If you've ever done a HIIT class or lower body workout, the chances of having done bodyweight squats before is high. They're a brilliant dynamic warm-up exercise, as well as a solid resistance training movement and, when done at pace, a heart-pumping cardio goodie, too.

So, why do so many PTs tell us to squat sans weight? David Wiener, Training Specialist at AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics explains:

'Squatting without weight is part of the basic movements of human motor activity. Joints need to be exercised to become stronger and thus being protected from injury. Only in this way will they produce more joint fluid and optimize their circulation.'

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What muscles do bodyweight squats work?

  • Glutes
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Adductors
  • Hip flexors
  • Calves
  • Abdominals

7 benefits of doing bodyweight squats

There are multiple benefits to doing bodyweight squats, from building muscle tissue to being brilliant for beginners. Read on for what you need to know about getting down with it.

  • Builds lean muscle tissue
  • Doesn't require any equipment
  • Targets the largest muscle groups in your lower body
  • Can be done anywhere
  • A great move for beginners to start with
  • They're simple to make easier or more difficult
  • Can be used as a strength training exercise as well as cardio-based circuit training move

How to do bodyweight squats

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'To squat is effectively to lower yourself down into a “seated” position with your quads parallel to the floor,' explains Wiener. Here's how to do it properly.

  1. Begin upright with the knees gently flexed.
  2. Drive the hips backwards, flex the knees and lower yourself until your hips are at knee level or slightly lower. Your weight should be distributed evenly across your feet; resist the temptation to let your heels leave the ground. Ensure that your knees remain in line with your toes and that they’re not turning inwards or outwards; this puts unnecessary pressure on the joints.
  3. Push through your heels to return to upright, squeezing your glutes as you come back to standing. Repeat.

'You don’t need to focus on maintaining an entirely upright spine, but try to avoid bending over too much,' says Wiener. 'When it comes to posture, keeping your arms out in front of you will help you to maintain a balanced position and engaging your core will prevent arching or rounding of the back.'

Is there anyone who shouldn't do bodyweight squats?

'Squats mimic some of the most basic human movements, so in theory, there's no one who should not perform a squat. However, if you have just suffered an injury or are recovering (specifically hip or ankle injuries), be careful and consult a doctor or physio before diving straight in,' suggest Wiener.

What role does foot positioning play with bodyweight squats?

Great question. The placement of your feet can change which muscles are targeted. To work your quads (the front of your thighs) place both heels on an elevated surface – a small, slim gym weight under each foot works well. This allows you to sit deeper into the squat and forces your quadriceps to work harder.

If you want to work your glutes, skip the elevation and set up for a normal bodyweight squat. Now, shuffle your feet out to wider than shoulder-width and turn your feet to a 45º angle. This stance will work your glutes – brilliant if you tend to be quad-dominant (strong in the quads but weaker in the glutes). Here's an example of how to do it:

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Absorbed all that brilliant info? Good. Time to pop your gym leggings on and hop to it.

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Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.