Sophie Austin felt like she lost her 'glow' following the birth of her daughter Willow, in 2016. The Hollyoaks actress, 35, lost her body confidence, which made her anxiety worse, leaving her feeling unsure if she’d ever get fit again. Until she and her partner, Coronation Street actor Shayne Ward, turned to embarked mission to take control of their health.

I was in a pretty bad place, in March last year, when I knew I had to make a change. It was a picture of myself at an event that spurred me on. I just looked really sad and lost and I said to my fiancé, Shayne, ‘That’s not me, I’ve lost my glow.’ It wasn’t so much the weight, it was the [lack of] confidence that really got to me – I didn’t recognise myself.

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On top of that, my energy levels were all over the place, I wasn't sleeping well, and my posture was terrible. I just didn’t feel comfortable in myself.

Before my daughter Willow was born, I did lots of long-distance running, but I was never fuelling my body properly. I was very restrictive with calories, so my relationship with fitness was not very positive.

So maybe that’s why, during my pregnancy, I went the other way. It was eating anything and everything – until I realised that what I was feeding myself, I was feeding Willow too. I’m surprised she didn’t turn into a McDonald’s burger!

I’ve always loved cooking and I got really into it when Willow was born. When she started eating solid food I was making healthy, balanced meals for her, but for some reason, I wasn’t taking care of myself in the same way. But for some reason I just couldn’t be bothered when it came to me. Shayne has to travel for work quite a lot, so sometimes it’s just me and Willow, and I’d just have a sandwich and a packet of crisps or biscuits. All that sugar would give me massive energy highs and lows, and serious mood swings.

It was only in March 2019 when I saw that photo, and I knew I needed to make a change.

Shayne and I went to U.P Fitness in Cheshire together the first time. I expected it to be really intimidating, but they were just amazing, the whole atmosphere in there was just really calm. The trainers were just kind of like ‘No pressure, let’s just see how you get on’. James Stewart, who trained me, was just as focused on my mental state as he was my physical.

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Shayne and I started training with him 3 times a week, usually for 45 minutes to an hour. They were strength-focused sessions, in which we’d do exercises like cable rows, lat pulldowns, and barbell hip thrusts. On our ‘off’ days, we were encouraged to hit 10 000 steps. The fact that we were doing it together was the best part – Shayne is my biggest supporter.

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Before long, I started really looking forward to our sessions and the buzz I got afterwards. Not long after I started, Jimmy handed me a weight that seemed far too heavy. ‘I was like, no way, I can’t lift this,’ and Jimmy just laughed and said, ‘You’re going to lift this – you’ve been lifting this weight for two weeks already.’

There was also an eating plan we were advised to follow, which was based on lean meats, plenty of vegetables, healthy fats and some low-GI carbs.

Here’s a sample of what I’d have in a day:

  • Breakfast: Smoked salmon, 1 or 2 whole eggs and greens
  • Lunch: Tuna or prawn, avocado and salad
  • Dinner: Fatty fish or lean meat, brown rice and green veg
  • Snacks: Fruit

Before I knew it, I was carrying myself better, sleeping better, my energy was through the roof and I saw a major improvement in my mental health – but more on that later. From March to July, I’d lost nearly 2 stone.

And then I hit my bump in the road. In July 2019, I started getting a stabbing pain near my breastbone. It was 5 or 6 hours of continuous pain, and it happened about 4 times over the course of one month. Eventually, the doctors figured out it was my gallbladder, and I needed to have it removed. It was a routine operation and everything went well – or so we thought.

About a week after I was discharged, I was out in the garden with Shayne and it was boiling hot, but I was freezing, wandering around in a tracksuit.

‘You’re burning up’, he told me. He immediately knew something wasn’t right. He put me to bed and called my mum. When she arrived Shayne, bless him, was panicking. My mum pulled the covers back and my hands and legs were blue. I remember telling her, ‘Mum, I’m going to lose my legs,’ and she was rubbing them going, ‘No, no, you’re going to be OK’.

It was my little sister, who is a midwife, who recognised the symptoms of sepsis. So I was rushed back to hospital again – it was a long, scary week, but I was out of it for most of the time. The staff at Macclesfield hospital were just brilliant.

When I got out, I was looking forward to getting back to exercise, but Jimmy wanted me to take at least a month off. ‘I just need you to eat good food and build your strength back up,’ he said. I remember messaging him and him and saying, ‘Oh my god, I’ve lost all my muscle’ and he was like, ‘No you haven’t – it’s there and it’s looking after you.’

My first session back was frustrating – I couldn’t lift even half the weight I was lifting. But Jimmy was great. He kept reminding me of what I’d been through and to be kinder to myself. Shayne was really good too – he’d come to every session with me and as soon as he saw me getting slightly tired he’d be like, ‘Right, that’s enough. Let’s go get a coffee.’

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It took me about three months to build myself back up again, going really, really slowly. Now, I’m the strongest I’ve ever been, even after everything my body has been through in the past year.

I still check in every so often with Jimmy, but I’m training on my own now, usually about three times a week. Mostly I do weight training, sometimes a class, or yoga, or swimming. It’s my me-time.

I’ve always suffered from anxiety. It probably started from the work that I do. It’s a very insecure job a lot of the time and you’re putting yourself forward for a lot of things and it can be quite scary. So much is out of your control. I’d had a few panic attacks – people don’t realise it’s actually a physical thing. Your heart rate goes up and you can’t breathe and you feel like you’re dying.

I’ve found fitness has helped so much with that. It’s basically like meditation. It’s one of the only times in the day that I’m completely in the moment. It’s just counting weights, counting reps. I find it so relaxing.

It’s also helped me work towards healing my relationship with food, and I’ve realised how important that is now that I’m the mum of a little girl. I don’t want Willow to ever grow up thinking ‘I can’t have this, I can’t have that’. I just want her to eat everything and have a healthy relationship.

I want her to have a positive mindset about her body too. I know it’s hard in this day and age, but I don’t want her to ever feel like her body is a topic of conversation. I just want her to think this is my body, and it’s great.

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Headshot of Kirsti Buick
Kirsti Buick

Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.