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Active Recovery: 11 Best Ways to Spend Your 'Down Days'

Doing less for more results? Yes please.

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Hanging out on the couch the day after an intense workout may seem like the best way to give your muscles some time to recover, but you might be surprised to learn that your body will actually bounce back better if you keep it moving by opting to engage in an active recovery activity instead.

But, what is active recovery, exactly?

It involves participating in lower-intensity exercise to rebuild and restore your muscle strength for future training sessions. The lower intensity movement causes blood flow that carries oxygen and other nutrients to assist in muscle repair and prevent fatigue.

'It's akin to a "staycation". You're still 'in-town' but seeing the sights in a new and relaxed way,' says Andia Winslow, CPT and founder of The Fit Cycle. 'It'll ensure less soreness/stiffness and enhanced performance when returning to regularly programmed workouts.'

When should you do active recovery sessions?

You should typically plan an active recovery activity in between your tougher training sessions. 'For example, if your workouts were on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday would be active recovery,' Winslow says. 'Thursday and Friday would be workouts again, and passive recovery (doing absolutely nothing) would fall on the weekend in this example.

According to Winslow, dedicating whole days to active recovery will benefit your bod most. Scroll on for the best 11 to pick from as well as the benefits of getting them in!


Flexibility Training

Side View Of Young Woman Doing Yoga On Floor
Scarlet Rodríguez / EyeEm//Getty Images

Using your active recovery days to work on becoming more flexible will not only help you work through any soreness or stiffness you feel from your more intense workouts, but it'll also help you increase your range of motion, avoid muscle imbalances that can lead to injury, help you relax, and improve your posture, according to the ACE.

The best way to improve your flexibility is through active (holding moves for 1-2 seconds instead of 30 seconds or so) or dynamic stretching.

Here are moves you can do at home. Or, you could sign up for an active stretching class at your gym or a studio dedicated to flexibility training, which seem to be popping up *everywhere* as of late. Keep in eye out!



young woman enjoying yoga class
Tom Werner//Getty Images

Whether it's hot or not, yoga is one of the best activities to do on your active recovery days because it combines flexibility training with low-intensity, total-body strength training, allowing you to keep blood flowing from head to toe without overtaxing your system. It's also relaxing and stress-relieving, so you really can't go wrong with rolling out your mat.

RELATED: 15 Best Yoga Mats to Get Your Om On



Portrait of 46-year-old female small business owner
Yoshiyoshi Hirokawa//Getty Images

Like yoga, Pilates is an excellent workout to do on active recovery days because it involves both stretching and low-intensity strength exercises.

It'll keep your blood pumping without revving your heart rate while also allowing you to work on your flexibility and mobility too.

RELATED: You Can Do These Pilates Workouts at Home

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Woman walking the dog
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As Winslow noted, taking your #1 pup out for some fresh air (or just yourself) totally counts as an active recovery activity—you don't even have to put on leggings (though, why TBH, why would you not want to?)

RELATED: How to Lose Weight Walking 30 Mins a Day



Young confident woman running on a treadmill
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Going for a nice, easy jog (sometimes referred to by runners as a "shake out") will get your blood pumping—and oxygen flowing to all your muscles in order to aide with their recovery.

The key here, though, is to keep your pace conversational, as in, you should be able to talk easily the entire time. Save the sprints and hill drills for your next hard workout.



Focused athlete exercising on rowing machine in crossfit gym
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Going a few meters on a rowing machine can really rev your heart rate—god knows plenty of trainers like adding them to their circuits for this reason.

But when performed at a steady state (i.e. a 4 or 5 out of 10 in terms of effort), rowing is a really great active recover activity for similar reasons to jogging.

This is especially true if you add it after an intense lower-body workout, as it'll give you a chance to get your legs a rest while strengthening your upper body and improving your endurance.

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Young woman riding a bike in a park
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Like jogging, brisk walking, and rowing, riding a bike—stationary or otherwise—can be a low-impact, low-intensity form of exercise that allows you to work on your muscle endurance, get in some steady-state cardio, and give your body a break in between harder training sessions.

Just be sure to maintain a leisurely to moderate pace—no tapping it back, okay?



View from directly above a paraplegic woman training in a pool for competitive swimming.
Trevor Williams//Getty Images

Getting in the water isn't just good for your circulation, it's a light form of resistance training that's easy on your joints too. Try one of these swimming workouts as an active recovery activity at a low intensity pace.

RELATED: 13 Surprising Benefits of Swimming to Inspire Pool Workouts


Water Aerobics

water aerobics, women's health uk
Photographer:Patrice Lucenet

Don't know how to swim or just aren't a big fan of the backstroke? Why not give water aerobics a try.

The water serves a a form of light-resistance training, its buoyancy makes it a low impact form of cardio-strength training. Arm floaties are, of course, optional.

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Female hiker hiking across wooden footbridge, cropped view of legs and hiking boots
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Hitting the trails is an opportunity to decompressing, soak up some fresh air, and give your muscles a chance to recover while still keeping them engaged. Think of it as a moving meditation.


Rock Climbing

Athlete examining rock wall in gym
John Fedele//Getty Images

Like Winslow said, finding fun things to do with your down time is a great way to spend an active recovery day, and heading to your nearest climbing wall to scale a vertical obstacle course definitely counts!


5 Benefits of Active Recovery

Cardio training at the gym
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1. Reduced inflammation and soreness for enhanced performance. 'Soreness after workouts is due to the fact that the body, once at rest, is now under stress,' says Winslow. 'The body’s movement during active recovery causes blood flow that carries oxygen and other nutrients to assist in muscle repair and the reduction of inflammation.'

2. Promotes overall well-being and relieves stress. Foam rolling can also count as active recovery. These active tools can ultimately relieve muscle and stress, even if you experience some discomfort at first.

3. Reduces muscle fatigue. Doing just 20 minutes of post-exercise active recovery working the same muscles you just trained is more effective at fatigue reduction than passive recovery, according to a study published by the Public Library of Science.

4. Helps prevent injury and improves endurance for optimal performance. That's according to a small study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research compared the effects of active and passive recovery on female and male subjects after performing sprint intervals.

5. Reduces discomfort from delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). If you’re getting started or returning back to a fitness routine, chances are you’ll experience stiffness or pain at some point, but active recovery can help.

'Delayed muscle soreness, or DOMS, is normal two days after vigorous exercise,' says Winslow. 'But active recovery and stretching will help alleviate the temporary discomfort. Returning to sedentary lifestyle will not.'

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From: Women's Health US
Headshot of Jasmine Gomez
Jasmine Gomez
Commerce Editor

Jasmine Gomez is the Commerce Editor at Women’s Health, where she cover the best product recommendations across beauty, health, lifestyle, fitness, and more. When she's not shopping for a living, she enjoys karaoke and dining out more than she cares to admit. Follow her @JazzeGomez.  

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