Debating about putting your name into a marathon ballot? Or, considering tackling a distance you’ve never done before? Take it from runner and fitness expert, Francesca Menato, every race is a learning curve, and sometimes the most important lesson is to be kinder to yourself

1. 26.2 miles is FAR

Having run the London Marathon twice before, I knew just how far 26.2 was going to be. I'd been caught out before, I thought I knew how long it was. I’d done it before, I’d done 20 miles in training, what was another six? Let me tell you, another six is enough. Oh, and don’t forget that point two – it adds more than you’d expect.

Long story short, never underestimate the distance.

2. You can’t predict the weather

No one can have missed the fact that the London was boasting some seriously hot temperatures on Sunday.

The 2018 Virgin Money London Marathon was the hottest on record at 23.2 degrees at its peak. Changing your goals to cope with the heat can be tricky, letting your core temperature rise so much you have to pull out is much worse.

Ordinarily your long runs in training will be slower than race pace, mine were considerably faster.

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3. Auntie Flo doesn’t care if you’ve got a marathon to run

There is a difference of opinion over how much impact having your period can have on your athletic performance. Like most things, it appears to be quite personal.

Last year – as someone who’s always on the borderline with my iron levels – coming on the night before the race was far from ideal. I felt seriously low on energy.

That's why on my second time around, knowing I was due on Sunday (again!) I started supplementing my iron.

Dr. Channa Jayasena, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Reproductive Endocrinology says: “We know that women can experience profound changes in mood and general wellbeing around the time of menstruation. It is highly probably hormones play a central role in this, but this area is unfortunately under-studied. Some women may choose to take the pill to artificially control their cycle, but this may not suit everyone.”

4. Sleep is everything

I’ve ran enough half marathons by now that they don’t scare me into insomnia. The pressure and excitement of the biggest race in the UK’s calendar? Now that was something I'm never able to overcome.

While you can’t control nerves you can try certain techniques to help limit their effects.

I put a 9:30pm curfew in place for myself for the whole week leading up to the big day. I certainly didn't stick to it every night but 6 days of decent sleep definitely helped me wake up less knackered.

5. Question your tech

Sadly the chances of your running watch being bang on when another 40,000 people are all using GPS (and that’s not counting the thousands of spectators) are pretty slim. That said, training is the time to test out your kit and make sure everything is working correctly.

Think your fitness watch is out? Chances are you haven’t updated it or connected it to your phone recently enough. Get syncing!

6. Pace, pace, pace

Speaking of watches… Most running watches will offer you various pacing options, like seeing your overall pace and your lap time. This is pretty essential when you’re weaving in and around lots of runners. You’ll struggle to maintain the same steady pace when you’re competing for road space with all the costume heroes.

Garmin watches have functions like this built in, but if you have the apple watch you can download apps like ISmoothRun.

7. You need equal parts positivity and realism

Last year I was nothing short of over-confident. I tried to take just shy of one minute per mile off every mile. As far as a good mental attitude can take you, it can't supplement training.

I fell well short of my target and was pretty devastated.

Fast forward a year and I had got more than a minute slower in my training cycle due to a three month battle with tendonitis. I was coming to the start line without a time goal, and without enough training.

What I lost in pace I made up for in mental gains. Walking a few miles doesn't make your medal any less impressive.

8. Change the goal posts if you need to

Even if it's not the hottest marathon ever, you don't know what you're going to feel like on race day. If you're struggling before you've even reached the halfway mark, you're going to have to adjust your expectations.

The London Marathon is a very special day and if you're able to put time pressures to one side and take in the atmosphere, you won't regret it.

Take your headphones out and soak up the kindness of strangers. (Warning: at peak exhaustion this kindness will probably make you cry, but that's ok.)

9. It really is a mental game

I’ve spoken to short distance runners and ultra runners and often the answer to, ‘what’s the hardest race?’ is the same: The marathon.

During no other distance are you relentlessly running, on (mostly) flat road. This has a myriad of effects on your body. I’ll come to that shortly. It’s also extremely testing on your mind. As Steve Magness put it for Runner’s World: “The marathon is about riding the line between focus, boredom and an almost trance-like-state”.

In no other situation have I felt like I’m in constant conversation with my body. It is through this conversation that you convince yourself to run when your body is screaming at you to stop.

My body and I had a real chat at mile 25 but by mile 26 it was giving me the silent treatment.

