What do Binky Felstead, David Gandy and Mollie King all have in common besides the fact they're Brit-celebs? That they've been trained by Tyrone Brennand, aka Instagram's @bethefittest, of course.

From doing virtual live workouts with Binky on Instagram to training thousands of people during lockdown, Brennand's just getting started. A celebrity and personal trainer he's also the recent author of Be The Fittest: Your ultimate 12-week guide to training smart, eating clever and learning to listen to your body, £4.99, amazon.co.uk.

Responsible for some of the incredible fitness journeys we see the stars we love go through, we asked Brennand to break down his top tips for success. Scroll on for the seven things he wants us to stop doing in pursuit of our fitness and body composition goals.

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1. HIIT-ing it too hard

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is designed to be done in short, sharp bursts.

A classic HIIT workout mixes up periods of work and rest. During the work periods, you're really working and then when the beeper or timer goes, you rest and try to bring your heart rate back down. They're sweaty, challenging and brilliant to build muscular endurance or lose body fat.

However, there is a downside to too much HIIT. All exercise is stress on your body. Fact. Due to its high-intensity nature, HIIT is particularly stressful and when HIIT workouts become too long or are done too frequently you can reap some unwanted negative effects, such as increased levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).

'When you do HIIT properly you don’t need to train for a full hour,' says Brennand. 'Anything from 30 to 45 minutes of HIIT is more than enough because it’s such high intensity. Doing anymore if it is too much for the body and you may find the next day you can’t train or perform as well.'

So, get in there, work bloomin' hard for an appropriate amount of time and get out again. Capice? This exclusive-to-WH four week HIIT plan is brilliant to get you going.

preview for Cardio and Core Workout | WH 4-Week Home HIIT Plan

2. Not mixing things up

As with everything in life, variety really is the spice of it. Doubling down on one style of workout and rinse-repeating can only work for so long before it starts to get, er, well dull. Not only that, but the more you do one type of workout, the more your body gets used to the demands you're placing on it and (frustratingly) becomes more adept at using less energy to do the same thing. Much like the tech in your life, your body is constantly updating and becoming more efficient.

The key to losing weight well is through progressive overload – constantly asking something different and more challenging of your fitness. For example, if this week you did a 20 minute HIIT workout, next week aim for 25 minutes. Perhaps a couple of weeks after that, you go for 30 minutes. It's about not letting your body get too efficient and not working as hard.

Brennand suggests a healthy mix of weekly workouts – not just HIIT or cardio training and not just strength training, either.

'I always recommend having a variety of different styles of training. While HIIT is one of them, I also like to do workouts with weights and different types of cardio,' he says. 'It's important you programme your workouts correctly so you can get the maximum output for each session, rather than just banging out HIIT or weighted workouts over and over.'

3. Skipping recovery days

So, you've got a goal and you're going hell for leather after it. We love that. What we don't love is unsustainable habits like skipping rest days or pushing your body further than it needs or wants to go.

Recovery is so important to allow your body to heal, repair and grow from the work you've done and also get you ready for the work you're going to put into your upcoming sessions.

'You have to remember that when you exercise you’re putting your body under stress. And when you put your body under too much stress – whether it’s stress from working out or from working out and normal life – you need to make sure you're recovering too,' Brennand advises. 'Recovery is as important as the workout itself and different styles of workouts have different recovery timelines.'

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'You might say, I’m only going to have one rest day this week but, if you can feel your body needs to rest and your nervous system isn’t feeling the way it should be, you might need to take one active rest day and one proper rest day.'

'So, yes, while you can set out a plan it doesn't always go the way that you want. It's about being versatile.'

7 signs you need to take a rest day

There are some signs you need to take a rest day, but we really do hope you'll sweat smart and make sure you have dedicated downtime scheduled in before they crop up.

  • Finding it hard to wake up
  • Irritability
  • Low motivation
  • Lack of concentration
  • Higher stress levels than usual
  • Having a hard time falling and staying asleep
  • Sustaining injuries - even a niggle

4. Not listening to your body

Not taking enough recovery leads us nicely onto Brennand's fourth bug bear: Not listening to your body or learning from your workouts.

'Try and understand how your body is feeling. You want to be sensitive to the body and what it’s going through,' he says. Not only that but try to learn about the way your body responds to each type of workout you do. This awareness will help to build awareness of where you could push harder or pull back next time.

'Really try and look back at each session and think about how you’re going to make the next one better. When you do that you can really start learning about your body.'

One way to do this is by keeping track of how heavy you're lifting or how many reps of a certain exercise you're able to perform in a workout. By tracking progression, you're more likely to keep progressing, rather than mindlessly going through each workout without much awareness of what you're doing or if you're getting any better.

You could also do a fitness test (aka a fit test) to see how much fitter, stronger, or faster you're getting throughout the year.

5. Doing things you don't find fun

A solid workout routine is all well and good, but, if you're not gleaning much joy from it, you might be heading for a motivation slump faster than you think.

'If you take things too seriously and you don’t find any fun in it, it becomes so much harder,' Brennand explains.

'So try and have fun with it. On your active recovery days or at the end of your sessions, do something you find enjoyable because once the fun factor gets away from you, you’re going to find it tough. And when it gets tough, you’re less likely to stick with it. Consistency really is key.'

6. Counting every single gram

Counting calories is not something Brenannd is interested in, not least because he says it can lead to an unhealthy or preoccupied relationship with food.

'I like to be specific but I don’t like my clients to count every single gram because it can become obsessive. It’s a fine line between being happy with the way that you look and becoming mentally unhealthy,' he explains. 'If you start counting calories and think you need to do this every single day, it can become quite demanding.'

'For me, one of my key things is that you don’t need to take out any food group. You need to have a balance in order to be able to train correctly, especially if you're in a calorie deficit.'

Brennand suggests nixing the processed foods and focusing on keeping a balanced plate before and after training. His go-to pre-brekkie meal? A slice of brown or wholemeal toast with a poached egg or two and a half an avocado. Yum.

7. Going too hard for too long

Your body can only take so much strain and that goes for your nervous system as well as your muscular tissue. There's an upper limit to what you're able to sustain mentally and physically and pushing beyond that for too long can have serious repercussions.

'For example, staying in a calorie deficit the entire year is unfeasible,' Brennand says. And, if you feel you're at the edge of burnout, pull back a little bit.

'Take a little break – whether it’s a week or two weeks. Try not to do anything you’ve been doing for the past several weeks and try to do something fun. Whether it’s playing a sport or doing something different. Whatever it is just have some fun.'

Having more fun? We can defo get on board with that.

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Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.