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  • What are Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots?
  • How do Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots work?
  • How to use Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots
  • How much are Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots?
  • How are Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots different to massage guns?
  • Do Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots work?
  • My final thoughts on Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots

When I initially planned my Therabody review on the new RecoveryAir JetBoots, I had it in my head that I’d need a few months (at least) to feel the effects and give an honest account. But – and I never thought I’d be saying this – I honestly noticed a difference after the first use, so it's hardly surprising that many a celeb, including Jen An (see exhibit A below) are fans. Here's some background on the pair that I tried.

therabody review
Jennifer Aniston shared a photo wearing her compression boots on Insta.

You’ve probably heard of Therabody thanks to their Theragun massage gun – it launched in 2016 but went big time in the earlier days of the pandemic, when everyone started paying more attention to their health and recovery (a study in 2020 showed that 62% of people in the UK now put their health first in day-to-day decision making).

It became the superior massage gun on the scene – read the reviews on any of Amazon’s massage guns and basically everyone pits them against a Theragun – while mainstream gyms like David Lloyd now have them as a mainstay on gym floors.

Fast forward to 2020 and the brand changed its name to Therabody, to allow them to venture into other recovery tools.

Cue the RecoveryAir JetBoots. Much like the Theragun changed the massage gun game, the RecoveryAir JetBoots are doing the same for compression boots. So began my Recovery Revolution.

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Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots

RecoveryAir JetBoots
£699 at Therabody
Credit: Therabody
  • They’re meditative
  • They work passively – the only effort required is pulling ‘em on
  • They're quiet – I've used different compression boots before that sounded like an aeroplane was taking off
  • You can choose different time settings, or go without any fixed time and choose 'continuous', then switch off whenever you're done
  • You can track your ‘recovery’ stats via the app – this is categorised into weekly and monthly, and lists how many sessions you've racked up, the average minutes on each session, average pressure, and total recovery time
  • The boots come in small, medium and large sizes, so the compression will be neither too tight nor loose for you
  • They’re heavy – although they’re definitely more compact than most (they come in a small suitcase-style bag), they can feel heavy to put on and off when you’re recovering from a monster leg sesh
  • The price – not cheap, but an investment worth making
  • They only target your legs – not an oversight on Therabody’s part since they’re only meant for your legs, but the brand does an older compression boot model that includes your lower back area, which I, personally, would love to experience
Cycle time60 second flush (from inflation to deflation – 2-3x the speed of competitors)
Adjustable pressure range25-100mmHg
Battery life240 minutes
Time settings20 minutes, 40 minutes, 60 minutes or continuous

What are Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots?

In layman’s terms, they’re a top-notch pair of compression boots. Like, next level. What sets them apart from most on the market is the integrated pneumatic compression system – a fancy way of saying ‘mechanical massage’, and I can concur that a massage is exactly what it feels like – almost better, with several pairs of hands all over your legs at once. Bliss.

The boots also use exclusive new 'FastFlush' technology, with the boots inflating and deflating within 60 seconds (two-three times faster than the average pair), which means a faster recovery time for your legs, and they're entirely wireless.

How do Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots work?

Using internal ‘chambers’ that fill with air and inflate, your legs are compressed (from your ankles up to your thighs) and blood circulation temporarily shut off, then, when the boots deflate, new, oxygen-rich blood rushes through and saturates your muscles with all the nutrients they need to deter soreness after a sweat sesh.

I spoke to Therabody founder and chief wellness officer (great job title) Dr Jason Wersland, who described the process like a ‘vacuum’ – ‘It causes your arteries and muscles to flex, before they’re treated to a flood of fresh blood.’

So satisfying it hurts. It doesn’t literally hurt, though, don't worry – quite the opposite. The methodical tightening and loosening of air pressure is more than comfortable, even on max pressure.

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How to use Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots

You pull them on like a pair of thigh-high boots while lying down (the tech unit that controls air flow is built into the soles, so it’s probably not wise to stand on them), then secure them via a zip at the front. They might feel loose at first, but you’ll be surprised how tight they become once the chambers get going.

Each boot has a built-in control where you can turn them on, choose the time setting and level of pressure you’re after (more on these in a min). You can also control them using the Therabody app that connects to your boots via bluetooth. That's literally it - as I've mentioned, they're completely wireless so as long as they're charged, you're good to go.

I’ll come on to my verdict further down, but here’s what Therabody claims the RecoveryAir JetBoots do.


  • Boost blood circulation
  • Reduce muscle soreness
  • Decrease swelling and stiffness
  • Relieve muscle fatigue

How much are Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots?

The boots retail for £699.

Now, we’re well aware this is quite a few bob to part with and, the reality is, these boots are certainly out of reach for a lot of people. But, if you're a devoted exercise fan, spend big on your health and recovery and you do have this level of disposable income in your bank, well, they’re a lifelong investment.

I think of it this way: you’re basically buying a daily massage that, if you wanted, could, theoretically, last for 240 minutes at one time.

Real talk, though – while I’m a believer that you can’t put a price on health, I do have my limits. These boots would definitely be at the more expensive end of the spectrum, but I hand on heart believe they’re worth it, for the exercise lovers of the world.

Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots

RecoveryAir JetBoots
Credit: Therabody

How are Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots different to massage guns?

My boyfriend’s first question when I told him about the boots was, ‘Why not just use a massage gun?’ I reckon some of you are probably thinking the same, so let me set you straight:

  1. You don’t have to hold them – just slip them on and you can Netflix binge to your heart's content, a lot easier and more relaxing than using a handheld percussion device
  2. They cover a much bigger surface area – while massage guns only allow you to target small areas at one time, these compression boots go from the top to bottom of your legs in 60 seconds
  3. They’re meditative – call me crazy but the rise and fall of the boots and the sound of air flushing in and out literally sent me to sleep. Massage guns have their place, but meditation and sleep certainly isn’t it

Do Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots work?

My verdict

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My final thoughts on Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots

Therabody’s RecoveryAir JetBoots taught me something major: I’ve exercised regularly for so long that my recovery was under par and I knew no different. If, like me, you workout so frequently you feel like you’re used to going hard and not needing much down time, news flash: you probably do.

The first time I used these boots was after a reformer Pilates session, and while I didn’t feel like I necessarily needed a boost, I unzipped like a new woman.

My legs were so much lighter, I’d apparently been dealing with ongoing aches and stiffness that was now gone, and my workout the next day was so much easier. Using the boots has been eye-opening, to say the least. Facts only.

Bridie Wilkins
Fitness Director

Bridie is Fitness Director at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).