You might be surprised to learn that skipping every day is something that's not new to my life. In fact, when lockdown first struck many moons ago, skipping was the thing that kept me (somewhat) sane – just one of the many, many benefits of skipping. Grabbing my rope and heading for the park each morning set my day off on the right foot. Not to mention my cardiovascular ability improved no end.

However, 18 months into the pandemic and my skipping habit has somewhat... slipped. As in, my trusty £4 Amazon skipping rope has sat gathering dust for well over a year. Not the best. So, when faced with the challenge of skipping every day for two weeks, I jumped at the chance.

What type of workout is skipping?

'Skipping is a great high-intensity cardiovascular activity,' explains PT and GP Dr Folusha Oluwajana. 'It improves cardiorespiratory fitness and health – benefits that can transfer over to over activities such as running and cycling.'

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What are the benefits of skipping?

  • Improves muscular endurance and stamina
  • Improves balance, coordination and agility
  • Lower impact than running
  • Increases bone density
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to travel with
  • Can be done anywhere
  • Burns energy efficiently

'As a high-intensity form of exercise, it burns a lot of energy in a short amount of time making it a great tool if you want to lose body fat,' says Dr Oluwajana. 'Skipping also uses most of the muscles in your body and can help improve muscular endurance, agility, balance and coordination. It has less impact on your joints than running but is still weight-bearing and promotes strong bones.'

'It’s cheap and convenient, all you need is skipping rope and yourself. Finally, it’s fun! It can be challenging but rewarding, and the endorphins rush will definitely lift your mood.'

Farabi Skipping Rope Black
Farabi Sports Farabi Skipping Rope Black
Now 25% Off
£3 at Amazon
Farabi Skipping Rope Jump Pink
Farabi Sports Farabi Skipping Rope Jump Pink
Arovina Tangle-Free Skipping Rope
Arovina Tangle-Free Skipping Rope
Sportout Adjustable Skipping Rope
Sportout Adjustable Skipping Rope

7 things I learned skipping every day

So, skipping rope in hand, I set off on my adventure. The beginning was humbling, to put it lightly. But, by day two, I was back it, skipping without slapping my calves. By day three I had shaken off the embarrassment of skipping in public and went hell for leather.

Two weeks later and I can skip for 30 minutes, no problem. However, it's not the most exciting form of cardio to slog away at. Instead, I've been mixing it up. Some days I did interval skipping – going HAM for 40 seconds with 20 seconds rest, others I skipped solidly for 10 minutes at the end of my gym workout. My favourite skipping workout was going between rounds of skipping and rounds of resistance training exercises.

A firm fitness tracker enthusiast, the biggest surprise was how much fun I was having without checking my Apple watch. In fact, on the mornings I woke up and did my skipping first thing, I often did it sans wrist fodder. Unheard of!

Here are seven things I learned skipping every day for two weeks.

1. It's great for beginners

We've all seen those expert skippers – on Instagram or repping it out in the park. It's almost as if they started skipping in the womb. Intimidating, much?

Fortunately, skipping isn't a type of exercise reserved for the athletically gifted. Beginners can get involved too – the key is to stick with it. That's where the progress comes from.

'If you’re a beginner, try including some skipping a few times a week for 5 minutes and build up slowly,' advises Dr Oluwajana. 'Get a quality skipping rope and make sure the size is correct for your height. Then, focus on good form to start with and try not to get disheartened easily by mistakes – if you stick with it you will see progress.'

How to make skipping easier

'Keep things simple and easy by skipping for shorter periods, using a slow pace and simple footwork, jumping on two feet,' says Dr Oluwajana.

How to make skipping more difficult

Here are PT-approved ways to make your skip sesh harder. Try them separately or throw a few together – speed crossovers, anyone?

  • Increase the speed and duration for which you skip, to increase the intensity.
  • You can start introducing new footwork patterns such as jogging or running on the spot, the boxer step, side steps or shuffles.
  • Learn some tricks, like double unders and crossovers.
  • You can even use a weighted skipping rope to increase the challenge.
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2. There are simple ways to improve technique

The thing about working out without a trainer present is how many bad form habits we can adopt without meaning to. Fortunately, there are some basic tekkers we can all incorporate to make skipping as easy a pastime as possible.

‘I would always advise getting a basic two-feet jump technique perfected first before you even think about progressing onto harder jumps,' advises PT and owner of MADE fitness, Penny Weston. 'It’s great for beginners and just requires you to stand with your feet slightly apart and jump over the rope, landing in the same position.'

