Hands up who's intimidated by CrossFit? You're not alone. CrossFit can be seen as inaccessible to exercise newbies thanks to its hardcore nature and competitive group training sessions. But it doesn't have to be that way - it is what you make of it.

Each workout can be just as fun as it is tough, while there are tons of CrossFit workouts for beginners and plenty of health benefits of CrossFit, and you don't necessarily have to go to a box to train (that's CrossFit lingo for gym, BTW) if you'd rather do your own thang. Whatever you do, we know that getting started can seem overwhelming, so you've come to the right place.

YouTuber and former athlete Keltie O'Connor - the woman who's taken on Rebel Wilson and Pamela Reif's diet and exercise regimes, and completed a 100 day running challenge (which has now grown into an impressive 200+ streak), decided to take on a 30-day CrossFit challenge, to find out everything she can about this particular style of training for anyone intrigued.

Over the 30-day period, she committed to two CrossFit-style workouts per week with her PT, and focused her own WODs on running and calisthenics training - both aspects of training that are typically included in a group CrossFit class. WOD = a CrossFit term that stands for 'workout of the day', and calisthenics = a form of strength training that uses your bodyweight for resistance and is often performed rhythmically.

Once her 30-day challenge was up, O'Connor attempted her very first group CrossFit class, putting everything she had learnt to the test.

Whether you're a CrossFit beginner, have dabbled with a WOD or two in your time, or are a CrossFit pro looking for some more tips, here's everything O'Connor wants you to know, plus her results.

1.Good form is essential

    Despite being a fitness fanatic and no stranger to weightlifting, O'Connor admitted to not having picked up a heavy weight for two years, so 'my confidence was at zero and my form and mobility was rusty,' she says. Faced with two choices: allow discouragement to take over and give up, or take this as an opportunity to work towards regaining strength and weightlifting form, O'Connor strapped on her lifting belt and got to work. Kudos.

    Before jumping straight into a CrossFit box, O'Connor's PT advised she spent the first day testing herself on the nine foundational CrossFit movements:

    • Air squat
    • Front squat
    • Overhead press
    • Push press
    • Push jerk
    • Deadlift
    • Sumo deadlift
    • High pull
    • Medicine ball clean

    Verdict? 'I've been humbled,' says O'Connor, 'The reality is that my foundational form isn't where it should be, so I need to start from the beginning.' And so her 30-day training course began.

    The lesson here? Form is queen. Diving headfirst into CrossFit without any awareness of basic form cues for the exercises that a typical CrossFit workout will involve is likely to wind up in injury, which will only put you back to square one.

    Check out our exercise library for technique tips on various exercises.

    2. Have patience with progress

    A week into her CrossFit intro course, O'Connor was getting back into her weightlifting groove, but feeling the pressure to progress as quickly as possible. 'It seems frustrating at first to have to go through all of this training, but if a gym throws you to the wolves with no mandatory induction programme on how to properly lift – do not go to that gym!' she says. Damn. Right.

    Throwing yourself back into weight training after a long hiatus is never easy, and O'Connor began to feel this at the start of week two. 'On day one, I was so motivated and I wanted to feel powerful and it was a really fun feeling. Now, I'm midway through the week and I'm like "Why am I doing this?" I have another workout tomorrow and every part of me wants to cancel,' she says.

    But no matter how much O'Connor wants to give up, she doesn't. It might seem like a waste of time to go back to basics if you're not a complete beginner, but know that without a solid foundation of technique and form, there's only so far you can go. Building up from the very bottom is what will help you achieve bigger goals (or to simply do CrossFit for longer, without any injuries).

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    3. Make realistic goals with a feasible routine

    What's one of the most important aspects of exercising and progress? Yep, rest. Halfway through the challenge, O'Connor embraced her body's need for some R&R and took some time out to 'rest and recover' A.K.A jet across Canada, America, and Europe whilst partying. Honestly, live your best life, girl.

    She didn't stick to the exact same routine of two workouts per week, but she did, however, still manage to squeeze in a few training sessions around catching flights and socialising. Teaming this with very little sleep and poor nutrition (both of which she had on lock before heading off travelling) left her running on empty.

