At just over 5ft.2, little belies the fact that Laura Hoggins can rack up PBs in the weights section that'll make your eyes water. Yet, the qualified PT and Instagram star (you'll probably know her as @laurabiceps), 34, has become famous for her toned physique - and her strong bicep game in particular.

Since discovering weight lifting five years ago - and starting to post about fitness on Instagram three years ago - she has seen body her body transform, both physically and mentally. She credits getting strong in the gym with saving her self-esteem and empowering her to be a better version of herself in all aspects of her life.

It's a message she imparts on social media and through her trail-blazing group fitness class Lifted at Ministry of Sound Fitness. And now in her new book Lift Yourself. In it, she reveals how feeling body confident hasn't always come easily, and that being accepted in society - even into the world of wellness - with a shape "slightly out of the norm" has proved to have its own challenges.

Lift Yourself: A Training Guide to Getting Fit and Feeling Strong for Life

Lift Yourself: A Training Guide to Getting Fit and Feeling Strong for Life
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However, in Laura's own words: 'I want to fly the flag for women who are training hard and eating well to fuel heir body - and whatever that looks like I'm here for it.' Bravo.

Read on to discover her personal journey, from an office-based city job where she worked and played hard, to helping women find fitness and taking on the stigma surrounding lifting, one impressive rep at a time...

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My twenties were spent feeling faint on juice cleanses

When I was growing up, and working in one of my first jobs for L'Oreal, the body ideal was super skinny - like Kate Moss. I'd almost always be trying out a new weight loss diet, like the Atkins or 5:2. But so drastically restricting my food was never sustainable.

My female colleagues and I would wander around the glamorous office comparing hunger and scouring the calorie counts on packets. We'd celebrate when one of us lost 5lbs on a juice cleanse - which I now know was probably just lost water retention and would have meant she sacrificed a lot of essential nutrients. It wasn't how to live a life.

I was so desperate to lose weight I signed up to run a marathon

As a child, I loved sport - particularly football (I was invited to join the Chelsea Under-16 girls team) - but by my 20s I viewed exercise as a means to shifting the weight I was gaining while working in a sedentary office-based job.

Laura 'Biceps' Hoggins: 'How weight lifting saved my self-esteem'
Justine Stoddart

I wanted to be thin, and threw myself into the only exercise I knew: running. I signed up to the London Marathon in 2013 in a desperate bid to for the training to make me light, slim and - ultimately - happy. But when I finally reached my goal weight, I had no muscle definition.

When I first started CrossFit I couldn't even box jump

With staying slim still at the top of my mind, I started going to a CrossFit gym with a friend in 2014. But I didn't take it too seriously, at first. I would go out and get hammered on a Friday night and roll up hungover on a Saturday morning, and everyone would tease me.

Eventually that stopped being funny to me, and I decided to do myself a service and feel and little bit more up for class by drinking less. That was the first step in how my lifestyle evolved. Starting to invest in myself made me feel better.

Lift Yourself: A Training Guide to Getting Fit and Feeling Strong for Life

Lift Yourself: A Training Guide to Getting Fit and Feeling Strong for Life
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Credit: Amazon

I was also lucky that - while most CrossFit is dominated by men - I had an amazing female coach. She was a confident, beautiful Scandinavian woman called Sara who welcomed me with open arms and passed down her passion for lifting onto me.

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She was hard on me - but I needed it. I remember once when we had to do 50 box jumps and I was embarrassed to admit I couldn't even do one. We scaled it back - using a pile of plates - and while I nearly died, I finished, and it felt amazing. I came last on the leaderboard, but I was hooked.

Lifting gave me headspace

I began training three or four times a week and felt incredible. I was using heavier weights and loved watching my improvement in real time as the kilograms increased.

But the effect lifting was having on my mind was similarly astonishing. I was better at work, and I showed up more in my relationships. When you're doing it, you're just thinking about that next rep because you're so focused on technique and breath. You're in the zone. Then, once you've completed a set, there's an amazing sense of achievement and physical power.

And how I looked changed too. But, unlike before, I didn't really consider how my body composition might alter. I was simply finding it fun to be strong, and the fact I lost body fat and acquired muscle was simply a by-product.

My muscles are a sign I've invested in myself

As the months passed, I started to gain increasing amounts of definition in my upper body. Most women naturally build more strength in their lower body, but I just enjoyed pressing weights over my head. In particular my arms and chest got bigger.

I was so happy, and loved it when people commented: 'You look stronger and more athletic.' They were noticing all the hard work I was putting into my body, and it also felt to me like a sign I was free from trying to lose weight and be skinny.

Yes, I might find it hard to shop because of my traps - but I'm training for performance, not aesthetics.

Telling me I've lost weight is not a compliment

When I started training for the London Marathon earlier this year, I naturally lost a bit of mass and muscle. Someone said to me: 'You look like you've really lost weight.' I was horrified, fearing all my strength progress was slipping away. Someone else noticed my reaction and told me: 'I've never seen a woman react so badly to being told she looks smaller.' To me that's such a good sign of the better place my mental health is in.

I've also seen a different side to weight loss. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago. She went from a size 16 to a size 10 due to the medication and everything else her body was going through.

I train for life - not just a body building competition

Now in the all clear, my mum has likewise shown me that getting fit is so important for long-term health too, by doing strength exercises in the gym to boost muscle mass and eating well to control her diabetes.

Lifting is amazing for posture and bone density, which are so important as we age. It's this idea of training for life - not Instagram - that also stops me becoming too obsessive about food and the gym.

Tracking macros can be important to achieving a particular fat loss goal, for example, and perhaps be more helpful than intuitive eating. But if it's someone's birthday, have that cake! You're not falling off the wagon if you're eating well 80% of the time.

Similarly, I always say to clients, Usain Bolt does't sprint every day. When I'm training for body building competitions I'll work up to it for a short period of time, like six to 12 weeks. But nobody should be on a fat loss calorie deficit, for example, for six months.

Focus on a goal, but always scale it back. Instagram can make everyone look like they're training and eating a particular way all the time, but that's not real life. You've also got factor in rest too - something I learned when I was injured before the marathon this and afterwards when I had no motivation. Those were the signs to give my body a break.

What you lift is individual to you. Think about working within your effort and what feels challenging. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. That's what's great about lifting - you're still doing the exact same movements as someone else, even if the kgs are more or less, and there's camaraderie and someone cheering you on when you're thinking, 'I can't do that last rep'.

Body confidence for me is not even thinking about my shape or size

I'm athletic and I do get a lot of comments telling me I'm muscly. I remember three years ago when I first started posting on Instagram someone told me 'perhaps you shouldn't post lots of videos of you lifting heavy stuff because it's quite off-putting for some people'. I did consider whether I should conform - but that lasted about a week.

It didn't feel like me and I believe authenticity is so important. I'm training and fuelling my body to be its best, and whatever that looks like is cool by me.

Now you've got to know Laura's weight lifting journey, find out how she challenged preconceptions again about what a runner should look like.

Headshot of Lauren Clark
Lauren Clark

Lauren is a lifestyle journalist with digital and magazine experience. Find her covering all aspects of wellness - from fitness, nutrition and mental health, to beauty and travel. Morning HIIT, a lunchtime oat latte and evenings ensconced in a hyaluronic acid-infused sheet mask are her own personal feel-good pillars.