    1. To start with, get down into a high plank, keeping your back straight and your head in line with your spine. Your hands should be directly beneath your shoulders, your arms fully extended and your fingers facing forward, slightly spread apart.
    2. From this position, you’ll be working your upper and lower abs. Now pump your knees toward your chest one at a time, trying not to rock your torso from side to side. Breathe through it.

    Best to avoid if: You’re pregnant or suffer from lower back pain, especially if you can’t keep your spine neutral throughout the exercise.

    3 signs you're doing your mountain climbers wrong

    1. Your bum is in the air

    As the reps wear on, you might find your bum reaching skywards to give your core some respite. Resist the urge and keep that core engaged.

    2. Your hands are too far forward

    Remember, shoulders over hands – not any further forward. You should always be able to see your hands. Forget this and you’ll work your legs more than your core, which misses the point entirely.

    3. You’re rounding your back

    ‘Make sure you keep a neutral spine,’ says Fabricius. Engaging your core will help you keep a straight back. Slow the pace if you’re struggling.

    Make it a mountain climbers workout: 4 exercises to pair with mountain climbers

    Use this move in a bodyweight HIIT workout. Do each of the moves below for 45 secs with a 15-sec rest in between. Repeat x 5 for a sweaty full-body sesh.

    1. Squat jump

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    a) Sink into a squat with legs at a 45-degree angle.

    b) Now, using your arms to propel you, jump up before returning to a squat position. And again…

    2. Jumping lunge

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    a) You know the lunge drill – take a big step forward, lower your back knee to touch the ground, then lift up and push off from the heel of your front foot back to the start.

    b) Right, time to speed things up. Swap legs in mid-air, jumping in between each rep to land into a deep lunge.

    3. Push-up

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    a) Start in plank position, with your hands under but slightly outside of your shoulders. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.

    b) As you lower yourself, tuck your elbows, pulling them close to your body so that your upper arms form a 45-degree angle when your torso is in the bottom position of the move. Pause, then push back to the starting position as quickly as possible. Keep your core braced the entire time.

    4. Deadbug

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    a) Lie on your back with your arms above your shoulders. Bring your legs into the tabletop.

    b) Keeping your core tight, lower your right leg and left arm so that they hover a few inches of the floor. Your other arm and leg should stay as still as possible, and your back imprinted into the floor.

    5. Mountain climber

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    a) Start in a high plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders.

    b) Now pump your knees toward your chest one at a time. Keep your back flat and core engaged throughout.

    I've mastered the mountain climber exercise, what now?

    Firstly, congratulations. It's always heartening to learn something new, especially when it's as beneficial as a cardio/strength/finisher hybrid.

    But, what next? Well, if you're after more full-body exercises, why don't you try your hand at plank variations or get to grips with the different types of burpees. For more core-focused work, work on your hundreds, bicycle crunches and reverse crunches.

    For the experienced exerciser amongst us, why not try the tricky bear plank kickback, it'll target your core, glutes and upper body.

    Level up your bodyweight moves with wrist and ankle weights

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    Headshot of Kirsti Buick
    Kirsti Buick

    Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.