    Powering through, O'Connor manages to get a sesh in on her New York trip. Here, she completed AMRAP (as many reps as possible) and EMOM (every minute on the minute) circuits, and some cardio and strength routines - an example of the kind of thing she did in prep for her first CrossFit class.

    Circuit 1: EMOM for 7 minutes

    Circuit 2: cardio x 4

    • 250m air skier
    • Treadmill runs on incline 10

    Circuit 3

    • 1 minute dead hangs

    After two weeks of pushing her mind and body to the limit, something broke. 'I want to be transparent with you guys...I'm hating this CrossFit training programme. Right now, my heart is not in it. It's a reminder that these intense workouts are awesome, but you have to put up boundaries,' she says. Use a lack of enjoyment as your signal to slow down. As we always say, fitness should be fun, so if you start dreading your CrossFit workouts, take that as your sign to let up a little.

    Looking back on her progress, O'Connor realised that her original plan for this challenge and what it really turned out to be were very different. 'I planned that I'd be doing these intense group classes by day 5 and that by day 30 I'd have a new, jacked physique. It's funny the kinds of unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves,' she says. Too true.

      4. Listen to your body and adapt your routine accordingly

      Reporting from Ottawa jet lagged and burnt out, O'Connor decided that if she was going to make it through the training course and into that first CrossFit box, then she was going to have to make some serious changes. 'This is the first time in so long that I felt like my body was failing me. I can push through soreness, and even slight injuries, but this is the first time I felt broken,' she says.

      Resolved to get to day 30, O'Connor revised her training approach and set some ground rules for the sake of her health, both physical and mental.

      1. Focus on mobility and stretching
      2. Warm-up properly
      3. Stick to a meal schedule
      4. Use a Theragun (seriously, we can back this one up. Check out our edit of the best massage guns)
      5. Use the sauna – self care > anything
      6. Sleep

      Although CrossFit can be modified so that it's not quite as intense as some might think, it's still naturally more vigorous than other styles of training, so it's even more important that you take things down a notch if you feel your body start to struggle. Your sleep quality, appetite and mood are all good indicators - if any seem out of whack, take a step back.

      5. Results take time

      With week four looming, O'Connor says she 'was determined to feel motivated and excited.' Mind over matter, right?

      After three weeks of unrealistic expectations, not giving herself enough time to progress, and sacrificing sleep, food, and rest, week four brought a change, and O'Connor finally started to feel a difference in both her physical strength and mindset. 'In the last week, it clicked,' O'Connor says, 'I started learning snatches and I could see how I could start making progress. Once I established a routine, my motivation was there and I made more progress in one week than I did in three.' It just goes to show that making time and putting in the work really does pay off.

      Of course, everyone's lifestyle is different and not all allow the time nor resources to put 100% into a super intense training programme. 'Exercise is so personal and some people can manage 1-2 workouts a week, whereas others have the capacity to workout twice a day,' explains O'Connor.

      So, if you're thinking about taking on a challenge like this, bear in mind that O'Connor has the capacity to focus on perfecting her diet, getting 8 hours of sleep a night, as well as access to personal trainers.

      Final thoughts

      At the end of her 30-day CrossFit challenge, O'Connor got her first taste of a group CrossFit class.

      'I did my first full class. I was nervous, excited, and wondered if I was really ready and prepared for it,' says O'Connor. Her main achievement? Being able to keep up. 'You have to celebrate little victories. I was excited that I could step into a group class and feel confident that my form was there, and at least I know where I need to improve.'

      Physical transformations aren't really O'Connor's bag. Instead, she likes to focus on improving her form and performance, but she did see some physical changes after a month of workouts. Here are her after pics.

      This is an image

      If there's one thing to take away from O'Connor's learnings it's that we all have to start somewhere. 'Don't feel guilty if your squat form isn't perfect, it takes time and practice and consistency to create progress.' Word.

      Bridie Wilkins
      Fitness Director

      Bridie is Fitness Director at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).