Trigger warning: mentions of anorexia, restriction and recovery.

After an all-consuming battle with anorexia at age 14, Hannah Fuller, 28, transformed her relationship with food and exercise. Against all odds, she managed to reverse her osteoporosis diagnosis. This is her story.

Growing up I always had a note to get out of PE. I hated exercise, and was very self-conscious of my appearance. At age 10 I went on my first diet, because to me, calories were a bad thing, something we should avoid. It never occurred to me that they were actually something I needed to survive.

When I was 13 we went away to Scotland, and over that summer I was really active, outside a lot and eating well, and I lost a bit of weight. When I came back people were saying things like, 'You look great, you’ve toned up' – you can imagine the effect this had on a 13-year-old. It felt so good, and I wanted more.

So I started restricting what I ate, cutting out entire meals whenever I could get away with it. My weight dropped to 5 ½ stone at my lowest point.

Gosh, what my parents went through. I would watch my mum make a lovely dinner, and I’d genuinely think, ‘I want to eat this, I want to get better’.

But when she put it down in front of me, I'd imagine she'd tried to sneak an extra spoonful into my portion and I'd absolutely flip. I’d throw my food at the wall saying she was trying to trick me. Meal times were awful. When I eventually calmed down I'd cry my eyes out because I was so upset at what I was doing to my family.

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As my weight continued to drop, my desperate parents tried doctors, therapy, but nothing seemed to get through to me – until one day, my dad asked me something that none of the GPs, psychologists and specialists ever had. 'What are you trying to achieve from all of this?’

Anorexia transformation
Hannah Fuller

In my head, the answer was obvious: I wanted to be slim and fit and healthy, I told him. But had I achieved that, he asked? No. Not at all. I was so weak, I barely able to move.

So my dad suggested we work towards what I actually wanted to achieve in the first place. He agreed that, on the condition I gained a bit of weight, he would take me to the gym and teach me how to lift weights. Rather than it being just about putting on weight, there was a goal: to get fit and healthy. We both educated ourselves as to what nutrition was, and how to build muscle through food and exercise.

I paid less attention to the number on the scale and started to look at my running speed and the weights I was lifting, and when I saw those increase, that was where I got the sense of achievement. I don’t think there was ever one real moment where I said, ‘I’ve got this, I'm cured’. My attitude towards food had completely changed, sure – I understood that I needed that fuel for my weight training and the running, and as a result, I was eating about 3500 calories a day.

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My intake was through the roof, but it was still restrictive, almost like muscle-building orthorexia. I would have carbs, protein, and fat, but it had to be from all of the best sources. That way I could still maintain that element of control. It was healthy for my body, but less so for my mind.

It was only really when I moved to London about 6 years ago that all that changed. My weight was slowly rising, and I found it didn't bother me. Working in sales meant I was often out with clients for meals, and I was comfortable relinquishing control over my food.

I was healthy, I was eating well, I was enjoying being able to go out and eat and not worry. Maybe I just needed that gradual step out of it, and I think by coming to London, everything just relaxed a little bit.

But that was when I hit another bump in the road. I developed a stress fracture in my left femur from running, which led to me to go in for a bone density scan. The results were devastating: I had osteopenia in my hips and osteoporosis in my spine. Osteopenia is the midpoint between healthy bones and osteoporosis – bone loss is evident but not quite as severe. If your bones continue to weaken, you'll develop osteoporosis.

The diagnosis left me distraught. I overcame anorexia years ago, why is it coming back to haunt me now? What have I been doing to cause this? I felt so ashamed about what I’d done to myself, scared and alone.

The doctors said that even though the eating disorder was years prior, bone damage can take a long time to show. They suggested I keep up a healthy diet, keep on with the weight training – all the stuff I already knew. Whilst there is medication, I was so young the specialists agreed bisphosphonates (drugs that work to slow bone loss) may cause more harm than good, because they can halt growing bones.

They told me the osteopenia could get better, to a point where it could be in the normal bone density zone. But osteoporosis? There was nothing I could do, really.

But I just couldn't accept that. I knew that I was on the right path to healing my body, and this diagnosis was not going to hold me back. I started supplementing with vitamin D (it helps the body absorb calcium), made sure I ate a balanced, healthy diet with plenty of dairy and kept exercising. I knew I was in it for the long haul.

Three years later, I went for my next bone density scan. I was relieved when it showed great improvement. My spine was still in the osteoporosis zone, but my bone density had improved. Even the doctor said the turnaround was incredible.

At the beginning of 2020, I had my second follow-up – and finally, all my determination yielded results. The bone density graph showed that I no longer have osteoporosis! The doctors were stunned. Now my aim for 2023 is to be back in the 'normal' zone – and I think even they think I can do it.

The past six years have been such a reality check for me. Yes, exercise and eating well are great if you have aesthetic goals, but the benefits of healthy lifestyle go so much deeper that that.

The changes going on inside – things like bone density, blood pressure, heart rate – we don't see on a day-to-day basis. They're built from consistency, good habits and a healthy lifestyle. I hope my journey out of osteoporosis demonstrates the importance of a consistent, sustainable approach – and that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will build you a healthy body, regardless of what you see on the outside.

If you believe you or someone you know to be suffering from an eating disorder, please reach out to the UK's eating disorder charity, BEAT on 0808 801 067 or any eating disorder organisation you feel best suited to your needs.

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Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.