Women's Health are here to bring you an exclusive look at the morning routine of your favourite celebrities: this month, it’s PT and founder of the Tone & Sculpt app Krissy Cela. Catch her cover shoot and interview in the June issue of Women’s Health, out now.

As a woman famous for getting the world on its feet via her Tone & Sculpt workout app, Krissy Cela isn’t one to keep still.

This past year – despite a whole pandemic to deal with – was no different. Instead she produced more and more content for her app users and 2.4m Instagram followers, as well as launching her own activewear line, Oner Active, and penning a book, Do This For You.

As she ticks a Women’s Health cover story off her to-do list, we caught up with the PT and online fitness maven on the set of her shoot to score the lowdown on how a typical morning of hers gets going.

To find out more about everything from the protein-packed breakfast she swears by to the AM habit she can’t live without, simply scroll on…

Waking up

Not one to hang around, Krissy makes the most of her mornings by relying on an early start. ‘I wake up most days at 6:30am,’ she tells Women’s Health. ‘Then on weekends, I like to lay in a little bit and I wake up around about 8:30 or 9am.’

But being an early bird isn’t necessarily her natural state. ‘I definitely need an alarm to wake up,’ says the cover star. ‘If I didn't have an alarm, I would sleep in till about 10 in the morning and forget completely about my day.’

waterstone Do This for You: How to Be a Strong Woman from the Inside Out

Do This for You: How to Be a Strong Woman from the Inside Out
£15 at Waterstones

And as for her morning mindset? It all depends on the day. ‘Most days, I do wake up tired just because I'm constantly working and working out, as well as running my companies and doing things for my book,’ Krissy explains. ‘But on weekends when I've had a little bit more of a lie in, I wake up so much more refreshed. So each day is different.’

Starting the day

If you need an indication that even the world’s biggest go-getters are human like the rest of us, it’s this:

‘The first thing I do when I wake up, and I'm so guilty of this – whenever anyone asks I'm like, “Oh God, do I tell them the truth?”. But the honest truth is I pick up my phone,’ says Krissy.

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‘I'm on it for like 20 minutes checking my mentions, my Facebook community, my in-app forum, my emails,’ she explains. ‘I'm just addicted to seeing what my community is doing and seeing how everyone's doing. And then I get up, I have a glass of water and I start my day.’

To train or not to train

Working out in the morning can seem like the only option when your schedule is particularly slammed. But in Krissy’s case, a busy day means training comes later:

‘I tend to not exercise in the morning just because my schedule is literally packed with meetings and back to back fittings, design meetings, book meetings and being on set,’ says the PT. ‘So I tend to actually train in the evening-slash-early afternoon if I can fit it in.’

Breakfast time

Ever wondered how to hit your protein goals in the morning without defaulting to eggs on toast? Might we suggest following Krissy’s example:

‘Without a doubt, the breakfast I always have is one cup of oats, one scoop of fudge brownie protein powder, a handful of raspberries or frozen blueberries and peanut butter,’ says the cover star. ‘It's so easy to make - I make it overnight as well, if I don't have time in the morning.’

Krissy’s go-to breakfast bowl provides a whole host of macros and micros that support her busy day. ‘I'm on the go constantly, so I need to find something quick and effective that will keep me fuller for longer,’ she says. ‘That's why oats are so great because they're so complex and will give you that energy that you need.’

And when it comes to her morning meal, Krissy takes her time before tucking in. ‘I do tend to eat breakfast a little bit later than waking up,’ she says.’ ‘I wake up roughly about 6:30 in the morning, but because I have back to back meetings, I try to drink as much water as possible and then around about 10:30 or 11am I'll break my fast and have my oats.’

Dog cuddles

Cat people, look away now: Krissy’s number one AM essential is all about her adorable canine companion, Buttons.

‘A non-negotiable I do every single morning is I have to snuggle my dog,’ says Krissy. ‘I'm that person – if I don't get to snuggle my golden retriever Buttons, then I just feel like my day is simply not ready to start.

‘She is literally my life and soul. If you're a dog person, you will understand. So, in the morning she jumps up on my bed, we snuggle for a couple minutes and then I'm ready to go.’ Is there a better way to start the day? We think not.

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Mini Smith
Acting Editorial Assistant and Junior Writer

As WH’s Acting Editorial Assistant and Junior Writer Mini works across the magazine, online and social. Armed with an MA in Magazine Journalism, she joined the team to write about mental health, nutrition and everything in between. When logged off, you can find her in various post-work netball leagues or daydreaming about the perfect salmon recipe.