Annie Brooks had been suffering for several years before being diagnosed with "invisible" epilepsy. Medically known as Simple, Absence and Complex Partial Seizures, her condition means she experiences seizures internally without much external visible change.

'Just because it's invisible doesn't mean it's any less traumatic than having full-blown physical epilepsy,' Annie says, speaking after a renewed period of frequent seizures. 'Internally it's an absolute nightmare and I'm left with migraines and feeling low afterwards.'

'During a complex partial seizure, you lose your sense of awareness and make random body movements, such as: smacking your lips, waving your arms around, chewing or swallowing or rubbing your hands,' the NHS explains. Absence seizures cause people to lose awareness of their surroundings (for a short period of time), often accompanied by slight jerking movements of their body or limbs. Both of these experiences will leave the person with no memory of the event.

annie brooks

Now familiar with the signs a seizure is imminent, Annie experienced epileptic episodes before her diagnosis that she couldn't explain or rationalise.

'I had a seizure during Nike's Run to the Beat in 2010 before I knew I had epilepsy. This strange feeling came over me and I had to sit down for a couple of minutes.'

This strange feeling is what's known as an 'aura', something she explains acts as a warning system that a Complex Partial or Absence seizure is about to happen.

'Just because it's invisible doesn't mean it's any less traumatic'

According to the NHS, these 'auras' (medically termed Simple Partial Seizures) can cause any number of effects including 'a "rising" feeling in your tummy – like the sensation in your stomach when on a fairground ride; a feeling that events have happened before (déjà vu); an intense feeling of fear or joy; and, stiffness or twitching in part of your body, such as an arm or hand.' A person with simple partial seizures remains awake and aware whilst this is happening.

For someone who has made fitness and staying active a cornerstone of her life, monitoring and working with her auras and seizures is something she's had to learn to juggle.

annie brooks

Noting that there's no one way to approach the fact of living with complex partial seizures, Annie decided the best way to move forward was to try and be more active – shifting the focus from what she wasn't able to control to what she could.

Now, eleven years since that experience in Greenwich park, she reflects on how her diagnosis lead her to develop new coping strategies – from fitness to incorporating proper rest.

Annie explains: 'When I was at university I didn't really look after myself: epilepsy gave me a wake-up call that I need to be looking after myself properly. So, I figured exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy.

'When I'm happier and in a better place mentally my seizures don't feel as bad and I can handle them better. If I'm not in a very positive frame of mind it can make me feel depressed and low and I overanalyse them.'

'I try to focus on the positives because this condition isn't a nice time, it can be really low'

From skiing to snowboarding, cold water swimming, cycling, paddle boarding, running, longboarding and competing in triathlons, her activity line-up has only grown since her diagnosis.

'Every activity I do is very different – they all put you in a totally different scenario. For example, skiing and snowboarding you're in the mountains. With triathlons, each race is different with its own unique vibe,' she says. 'Having a focus helps me stop worrying, overthinking and overanalysing my seizures. I can't actually do anything about them.'

annie brooks

While fitness is a major part of her life and something that brings her joy, Annie lives in a fluctuating state of working with her body and seizures, taking time away when her wellbeing and mental health necessitates it.

'I try to focus on the positives as much as I possibly can because having this condition isn't a nice time – it can get really, really low. I went almost a year seizure free and I've had more seizures during lockdown than I've had in years which is really upsetting.'

Instead of pressing on with rigorous training or push her body past what it feels comfortable with, she has learned to allow her body to settle – feeling out what it needs as she recovers mentally and physically.

'After I've had a seizure I won't do anything for a couple of days afterwards. Perhaps some yoga at home or meditation. I mostly try and bring myself back to a better frame of mind. It's inevitable that I'll dwell on it and wonder what I did wrong that caused it to happen. It's hard,' she shares. 'So, I try to be active in different ways. I'll go for a long dog walk and it'll take my mind elsewhere but I'm not doing anything ridiculously active that could trigger another seizure.'

Seizures can be triggered by a number of factors, from stress to a lack of sleep, your menstrual cycle or waking up for the day. For many people, they can often seem to happen randomly.

annie brooks

Annie's resilience is part of what makes her such a visible member of the epilepsy community on Instagram, she strives to show others that life doesn't have to contract after diagnosis. In fact, horizons, friendships and achievements can expand and grow in incredible ways.

'Since being diagnosed with epilepsy, I've been more active, more outgoing and more adventurous than before,' she beams. 'You can still be active despite having an invisible disability. You can still be adventurous. You just have to do what works for you.'

annie brooks

Join Annie on Instagram, follow her travel and fitness blog Tales of Annie Bean or explore her newly launched multi-function activewear brand For Every Adventure – high-quality, sustainable workout clothes that'll take you from cycling to yoga and everything in between.

For more information and advice on living with epilepsy, reach out to Epilepsy Action (freephone: 0808 800 5050) or Epilepsy Society (helpline: 01494 601 400). Or, if you have personal concerns or questions speak to your doctor or health care professional.

Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.