Women's Health are here to bring you an exclusive look at the morning routine of your favourite celebrities: this month, it’s PT Alice Liveing. Catch her cover shoot and interview in the September issue of Women’s Health, out now.

All those still in pursuit of nailing their morning routine, say aye. That’s just about everyone, then. The temptation to hit snooze typically trumps the idea of getting out of bed earlier, we know, but Alice Liveing is – ahem – living proof that making the most of an early wake-up could be worth it.

As she bags another Women’s Health cover, we caught up with the PT, nutritionist, author and bona-fide Instagram fitness star to find out exactly what she gets from a 5.30am alarm. Turns out, quite a lot…

Waking up

Alice hasn’t always been an early bird, but like most things, she’s found that she’s managed to rewire her body so that it’s used to waking up early. ‘I naturally wake up at 6am or 6.30am,’ she tells us. ‘Or if I��m teaching, I’ll get up at about 5.30am. It sounds really early, but my body has definitely got used to it.’

The secret? Don’t hit snooze. ‘I never snooze my alarm,’ she says. ‘Jumping up straight away means I’ll feel most alive.’ It makes sense – if we continue to lie in bed, our body will prepare to fall back into a slumber, whereas if we’re up and at it, it has no choice but to get things going.

Early to bed, early to rise, also applies. ‘I’m a bit of a granny and I like to go to bed early, usually at about 9.30pm,’ Alice says. ‘I aim for about 8 hours of sleep.’


One thing Alice is working on improving, is reading. ‘I’m trying to be better at taking 10 minutes to read in the morning,’ she tells us. ‘I find that if I try and read at the end of the day, I get about 3 pages in and fall asleep, so I’m trying to do that in the morning. At the moment, I’m reading American Dirt which is really good.’

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Working out

There are two camps when it comes to working out: the morning, and the evening sweaters. Alice falls firmly in the former. ‘I feel most motivated to train first thing in the morning,’ she tells us. ‘I find if I leave my exercise until later in the day, I’m way less motivated.’

As for what she does, she now combines home workouts with the gym, and they both follow a similar format. ‘I try and balance out the two as I love both,’ she says. ‘Usually, they’re resistance based and using some form of weights, or bodyweight exercises.’

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Breakfast time

Pre-workout, Alice says she’ll always have a snack, but her main meal comes afterwards. ‘I’ll usually have my main breakfast meal after exercise, at about 8am,’ she says. Her go-to? ‘Eggs on toast – sounds boring, but for me that’s the perfect breakfast. I’d have it every day if I could.’

There’s another key component to her breakfast, too. ‘I couldn’t live without my coffee,’ she adds. ‘I was recently asked what my favourite drink was, and I scrapped any form of alcohol or juice – coffee is my number one.’ Hear, hear.

Getting ready

Time is of the essence for Alice-does-it-all-Liveing, and the edict applies to getting ready, too. ‘I shower first thing in the morning. I’m in and out so that I can get on with the rest of the day – I always wonder how it can take people so long,’ she admits.

As for the products she uses, she’s a big fan of Aveeno. ‘I have sensitive skin and their range is great for that,’ she says. ‘I tend to get eczema, and it doesn’t irritate it at all.'

‘I also love Heliocare – I wear their SPF every day. It’s super affordable and has SPF50 in it. It looks really nice under makeup, too,’ she adds.

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Starting work

If not for social media, then for the pandemic and #WFH, the blurring of home-work life is one we’re all too familiar with, and Alice is no exception. ‘My work day typically starts at around 9am. I try and be rigid with the time that I start and finish, because otherwise it can get blurred, especially with social media,’ she tells us.

Sounds like she’s got prepping and prioritising down to a T, though. ‘The first thing I do is open up my emails, I love the flag button so I can see which are most important,’ she explains. ‘Then I write a to do list. I write the most important at top and least important at the bottom.’