When was the last time you skipped your running warm-up? If you're like a lot of people, it won't be that long ago. In fact, you might be scratching your head trying to remember the last time you did any stretches before running.

Unsurprising news flash, not warming up is not so good. From preparing your body for movement to loosening joints, increasing blood flow and lowering your risk of injury, getting your running warm-up done should be a priority.

Plus, studies in the journal Sports Medicine have concluded that warming up is important for improving flexibility and raising body temperature which, in turn, improve overall running performance.

Fortunately, if you've been skipping your warm-ups, all is not lost. Even a short running warm-up before you lace up your running shoes will be majorly beneficial. And no, you don't need any equipment!

Scroll on for exactly why you need make running warm ups a habit, the need for the pre-run 'stretches' you do to be dynamic activations, as well as two simple warm-ups to get you ready to roll.

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Is a running warm-up necessary?

Bad news for all of you skipping the pre-run prep – a warm-up is absolutely necessary and for a number of good reasons.

'Warm-up exercises warm up the body and loosen the joints before a workout begins. The warm-up can also be a time to get in the right headspace and prepare the mind for the training session to come. By doing this, the body and mind are connected for a successful workout,' says David Wiener, a training specialist at AI-based fitness app Freeletics

'Before a run, it is important the warm-up exercises you choose are specific to running and mimic running movements, working and preparing the muscles you will be using. This can also help you to avoid injuries or strains while you are running,' he advises.

What are the benefits of running warm-ups?

  • Lowers your risk of injury and stress strains
  • Prepares and loosens your joints ahead of strain
  • Extra time to get in the right headspace for the run
  • Increases blood flow to muscles before exercise

'Warming up before a run lowers the risk of injury and can boost performance. A lot of people may skip a warm-up due to lack of time or energy, but starting your run without proper preparation can quickly be something you’ll come to regret, says Wiener.

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How long should a warm-up be before a run?

We all have different responsibilities and different schedules. However, if you're adding in time to get out for a run, it's best to make sure you get at least a short running warm-up in, too.

'In an ideal world, a warm-up should range from around five to fifteen minutes in order to get your muscles effectively ready for your workout. If you don’t have time to spend, a quick, dynamic warm-up is advised to prepare the main muscle groups you will be using,' says Wiener.

What's better: doing a dynamic warm-up or doing stretches before a run?

Dynamic stretches (stretches you do in motion) mimic the movements you're about to do in your workout and prepare your body accordingly. Static stretches (stretches you hold in stillness) are best done when your body and muscles are already warmed up.

Before a run, when you'll be moving your body in motion, a dynamic warm-up is always the best bet. It'll help loosen you up and prepare your muscles for the run to come.

Is there anyone who should never skip a warm-up?

Absolutely not, says Wiener. In fact, he advises everyone from beginner to pro to make sure they're warming up properly.

'You should never skip a warm-up,' he says. 'Whether you are new to running, a seasoned runner, even someone who does marathons or regularly runs long distances, warming up is important, and it should not be overlooked.'

'If you are prone to injury, or recovering from a training setback, warming up is especially important as it improves blood flow to your muscles, making them less likely to rip, tear or twist during your workout.'

If you absolutely can't fit in one of these activations, make sure you take your first km super easy.

6-move bodyweight running warm-up

This quick running warm-up by Freeletics training specialist David Wiener is perfect if you're short on time. Run through each exercise and then get out there!

Jumping jacks

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Do: 50 reps

  1. Jump your feet out to a wide stance, bringing fingertips to touch overhead.
  2. Jump back to standing with arms by your side. Repeat.

Reverse lunges

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Do: 25 reps per leg

  1. Keeping your back straight, engage your core muscles and place your hands on your hips to stay balanced.
  2. Take a big step backwards with your right foot and bend your knee until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Allow your back heel to lift, but don’t let the knee touch the floor.
  3. Step back to the starting position, then repeat on the opposite leg.

In-Out squat

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Do: 20 reps

  1. Standing with your feet together, jump out into a deep lunge making sure to keep your upper body upright and your knees tracking over your toes.
  2. Jump back to standing and then immediately jump back into a deep squat. Repeat.


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Do: 10 reps

  1. Bend your knees and put your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Jump both feet behind you, bending your elbows to get into a push-up position.
  3. Quickly reverse the motion, then jump straight up and raise your hands overhead. That's one rep.


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Do: 10 reps

  1. Lie on your front with your arms outstretched and hands on the floor.
  2. Lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor, hold for 2-3 secs, then lower your body back down to the floor.

6. Glute bridge

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Do: 10 reps

  1. Lie on your back on a mat, with your knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
  2. On an exhale, squeeze your glutes and push your heels into the floor to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Pause for a moment at the top before slowly lowering back down (first shoulders, then lower back, then bum) to the mat. That’s one rep.

Follow-along running warm-up with Nike run coach Becs Gentry

preview for Becs Gentry Runs You Through Her Favourite Running Warm Ups

Do each move for 30 seconds and increase your speed as you progress, maintaining good form throughout.

Leg swings

  1. Make sure one foot is planted firmly on the ground.
  2. Now, put the opposite hand on your hip. Swing your foot back and forwards, making sure to engage your core and fire up your glutes.


  1. Choose a short, straight path.
  2. Now, making your stride as big as you can, practice five or so wide-legged strides in each direction. Turn around and repeat.

High knees

  1. Stand in one spot and hold your palms at your waist, facing the floor.
  2. Now, keeping your arms tight and alternating legs, bring your knees as close to your belly button as possible, tapping your palm lightly with each move.

Soft skips

  1. Again, choose a short, straight path.
  2. Stride three times and on the fourth stride, bring your leg up into a high knee jump. Return to floor and repeat.

Instant go skips

  1. Start hopping on one leg and balancing on one foot.
  2. Now, bring the other leg out in front of you. Kick the heel of your foot forwards and then sweep your leg back in a pulling motion. Repeat on the opposite side.

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Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.