On the hunt for a thorough Fiit review? WH's resident fit-tech junkie has you covered. Kirsti Buick replaced her regular routine with the workout app for a full week. Here's everything you need to know about Fiit, Fiit TV and the Fiit Club, plus a full Fiit review.

You've heard of hybrid working? I've adopted a similar approach in my fitness routine. The bright lights of my go-to HIIT class have lost their appeal for me somewhat, even after The Great Unlocking. And, of course, I bought all those horribly overpriced dumbbells and a fresh new yoga mat...

So my hybrid working (out) has been my new go-to, with about 60% of my sessions taking place on my living room floor (seriously, those dumbbells were very pricey). Of course, it's not easy keeping all those home workouts keep things interesting. Enter: Fiit.

I'd dabbled in the app before and really enjoyed it, plus many of the recent Fiit reviews I'd seen were pretty impressive. Armed with nothing more than a yoga mat and a set of dumbbells, I committed to a full week of workouts done exclusively with the app.

But, before we get into my thoughts, here’s everything you need to know about Fiit.

Everything you need to know about Fiit

What is Fiit?

Fiit is a subscription-based workout app that brings the boutique studio experience (and vibes) to where ever you choose to workout. Got a smart TV? Connect your phone to see the workouts on the big screen, or if you so wish, prop your phone up at the gym to take your class.

In each session, one or two trainers – including the likes of Gede Foster, Adrienne Herbert, Laura Hoggins and Gabby Allen – will guide you through either a 25 or 40-minute workout, performing each and every rep along with you. In classes that feature two trainers, one of them will perform regressed moves for beginners or those who battle with injuries.

You may also spot some famous faces. Fearne Cotton, who previously was named as an ambassador uses the app, as do the ex-MIC women. Plus, there's a bunch of celeb trainers in the video library too.

There are three different ‘studios’ on offer: strength, cardio and rebalance (think yoga, Pilates, mobility and breathwork).

You can pick and choose whatever class you fancy on the day, or you can commit to one of their plug-and-play training programmes, which are organised in categories according to goals like lose weight, build muscle, mind & body and even post-pregnancy fitness.

For the data and tracking lovers, Fiit also offers a progress-tracking element. If you’ve got the Fiit Tracker chest strap, an Apple Watch, a Fitbit or similar (there are a few more on the list), you’ll be able to connect your heart rate to the fitness app to see just how hard you’re working on the app in real-time.

Fiit has devised an algorithm to measure your effort according to your HR and stats like weight, height and age to award you with Fiit points – check back in regularly with your scores to see your fitness gains.

Fitbit Charge 5
fitbit Fitbit Charge 5
£150 at FitBit
Apple Watch SE (GPS, 44mm)
Apple Watch SE (GPS, 44mm)
Fitbit Versa 3
Fitbit Versa 3
Garmin Venu
Garmin Venu

Is the Fiit app free?

For the first two weeks, yes. There's a 14-day free trial on the app – so you can get a taste of things before forking out. From there on in, you can opt to pay £10 a month for a yearly membership (£120 paid in a yearly lump sum) or £20 if you’d prefer to go month-to-month.

If you’re keen to track your stats and don’t want to fork out for a fitness tracker, you can buy Fiit’s own HR chest strap for a one-off price of £45. If you’re not into the numbers, no worries, the strap isn't a prerequisite for using the app.

Is Fiit available on Android and iOS?

Yes, both iPhone and Android users will be able to find Fiit in their relative app stores.

Can I get the Fiit app on my TV?

You can indeed. In fact, Fiit recently launched what they call 'the world’s-first interactive TV fitness app' on Sky Q, Amazon Fire TV, and Samsung Smart TV in the UK.

According to Fiit, the new feature allows members to 'level up their workouts – previously only visible by connecting the phone to the TV – by enabling access to their choice of fitness tracker, members will see their live stats appear on screen as they workout.'

In other words? No need to connect your phone to your TV to see Fiit points, rep count, heart-rate zone, and the number of calories burned. Neat.

What is Fiit Club?

In a nutshell, Fiit Club lets you compete with other users in real-time, if you have a Fiit compatible tracker. You can sign on via a schedule in the app that tells you when the next Fiit Club class is set to take place and what it entails – it's usually a cardio or strength-cardio mix.

The class ‘lobby’ opens 10 minutes before the sweating is scheduled to begin, and you’ll be able to see other members of the class on a leaderboard. Once you get going, you’ll vie for position on that leaderboard through Fiit’s effort algorithm, not straight-up calorie burn.

Is Fiit good for beginners?

