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10 best glute stretches to soothe sore, aching bum muscles

Because glute DOMs are no joke.

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Glute stretches (combined with lower back stretches) should be a regular part of your routine if you've been smashing out lower-body workouts and exercises for a bigger butt. Likewise, if you're dedicated to gym workouts and learning how to squat properly or perfect your deadlift variations technique, you should be stretching your glutes regularly. No matter what you do, a cool down is key for recovery, and, basically, you gotta stretch.

So, if you're not sure where to start and your aching bum muscles are flashing amber signals, here's everything you need to know about glute stretches and our 10 favourite routines to relax and release sore glutes, before and after a workout.

What muscles make up the glutes?

Your glutes are one of the largest muscle groups in your body and are made up of:

  • Gluteus maximum
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus

'The shape of your bum is created by the maximus and works when you rotate your legs, thrust your hips and raise your thigh to the side. The medius and minimus work in tandem to assist your maximus in raising your leg,' explains award-winning osteopath, Anisha Joshi. 'They also help to rotate your thigh inwards when your hips are bent and outwards when your leg is straight.'

Why are glute stretches so important?

We're all #guilty of skipping stretching when life gets busy. But, sadly, it's really not worth skimping on if you want to stay well and healthy, smashing PBs and making fitness gains. The glutes – one of the largest muscles in the body – require stretching regularly because they do so much for us, Joshi explains.

'You use your glutes all the time, they support your body when standing, maintain balance and help to push you off the ground, so when your glutes are strengthened through stretching, this will positively impact all movement you do.'

So, should you stretch your glutes?

Yes, yes and yes. As Brett Starkowitz, master trainer and education lead at Ten Health & Fitness, explains, sore, tight glutes can have a knock-on effect on the rest of the body. 'In order to maintain normal body mechanics, flexibility and mobility of the glutes are needed through glute stretches,' he says. For example, not stretching your glutes could result in problems elsewhere, like tight hamstrings.

What are the symptoms of tight glutes?

'Inhibited glutes can result in the hamstrings becoming overactive, leading to lower back pain, Iliotibial Band Syndrome and patella-femoral pain (runner's knee),' Starkowitz adds. Yikes.

What are the benefits of doing glute stretches?

  • Reduced tension and discomfort of pain in lower back, pelvis, knees, hamstrings
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved mobility and range of motion
  • Relieve sore glutes

How often should you do glute stretches?

This is a bit of a 'how long is a piece of string' type of question. The regularity with which you can do glute stretches will depend on your schedule and your body. There are some general guidelines to use, though, that can keep you getting stretchy regularly:

'Glute stretches can be done daily but 3-4 times a week is also sufficient,' advises Joshi. 'You can do glute stretches as part of your warm-up before working out, to encourage blood flow to these muscles and help to prepare them for activity. Similarly, it’s key to stretch glutes after working out to prevent stiff muscles and aid flexibility. It’s also good to stretch your glutes after long periods of sitting to receive muscle tightness.'

Remember though, stretching won't be the full story – regular strength training exercises will keep your mobility on form, too. 'By stretching the glutes you are maintaining full hip mobility but I would also recommend regular strengthening, for example, squats and bridging exercises,' says Katie Knapton, founder of Physio Fast Online.

How do you know if your glutes are tight or injured?

Look out for pain that radiates elsewhere, Starkowitz says. 'Gluteal injury often presents as lumbar spine tightness or is mistaken as sciatic nerve tightness,' he explains. 'People with injured glutes usually experience ache in the side or the back of their hips and have a feeling of being restricted when bending forward.

If this is the case, we suggest you consult a specialist, rather than trying your luck with the stretches below. On the other had, if it's simply a sore butt getting you down after a big squat day or a long run, here are some stretches, routines and flows that will help ease the ache.

Ready, steady, stretch!

10 glute stretches to relieve sore glutes, before and after a workout


Figure 4 and Pigeon glute stretch variations

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Whether you've got a yoga mat handy or just a chair, mobility and recovery expert Lindsay Sudell is here to guide you through four common glute stretch variations. You'll run through the seated and standing versions of the popular 'Figure 4' stretch, as well as brush up on your seated pigeon variations.


Dynamic Pigeon glute stretch

If you prefer to move while you stretch then a dynamic pigeon might be more up your street. Pick whichever level feels suitable for you and try to make it a regular thing – you'll be moving up to the harder progressions before you know it.

Coaching tip: avoid arching your back and keep your eyeline forward.


Elevated glute stretch

Learn how to perfect your elevated pigeon with PT Calum Watson. An exercise that gets right into those painful bum muscles, this glute stretch is simple to do and brilliant for a speedy release.

Remember: scale this exercise to where your range of motion is – if that means working with a smaller box or bench, that's all good. Just make it work for you.

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Lower body and glute stretch routine

If your glutes are aching, it's likely your legs are too. This is because a lot of lower body exercises are 'compound exercises': this means they work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Think squat variations, deadlifts and lunges – all of which recruit lots of different muscles when performed properly. Stretch your glutes, hamstrings, quads and back with this lower-body focused stretch routine.


Pregnancy sitting glute stretch

Being pregnant means any stretches that involved lying on your back – or for that matter, your front – are out. So how do ease those weary glutes? With a chair and this video, of course.


Speedy glute stretch routine

If you've only got 15 minutes, get around this short 14-minute glute stretch routine. It'll help you release, relax and make glute stretches a regular part of your routine. Job done.

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Guided seated glute stretch

Learn from physio Michelle Kenway about how to properly perform seated glute stretches. She'll guide you through the correct timings and breathing to make sure you get the most out of your stretch sesh.


Hip and glute stretch routine

Hip mobility and range of motion is another mega-important part of keeping your lower body exercises smooth and strain-free. Follow coach Brian Klepacki as he takes you through a hip and glute stretch routine.


Legs, hips and glute stretch routine

This 20-minute stretch from PT Sydney Cummings is ideal for a full lower body release. You'll increase blood flow to sore muscles (this will help with repair and recovery) as well as learn some new form tips along the way. Hop to it!

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Glute stretches for glute strain

Doctor Jo, YouTube's resident physical therapist, takes you through a full stretch routine for glute strain. You'll start on the mat before making your way to standing and really getting into the glute. Prepare to feel amazing.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.

Headshot of Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London. 

Bridie Wilkins
Fitness Director

Bridie is Fitness Director at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).

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