Learning how to do a plank properly can be one of the simplest and fundamentally beneficial moves to get right, and yet many people seem to be getting it wrong. From curved backs to breath-holding, there are a number of plank mistakes made on the reg that sadly discount all the hard work you're putting in.

However, there is good news: this is a pose that can be worked up to, meaning there's no need for you to pretend to be an ironing board all the live long day.

A move that strengthens the deep abdominal muscles, glute muscles, shoulders and arms and can be done anywhere? Yeah, it's probably time to abandon the crunches.

Not least because a plank puts much less strain on your lower back and neck than sit-ups, strengthening the muscles that make holding a neutral spine possible and reducing the stress to your back even when sitting.

For PT and strength trainer Jordan Lue, the most common mistakes he observes are people with an exaggerated curve in their back, holding their breath and fighting to engage their core - basically everything you shouldn't do to get the most out of the move, no matter how hard it may feel like you're working.

How to plank

Step 1: From a push-up position, bend elbows and rest your weight on your forearms.

Step 2: Keeping your body in a straight line, brace your core and hold for 30 seconds. That’s one set.

hold-plank rebel
rebecca jacobs

    Lue's tips for perfect plank form

    1/ Engage your hands

    While it’s up to you whether you clasp or flatten your hands, most people plank with the majority of the pressure going into their wrists. To better spread the load and make sure you're activating the whole body it's more advantageous to clench your hands.

    This ensures all of your main muscles are contributing to the exercise, making it harder and more effective.

    If you see people putting their hands in a flat position, then they're most likely trying a more advanced move, designed for experienced plank-ers who have mastered their form. This might be something to try in a few weeks, once you've clocked up some practice.

    2/ Pack your shoulders

    Drawing your shoulders into your body, known as 'packing' can greatly benefit your exercise by limiting the involvement of your upper traps - this is what gives you neck pain. It will also create a stronger base for the duration of the exercise.

    Try to keep your back and neck aligned and your eyes down to reduce strain.

    3/ Squeeze your glutes

    ... and keep your hips strong and taut – a sagging pelvis puts your back at risk of back injury.

    Squeezing your glutes hard also allows for a stronger foundation when planking. It helps to lower excessive arching at the lower back and allows the abdominals to work in their most aligned position.

    4/ Position your feet

    Playing around with the distance your feet are apart can make the exercise easier or harder by changing the base of support. Wider feet = easier, closer = harder. Basic stance is to stay on your tiptoes with your feet together.

    5/ Breathe into your abdominals

    Ensuring your breathing is consistent and focused can make huge differences to your plank. Breathing into your abdomen and forcefully breathing out through your mouth can really fire up the resistance. Try to suck your belly button towards your spine, but make sure to keep breathing!

    6/ Change the lever

    For basic planking, your arms can be either straight (high plank) or bent at 90° (low plank), making sure your elbows are aligned directly under your shoulders.

    If you're more advanced, lengthening the 'lever' can make all the difference. Push your elbows further away from your body and follow all of the above rules. Feel your core tremble.

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    How to know if you're doing it wrong

    1/ You’re arching your back

    Fail to engage your abs and your arms will take the brunt of your body weight. The result? You’ll begin to arch your back and put undue pressure on your spine. Widening your shoulders and palms takes the weight off your upper body.

    2/ Your hips are drooping

    Your old mate gravity called – it wants your hips up higher. As your arms and abs start to tire, your hips will begin to sink towards the ground, which is much less challenging on your core. Tuck your tailbone and squeeze your bum to keep them raised.

    What muscles does the plank exercise actually work?

    The primary muscles engaged with this exercise are the:

    • rectus abdominals
    • traverse abdominals
    • erector spinae muscles

    Located in the trunk of the body, the transverse and rectus abdominals are often referred to as 'the six-pack muscles' and are crucial for functional movement - a.k.a movement that recruits multiple muscles and core stability at once. The erecotr spinae muscles work to strengthen your back and provide a stable foundation for rotations.

    The secondary (stabilising) muscles involved are wide ranging and include the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, trapezius, pectorals and posterior deltoid muscles. From your thighs to bum, chest, back and shoulders, you're hitting each of the areas you might otherwise isolate on leg day, back and chest day - all in one go.

    Long story short: this one move hits enough muscle groups to make it worth getting right every. damn. time.

      If you've mastered the plank exercise, level up your core work with these exercises

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      Headshot of Francesca Menato
      Francesca Menato
      Acting Digital Editor

      Ces is the resident runner, with 3 marathons (and counting) under her belt. As acting digital editor she spends her days filling your feeds with things you want to do, try and eat… and lives in perpetual fear of running out of funny meme ideas.