Charlotte Harper, 27, a communications support manager from London, hated exercise, and avidly avoided most sports.

That was, of course, until she found Crossfit—a sport that changed her life, body, and mental health, too.

Keep reading.

How Crossfit changed my life

My old habits

Growing up, I completely lacked knowledge about nutrition. In sixth form, I would eat whatever I fancied – takeaway lunches and endless frappuccinos.

Then, in my late teens, I met my now—husband, and we slipped into a sedentary lifestyle. It’s easy when you’re with someone – you stay in, order pizza and share a tub of ice cream.

My dress size kept increasing, but I was in denial. I’d see pictures of myself and think, ‘That’s just a bad angle.’ When I could no longer fit into Topshop clothes, I began shopping elsewhere, telling myself it was for ‘skinny people’.

But when clothes from other shops didn’t fit either, I couldn’t avoid the truth any longer.

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What I changed

I’d always hated even the idea of exercising, so I began by walking the two miles to work and back each day. I joined Slimming World (and started cooking some Slimming World recipes) and found the community aspect of it hugely supportive.

As the fat slowly dropped off, I plucked up the courage to join a gym as a beginner, and then consulted a PT. My confidence grew and grew and I started running to the gym four times a week.

In addition to the personal training sessions, I tried out new classes and found I actually did enjoy exercising – even cardio. Then, after about six months, I started marathon training to give myself a fitness goal to focus on.

My fitness now

I’m a lot wiser about nutrition now and feel confident about making my own healthy food choices.

I’ve maintained my weight for two years, focusing less on the scales and more on how my clothes fit.

Plus, I ran my first marathon last year and I’ve become addicted to CrossFit; it’s really fuelled my passion for exercise and I train five or six times a week.

I started out on this fitness journey to change myself aesthetically, but now my goals are based around nailing moves I thought I’d never be able to do, like handstand press-ups.

All this from the girl who once hated exercise!

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Alice Head
Nutrition & Health Contributor

Ally is a contributing food journalist with over four years digital experience, plus a freelance food stylist, having worked backstage at many a BBC Good Food Show. Her career highlight? Winning Rude Health’s porridge championships two years in a row.