You bet. The sheer variety available on the app makes it easy to find a class suited to every level of fitness.

While many of the classes are pretty fast-paced, beginners shouldn't be deterred. You're able to set your fitness level – entry-level, beginner, intermediate or advanced – when you join the app, which can be changed later on. Best part? many of the plans can be adapted to suit your level before you get sweating.

Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Now 15% Off

Who are the Fiit trainers?

Fiit features an impressive line-up of PTs and instructors to guide you through your workouts. UK users will see some familiar local faces, but with app's recent expansion into the US, there are some new ones on the roster too.

Fiit's trainers include the likes of:

My Fiit review: what happened when I used Fiit for a week

I like to start the week as I mean to go on, workout-wise – so when I logged on on Monday morning (synced to my smart TV without too much trouble), I was ready to get sweaty.

Being a commitment-phobe, and the fact that I was keen to sample as many of Fiit’s options as possible, I didn’t sign onto a plan for my week of workouts. A quick scroll through the app and I discovered Rush #5 with Gede and Adrienne. The 40-minute class promised explosive moves to get my heart rate up, sold. No ginormous weights, no treadmills, no studio strobe lights – how hard could it be?

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Not 10 minutes in, I was eating my words... and then sweating them out. The workout featured the likes of half burpees, plank thrusters and side kicks at a relentless pace (I soon understood why the class was called Rush). But Gede and Adrienne’s banter – breathless in parts – kept me pushing on. Somehow, the idea that they were finding this workout tough too, that we were in this together, was enough to prevent me from collapsing into a sweaty puddle on my Lululemon yoga mat.

My Fiit device (a chest strap I wore under my sports bra) tracked a 338 calorie burn in the class, which is about what I usually manage in my go-to treadmill HIIT class.

On Tuesday morning, I was ready for some strength but short on time. So, a 20-minute class with Laura (aka Biceps), Blaze #3 made the cut. If you’re new to strength training, I highly recommend Laura’s classes – she’s constantly pointing out little tricks and tips on good form that really upped the ante on certain moves. It was second only to having Biceps in your living room. The class was short and sweet but still yielded an upper body burn. 186 cal? I’ll take it.

By Wednesday, the DOMs had set in – so I decided mobility was the order of the day. A scroll through the Rebalance studio turned up a 40-minute mobility flow with the Strength Temple’s Richie Norton, which release tension in my super-tight hips, shoulders and back. Richie’s calm was incredible – it felt more like a bit of self-care than it did a workout. As someone who rarely takes the time to stretch (I’m the one making the mad dash for the showers post-class), it felt good to dial down the intensity.

Come Thursday, I was ready to level up with my first Fiit club class: Elevate #2, a 25-minute strength-meets-cardio session with Gede and Lawrence Price. Again, their banter helped me push through the seemingly endless pyramids. But it was seeing my name climb the leaderboard that made me push on and had me squeezing in as many reps as I could as they counted down the final seconds to rest on each move. 6th place had my name all over it.

After a rest day on Friday, Saturday saw me take on the final Fiit class of my experiment. In what had become my new routine, I pushed back the couch, laid out my mat and synced my phone up to the TV for Remix #7 with Chessie King and Lawrence, another Fiit Club class – I wanted up that leaderboard. 26 minutes later, I’d done it. 371 kcal. 160 average bpm. 2nd place. *Bows*

Fiit review: the final verdict

Let's get down to brass tax: is Fiit good? In a word, yes.

The programming of all the classes I tried was well-thought-out and efficient, sandwiched between a decent warm-up and cool-down. The set is swish without being distracting, the trainers are engaging and encouraging. Their tips on form and how best to execute each move, coupled with seeing the trainers themselves perform every rep with you is invaluable. For someone who is intimidated by the gym, or just isn’t sure where to start, Fiit is a great starting point.

But what sets Fiit apart, in my highly competitive opinion, is the gamification element of Fiit Club. Clawing your way up that leaderboard is possibly one of the most motivating things you can experience in tough classes.

The only downside, of course, is the cost. If you're not on board with committing for a full year's subscription, £20 per month is pretty steep. Especially so if you consider that other top-rated fitness apps like Sweat or Tone and Sculpt come in at under £15.

However, the sheer variety of the app really can't be overstated – and if you like to follow along with your PTs in real-time (rather than flicking through gifs of each move), Fiit is the obvious choice. And hey: there's a solid 14-day free trial if you're on the fence.

That said – anyone up for the 7 am tomorrow morning? You’re going to have to fight me for first place.

Get a taste of what it feels like to train with Laura Biceps in this strength session

Headshot of Kirsti Buick
Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.