10. Strength training isn’t just for booty goals

Despite my rocky training cycle, I made sure to spend some time in the gym working on my imbalances.

Single leg movements (i.e. unilateral training) is essential and core strength will be what makes all the difference to anyone who struggles with back pain.

While I wouldn’t call the ride ‘smooth’ my troubles came from heat and some serious time on legs. If you’re planning to run a marathon, you can not avoid the gym.

11. You need to understand your form

Another thing that came with the experience of a year of learning and training – running better. It sounds simple but shortening my stride and lifting my knees more ensured I stopped those aches and pains setting in on the course.

If you tend to get knee pain after longer distances you may not be lifting it enough, which means you’re using your quad more than your glute. Knowing this, when I got a twinge, I could alter my form and keep running.

12. You can stop blisters

In my first marathon I got blisters at mile six and again at mile 13. Of all the pains, this was the one I was the most worried would return.

That’s why I got advice from one of the top podiatrists in the country: Micropore surgical tape and Vaseline. Life saving.

13. If you’re going to commit to 4 months of training, commit to recovery

Running a marathon is an investment: Of time, energy and unfortunately a bit of money. Yes, running’s free and that’s why people love it. That said, if you get injured or tight muscles that restrict training, all your work will be for nothing.

On my second time running in the event, I was working with the brilliant Becs at Balanced Osteopathy. She was the person to tell me – just as I was ready to give up and defer my place – we haven't tried everything, we'll get you to that start ine.

I couldn't have done it without her. It's amazing how well we can get to know our own bodies but sometimes it's worth turning to the professionals.

14. Also sports massage…

Another expense, yes, but when it’s the difference between injury, pain and missing the marathon and a few pounds, most runners would hand over their bank card.

15. It’s meant to be fun

It is possible to enjoy the training and race day. In fact, that’s what you should be aiming for. Whenever people talk about marathon training, it’s often in hushed tones. You must train.

That is most certainly true, however, it doesn’t have to mean you stop enjoying yourself for four months.

Adidas run coach James Poole explains it well: “If you have to spend half the year giving up everything you enjoy, you need to get a new hobby.”

For my second marathon, I was part of a team of runners all doing it together. I'm also now in a London based run crew. While running solo can give you some much needed headspace, adding some friends to the gruelling training schedule makes it a lot more fun.

16. The running community is incredible

Sometimes ‘runners’ can seem intimidating or elitist. Undoubtedly there are some clubs and people who have lost perspective on whether or not ‘running is easy’, but there are a whole host of others who genuinely want to support each other.

I had supporters from the WHRC, London Brunch Club, Run Dem Crew, Rep Runners – to name a few – and it felt amazing. Nothing beats having your very own confetti canon.

17. Banners are the best

If you get a place in a marathon like London, tell your friends to make a banner. You may feel silly but come race day you’ll see them coming and actually get to the right side of the road.

When support is that important, the last thing you want is to glimpse them as you’re already almost out of earshot.

18. Crying before, during or after is totally normal

I cried during the race. The heat had got me and I had to decide whether to push on and probably hate every minute of it, or take a breather and allow myself some grace.

Thankfully I took the latter option and in that moment of total exhaustion I burst into tears.

The number of runners and supporters checking in on me was incredible. I'm welling up remembering the moment...

19. The marathon comedown is real

It's the culmination of four months of work. Work towards one single goal for that long and you can feel a little lost when you're finished.

Don't stress. Put another race in the diary – far enough away that you don't feel overwhelmed but soon enough that you have something else to work towards.

Or, sit back and enjoy some well deserved R&R.

20. You’re the only one who cares about your time

Ok so ‘runners’ will always compare times, even people who would never dream of signing up themselves will ask you. And yet, nine times out of ten, they won’t care about the answer.

“You ran 26.2 miles, that’s amazing,” tends to be the refrain.

On my second year, my official timing chip did not work. I have no time recorded for this race. Of course I timed it on my Garmin and I know how long I was running for and honestly, this year I was slower and happier than ever.

21. It’s ok to be stupidly proud of your medal.

Wear it proud, hang it up somewhere obvious, use it to get free food, put it on the ‘gram. You earned it.

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Headshot of Francesca Menato
Francesca Menato
Acting Digital Editor

Ces is the resident runner, with 3 marathons (and counting) under her belt. As acting digital editor she spends her days filling your feeds with things you want to do, try and eat… and lives in perpetual fear of running out of funny meme ideas.