'Another basic jump is the switching foot jump which requires alternate feet to leave the ground as if you’re jogging. This is a good one for changing the intensity because you can speed up or slow down your pace and bring the knees up or down to make it easier or harder. To begin with, keep bounces low off the ground and bounce in one place, so you’ve basically just jumping high enough for the rope to pass under your feet.'

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Trying different footwork styles.

Three expert tips to make sure you're skipping right

  • Stay on the balls of your feet with your knees slightly bent.
  • Have your elbows back with your hands into your body next to your hips.
  • Make sure you’re rotating your wrists and not leading the rotation with your arms.
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Skipping in the gym – completed.

3. It's easy to make your own workout

The number one thing that made this such a fun challenge (way more fun than doing burpees every day, in my humble opinion) was how much I could vary my skipping workout. Adding into circuit training sessions, doing it with a friend, going HAM with HIIT skipping, the world really felt like my oyster. Dr Oluwajana has some easily actionable ways to spice up your skipping rope sesh.

Make it a HIIT workout

'You could alternate between short intense work intervals and longer recovery periods. This may involve skipping intensely for a short period, for example, 30 seconds work followed by resting for 60 seconds.'

Switch up the intensity

'Or perhaps you could vary the speeds without complete stopping during the recovery, but skipping at a slower pace instead.'

Create a circuit

'You can also add in other movements to create a circuit. Skipping followed by some bodyweight exercises, such as squats, push-ups and lunges, can make a challenging full-body circuit challenging your strength and endurance.'

skipping everyday
My trusty skipping spectator!

4. It improves your muscular endurance and stamina

Skipping doesn't build muscle, for that you need to focus on resistance training and strength training. What it does do is increase the amount of time your muscles are able to work for until they reach the point of fatigue – this is known as muscular endurance.

Dr Oluwajana breaks it down a little more. 'Skipping is a full-body workout, challenges your heart and lungs and various muscles such as your wrist muscles, core, glute, quads and calves. It develops muscular endurance and stamina, but it doesn’t build muscle. However, it can help you achieve and maintain a toned, lean physique as it is a high energy burning activity.'

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Jumping in one place in the morning always seemed much more difficult than in the afternoon... 🤔

5. You'll see progress fairly quickly

I felt better after only three days of skipping, granted I wasn't starting as a total beginner, it has to be said. Largely, I felt as if I was rediscovering my skipping skills. As progress goes that's lightning quick. For comparison, it took me three months to master press-ups on my toes.

'Patience and consistency are key in order to see results – both with skills and physical fitness. On average, you can expect to witness the first improvements in stamina and fitness after the first couple of weeks,' says Gymbox trainer Margherita Agazzi.

'When it comes to skills, it’s very individual, but the first smaller achievements – such as confidence with “feeling” how the rope moves and a better understanding of the pace needed – can be noticed already after the first week of consistent training.'

skipping everyday

6. It's exceptionally easy to travel with

I spent the first week of this test away from home, which funnily enough made me wax even more lyrical about the ease of skipping. Packing in a small over-the-shoulder gym bag, my skipping rope proved the simplest thing to pack – if push came to shove, I could have just popped it in my pocket.

So, with my ankle weights, resistance bands and skipping rope safely stowed, my skipping routine could continue unbroken. How's that for "easy to travel with".

7. Tricks aren't essential but can help to keep it fun

'It’s not necessary to learn impressive skills to get your heart rate up and burn calories, simple bounces over the rope can be a real workout,' says skipping influencer Lauren Flymen (aka @laurenjumps), who recently launched a new skipping HIIT workout programme on fitness app TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT.

'That said, by incorporating more tricks, you will incorporate your whole body and engage your core and arm muscles more. It also makes the workout more enjoyable. For me, I forget it’s even a workout and really look forward to my sessions which makes it a great choice of exercise for anyone who struggles to hold down a new fitness routine.'

'Incorporating and learning tricks keeps it fresh and means that every workout will feel like a new workout.'

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The verdict

Two weeks later, I'm not a professional skipper. Shock. What I am, though, is someone who can skip for longer with better form and smash out 30 minutes of skipping intervals. I've also fallen back in love with one of the most versatile, affordable ways to stay mega fit, at home or away.

I think the most important thing (the trick to keeping me coming back every day and now want to make skipping a regular habit) is to not let the failures, and there are so many, be anything other than micro-disturbances.

Before, if I couldn't skip solidly or kept catching my ankles I would huff and puff and usually swear. Now, it happens and doesn't bother me at all. I just re-set and start again. Unsurprisingly, this approach meant I improved more quickly and with a much happier outlook. An allegory for life, perhaps.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.