Glute isolation exercises may seem confusing – surely it's better to try and work the maximum number of muscles at once, right? Not quite. Exercises that require the use of multiple muscles and joints (deadlifts and squats, for example) can often mean larger, stronger muscles take over.

For example, some people are quad-dominant, meaning their quadriceps take the majority of the load when they lift heavy objects. Other (lucky people in this instance) are glute-dominant. It all depends.

The bottom line is that glute isolation exercises can be a brilliant tool to use alongside your larger compound exercises. They can help build lean muscle, improve strength and increase the amount of power you can exert during challenging strength training and weightlifting workouts, whether you go for an upper- and lower-body workout split, or a push pull workout routine. Providing you're au fait with proper glute activation and aren't just bashing out the exercises without really thinking about what you're doing, they'll also help prevent injury when it comes to implementing progressive overload. Read on for everything you need to know about glute isolation exercises, plus how to do them properly, too.

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What are the glutes?

Glutes – aka your backside – is the commonly used group name for the three muscles that make up your bum:

  • Gluteus maximus.
  • Gluteus medius.
  • Gluteus minimus.

What are glute isolation exercises?

The term 'glute isolation' is often thrown around without too much explanation about why the exercises you're performing target your bum. Rather than stay confuddled about the exercises for a bigger butt, we've asked the experts to clear up everything you need to know about glute isolation exercises.

'Isolation exercises are those that target one muscle group and involve the movement of one joint. Conversely, compound exercises target multiple muscle groups and involve the movement of multiple joints. Glute isolation exercises are exercises that target only your glutes and involve movement of the hip joint,' explains personal trainer and GP Dr Folusha Oluwajana. (Keep reading for Dr Oluwajana's top glute isolation exercises.)

What are the benefits of doing glute isolation exercises?

  • Activate and engage smaller and "sleepy" muscles
  • Builds lean muscle
  • Can help to avoid overuse injury of other muscles
  • Strong glutes can improve posture
  • Improves performance for compound exercises

'Glute isolation exercises can help activate your glutes and wake them up so that they are firing effectively before you begin your bigger compound exercises,' says Dr Oluawajana.

'This is especially important for our glutes as we often spend long periods of time sat down. This turns your glutes off (they're not needed) and this will affect how effectively you're able to engage them during your workout. It may also lead to other muscles, such as your lower back or quads, taking on more of the load.'

Not only will they help you get stronger and more stable doing glute isolation exercises could also improve how your muscles move over your joints, according to Nature Health's Box fitness expert, Tom Jenane. 'Performing these exercises will help to improve flexibility and mobility in the area, which is important for lifting and carrying things, as well as improving your posture,' he says. Good to know.

Do you need to do glute isolation exercises to build bum muscle?

Do isolation exercises grow glutes, you ask? 'You'll need the glutes to be activating effectively to build muscle, so a programme that works to target them with lots of different movements is key,' explains personal trainer and founder of MAMAWELL, Rosie Stockley.

'Progressive overload – using higher weights, more reps, increased speed (among others) – is the best way to increase muscle density and strength. Mixing up targeted glutes exercises with weighted full body movements (that still incorporate the glutes, such as Romanian deadlifts, lunges and squats) would be a way to make your workout more varied and functional for everyday life.'

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4 glute isolation exercises

So now you know the science, let's get you up to speed on the whats and the hows. Follow Dr Oluwajana as she demos the best glute isolation exercises to incorporate into your routine and activate all three glute muscles – if you're unfamiliar with the move, try it slowly first. There's no first place here, people. Read our instructions carefully to ensure you are activating your glutes properly - the tiniest of form changes can make the world of difference.

1. Single-leg glute bridge

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a) Start lying with your feet flat on the floor, your knees bent and your arms on the floor by your sides.

b) Lift one foot off the floor.

c) Drive through your other foot, pushing through your heel to lift your hips off the floor, forming a straight line from your shoulder to your knee. Brace your core and keep your pelvis tucked.

d) Lower back down to the starting position with control.

2. Reverse hyperextension

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a) Start lying face down on a bench or elevated surface.

b) Your hips should just be on the edge of the bench with your legs hanging off the edge.

c) Bend your knees at 90 degrees or keep them extended if you have enough room.

d) Squeeze your glutes to raise your legs up to make a straight line with your body.

e) Lower with control back to the start position.

3. 30° kickbacks

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Image no longer available

a) Start standing with a resistance band above your knees or your ankles.

b) Lean forward slightly and support yourself against a wall or other object.

c) Squeeze your glute and kick your leg out at 30 degrees angle from the midline.

d) Maintain a neutral spine and do not arch the lower back.

e) Lower your leg back down, but keep some tension in the resistance band. Repeat.

4. Clamshell with hip raise

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Image no longer available

a) Start lying on your side with your upper body propped up by your bottom forearm and your legs stacked on top of each other.

b) Bend your knees to 90 degrees and flex your hips so your thighs are at about 30-45 degrees in front of your body. Brace your core.

c) Raise your hips off the floor as far as you can and push them forward to extend your hips. Simultaneously raise your top leg away from your bottom leg, keeping your knee bent.

d) Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement then lower back down with control.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.