It's a truth universally acknowledged that giving your body some January-love is a pretty good idea. Indeed, according to research, more than half of people's New Year's resolutions tend to be health-related. But, more specifically, one survey found that alongside exercise and ahead of eating more healthily, losing fat as part of a body transformation was on most people's minds.

It's great to get into habits that will make you feel good - and getting fit and overhauling your nutrition is a great start. Having a goal, like getting strong and lean, can also give you focus and motivation to keep going - particularly if you've calculated that there's an optimum fat percentage zone you'd like to reach.

sweat and reset

But at WH we cover the options for sustainable results - you know, the kind that are the opposite of the new year, new you quick-fix promises and short-lived progress that'll have you back to square one by February. Transforming your body in the long-term takes time and dedication - but training shouldn't be so arduous that your workouts are no longer fun.

You can have the best of both. We asked two PTs - Laura Hoggins and Lawrence Price - who star in our 10-week Sweat & Reset training plan with fitness platform Fiit - how you can achieve the right balance of enjoying exercise and still achieving positive change.

Women's Health has teamed up with Fiit to bring you a 10-week training plan. Build a stronger, leaner body - get the full details on Sweat & Reset.

From the importance of recovery and nutrition, to why following a plan and allowing yourself enough time are key, read their tips for completing a successful body transformation...

Do give yourself time

Because expecting long-lasting fat loss to happen in a fortnight just ain't gonna happen. And you will have ups and downs.

'The most important thing is to allow yourself the time to hit these goals,' says Laura. 'Take one day at a time, and remember that there will be points where it might feel tough.

'This is when you need to prioritise your recovery, sleep, good nutrition and hydration, then you will come back stronger. Ask yourself "how I am feeling?" versus "what I have set myself on my plan to do today?" to see if you've got the balance right.

Shoulder, Clothing, Arm, Blue, Standing, Blond, Joint, Abdomen, Electric blue, Neck,
Laura Hoggins is a trainer for Fiit (@laurabiceps)

'You can make a huge impact on your fitness in just 10 weeks, with a mix of strength and cardio conditioning. I have no doubt you will fall in love with the feeling of movement. Don’t rush, especially while doing resistance exercises, where it's quality over quantity, and I'd recommend keeping a journal about how you feel you are progressing.'

Do give yourself space

If you're training at home - rather than a gym - make sure you carve out a space to exercise. 'This is not only popular due to its hugely convenient nature, but also thanks to the fact that this is your own personal space for you to smash your training goals in without interruption from others,' suggests Lawrence.

'So set aside some space - it really doesn't have to be much - get your equipment out, grab your drink, pop on your favourite tunes and let rip. My favourite way to enjoy a gritty home workout is to grab a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells and get dynamic while grounding myself with some earthy bodyweight moves.'

Don't forget recovery

Progress won't be made without adequate rest. 'Recovery is best achieved through some gentle movement at about 50 to 60 per cent maximum effort followed by some light mobility drills to articulate joints for joint health and to lengthen tight muscles,' explains Lawrence.

'This is because you want to encourage your body to filter out the debris - such as lactic acid, carbon dioxide, metabolites - left from intense exercise but without creating any more. For example, lactic acid may settle in the muscles during moderate to high intensity exercises, and assisting the lymphatic system to remove this via gentle movement or even massage, but not creating any more through high intensity movement, is key.'

preview for 11 Mobility Exercises for Strength Training From Nike Master Trainer Joslyn Thompson Rule

Laura adds that going on a long walk on rest days is ideal to encourage blood flow and

Do eat properly

You need to fuel your body properly to give it your all during training. 'The best nutrition is always balanced across all macronutrient groups with plenty of micronutrients included within the serving - as they say "eat the rainbow" with plenty of colour from a wide variety of veg on your plate,' notes Lawrence.

'Portion size and calorie intake will depend on the individuals' demands in accordance to their body composition and training intensity levels. Training is demanding on the body and refuelling after exercise is all part of the process. It's an enjoyable time to sit down, grab some food and let the satisfaction and endorphins post-workout wash over you!'

Don't compare yourself in mirror

It can be tempting during a training plan to become transfixed on the physical changes you're hoping to make - but it can be counter-productive. 'My top tip for starting out on any training plan is to focus on the fitness - like performing the exercises themselves well - and trying to avoid the trap of daily aesthetic comparisons in the mirror,' recommends Lawrence.

T-shirt, Clothing, Sleeve, Camouflage, Military camouflage, Neck, Jersey, Top, Sportswear, Pattern,
Lawrence Price is a trainer for Fiit (@fafitsake)

'Yes we all want change to occur - and it will steadily come as you proceed through the plan. But the fun will be taken out of the process if you're continually judging the progress being made. Simply trust the process and let the magic happen by focusing on the movements themselves, how much weight you're lifting, how you're creating such amazing healthy habits that will have a positive impact on your fitness health not just now but in the months and years to come. Take it session by session, rep by rep and enjoy overcoming each new challenge as they present themselves.'

Don't let technique slip

Form is crucial - and not getting injured will allow you to see your plan to the very end. 'Technique is king. Without it nothing else can follow,' says Lawrence.

'Intensity cannot occur safely if form is not already established - your body must always earn the right to progress so take your time nailing down the fundamentals. Can you squat your body weight with great form? If so, then you are ready to slowly load up the movement - while maintaining the same quality technique. The same applies to all the other movements.'

Do follow a plan

Having your workouts laid out for you will help you train consistently. 'Motivation will come and go - it's an emotion so you can't rely on it for every single workout. Some workouts you'll be motivated for, and others you won't,' notes Lawrence.

'Therefore, it's time to practice some self management, if motivation is waning, by implementing some structure and being accountable to it. This is really half the power of training plans (alongside the actual training content). If you start a plan and stick to it you will make progress. Fact.

'So trust the process and during those unmotivated days remember - "don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now". Meaning, when its time to train but you're not in the mood and the sofa looks far more appealing remember that what you want most is change - and the results you're after only occurs through action.'

Your Body Transformation Plan Kit
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RENPHO Bluetooth Body Fat Scale with Smartphone App
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GOODMOVE Marks & Spencer Printed Strappy-back sports bra

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Puma Feel It cropped t-shirt
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South Beach geod print yoga mat

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Need a plan?

You're in the right place. Our 10-week 'Sweat & Reset' training plan with Fiit will get you back into a consistent exercise routine this year that'll secure you sustainable results lasting not just January, but February and beyond.

Not following the Sweat & Reset plan? Sign up to Fiit premium today (to access the 10-week training plan) and you'll get 14 days free. It's then from £10 a month.

    • 4 classes a week
    • 25 and 40 minute workouts (all levels)
    • Cardio, strength and mobility training
    • Bodyweight and dumbbell classes
    • Stat tracking to monitor your progress
    • Access to Facebook community
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You shouldn't stop treating yourself simply because Christmas is over - book into one of these wellness retreats taking place in 2020.

Headshot of Lauren Clark
Lauren Clark

Lauren is a lifestyle journalist with digital and magazine experience. Find her covering all aspects of wellness - from fitness, nutrition and mental health, to beauty and travel. Morning HIIT, a lunchtime oat latte and evenings ensconced in a hyaluronic acid-infused sheet mask are her own personal feel-good pillars.