Whether you’re doing dumbbell exercises like bent-over rows and bench presses, or bodyweight moves like squats and push-ups, you’ll eventually reach a point where you become fatigued and your form falls foul. But it’s not necessarily time to throw in the towel and head on home; drop sets are a training technique that allow you to eke out a few more reps, without running the risk of injury.

We’ll go into exactly how a drop set works further down, but in a nutshell, it’s the process of working your muscles to failure, thereby allowing you to unlock your full fitness potential. We hit up sports scientist, trainer, nutritionist and strength and conditioning coach Luke Worthington to break down everything you need to know about drop sets, from what they are, to their benefits and examples.

What is a drop set?

‘A drop set is a set of exercises in which the amount of work performed on each repetition gradually decreases (or drops),’ Worthington explains. ‘This allows for progressive overload by achieving a greater total number of repetitions in each set, with the goal being to reach total fatigue within a particular muscle.’

It’s about doing more reps, but each of those reps are, essentially, ‘easier’. There are two ways your reps can be made less challenging, as explained by Worthington.

  1. ‘Lower the weight’ (this is the ‘most common’ process, according to Worthington)
  2. ‘Decrease the mechanical work performed. For example, switch from unilateral exercises (single-leg or single-arm) to bilateral movements (using both arms or legs), with the same load.’
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Benefits of using drop sets

As mentioned, the name of the game with drop sets is to ‘create total fatigue within a particular muscle,’ Worthington says. ‘The principle is that your nervous system has to recruit the greatest amount of motor units (bundles of muscle fibres) with heavier weights. By moving from heavier weights to lighter weights (rather than just finishing a set, or doing a longer set with lighter weights or a shorter set with heavier weight), you recruit a larger proportion of muscle fibres.’

Hex Dumbbell 10kg
Hex Dumbbell 10kg
£35 at Decathlon
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Anchor's Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells

Still with us? Worthington adds that when more muscle fibres are recruited, you ‘create more metabolic damage to your tissue’ and the ‘potential for hypertrophy, i.e. muscle growth increases’. Indeed, studies have proven that drop sets do have the potential to increase hypertrophy by increasing metabolic stress. Worthington says that this is, in fact, a ‘technique used by male and female bodybuilders to break through training plateaus’.

Studies also show that increased hypertrophy comes by increasing the time your muscles spend under tension.

To recap, the proposed benefits of drop sets are big:

  • Maximising muscle growth
  • Breaking through and preventing training plateaus
  • Boosting muscular endurance
  • Enhancing fat loss (by increasing muscle growth and improving body composition)
  • They can be incorporated within any workout regime, from push and pull workout routines to full-body and lower-body workouts

Any cons to drop sets?

There are pros and cons to everything, and we want to make sure you’re aware of any side effects before you dive headfirst into the #DropSetLife. Worthington’s biggest warning? DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

‘Training a muscle to absolute fatigue with drop sets can create very high levels of DOMS, so the benefits can potentially be mitigated by the inability to train effectively in the days following,’ he explains. ‘There may also be a risk of injury to the muscle tissue itself, as you push it beyond its normal limits.’

Read on for his tips on how to do drop sets safely and effectively.

Drop set examples

Before we get into this one, know that the following drop set examples are exactly that: examples. Though Worthington has shared an example including specific weights, those weights may not be enough to hit your point of fatigue, and as Worthington says, ‘may be way past it for others’. These are purely for the purpose of this article and helping you get to grips with how drop sets work.

Drop set example 1: Load-based drop sets

‘In the instance of dropping weight, you would reduce the weight you are lifting when you can no longer perform any more reps,’ says Worthington. ‘Then, you would reduce the weight by the same increment once you reach failure with the first amount of reduced weight. This would continue until you have no weight left.’

  • Set 1: bench press at 50kg x 8 reps (repeat these sets until you reach failure)
  • Set 2: bench press at 40kg x 10-12 reps (repeat these until you reach failure)
  • Set 3: bench press at 30kg x 10-12 reps (repeat these until you reach failure)
  • Set 4: bench press at 20kg x 10-12 reps (repeat until you reach failure)
  • Set 5: bench press at 10kg x 10-12 reps (repeat until you reach failure)
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Drop set example 2: Mechanical/technique drop sets

With technique drop sets, it’s about making the mechanics ‘easier’, so that you can perform more reps. There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Switching from unilateral movement to bilateral
  • Reducing your range of motion

Worthington shares the following example.

  • Set 1: Single-arm dumbbell press x 8 reps (repeat until you reach failure)
  • Set 2: Double-arm dumbbell press (using the same dumbbell) x 8 reps (repeat until you reach failure)

How are drop sets different to regular sets?

‘Drop sets are longer as the aim is to reach failure,’ Worthington affirms. ‘This means that they can only be performed once in a workout.' Regular sets are usually done between 3-6 times per workout.

Should anyone avoid drop sets?

As mentioned, drop sets hit peak popularity in the bodybuilding world, ‘when bodybuilders would perform drop sets at the end of a workout for a week or so to stimulate new muscle growth, then revert back to their regular programming,’ so says Worthington.

‘Due to the higher risk of injury and the taxing nature of this training technique on your nervous system, I wouldn’t recommend performing it continually week after week. Even in the bodybuilding world, it’s only used sparingly.’

With that in mind, Worthington advises that drop sets probably aren’t the one if you’re new to weightlifting or strength training, and should also be avoided if you don’t have someone who can spot you since your form may be compromised.

Drop set tips

That's a lot of info, we know, so here’s a quick rundown of Worthington’s top tips and tricks for performing drop sets safely and effectively:

  • ‘Drop’ the weight of your sets in increments that suit you - don't compare yourself to others
  • Drop your set as soon as your form starts to suffer – don’t push through
  • Try not to spend too long adapting your weight or mechanics – this could equate to a rest, meaning you won’t be doing a drop set, you’ll be performing another standard set
  • Take a rest day after drop set days if needed. DOMS will likely be higher and your muscles can’t recover without rest
  • Recruit a spotter to help you with form as you aim for failure, to avoid injury
  • Use drop sets sparingly – when you need help breaking through training plateaus or stimulating muscle growth, and not continuously
Bridie Wilkins
Fitness Director

Bridie is Fitness Director at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).