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Courtney Black is fast becoming a household name. Between the Courtney Black app, her eponymous digital offering, live workouts and charmingly open attitude to sharing highs and lows with her followers, she's the dictionary definition of a rising star. And she's shining brighter than ever, currently boasting 845k followers on the 'Gram.

Struggling to move for my Courtney Black fitness-obsessed friends, it was becoming increasingly clear that her home workouts were something I needed to experience for myself. So, clearing my schedule of my usual workouts, I got a good night's sleep and dusted off my yoga mat – ready and prepped for a week of the unknown. (Not quite the Courtney Black 28-day challenge, but enough!)

OK, but what actually is the Courtney Black App?

Pitched as a 'PT in your pocket' the app includes:

  • Personalised workout plans
  • Recipes for all dietary requirements
  • Real time workout
  • Maco goals calculator
  • Progress tracker

Of course, this comes at a sliding cost that decreases with the number of months that you commit to. You can either pay £15.99 per month or £119.99 for the year.

Right now though, you can sign up to a seven day free trial.

What equipment is needed for Courtney Black?

It's worth having your standard home gym equipment — like dumbbells, a kettlebell and resistance bands — handy to level up your workout, but you'll still reap the rewards without them.

What yoga mat does Courtney Black use?

Courtney Black's current yoga mat de choix is Yoga Studio's The Grip Mat, which is a great all-rounder.

Yoga Studio The Grip Yoga Mat 4mm

Yoga Studio The Grip Yoga Mat 4mm
£79 at yogastudiostore.com

What resistance bands do Courtney Black use?

Unsurprisingly, you may say, Courtney Black sticks to her own merch when it comes to resistance bands.

Pro Resistance Band Duo Pack

Pro Resistance Band Duo Pack
Now 40% Off
preview for I Tried Eating Like Gwyneth Paltrow for 24 Hours - The Good, The Bad & The Hungry

The schedule

Monday: 12 minute HIIT


Of late, I've been avoiding HIIT. Not for any conscious reason, I just seem to gravitate towards slower strength training, LISS cardio and low impact workouts like Pilates and Barre.

So, what better way to kick off the week than Courtney Black's 12 minute HIIT workout?

My first impression is that Courtney has tons of energy. Practically vibrating with positivity, she jumps into the speediest warm up I've ever done – a couple of bouncy forward lunges and we're into the beast of the workout. Ok, then.

Full disclosure, niggly, doubtful feelings begin to creep into my consciousness. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Have I taken too much time away from high intensity workouts? Will there be enough jumping to get me sweaty but not so much my downstairs neighbours come up to complain? Only time will tell.

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Between squat variations, press up compound exercises, plank jacks and jump lunges with leg lifts, I'm increasingly worried about irritating the flat below. But as the workout continues (and I resign myself to their inevitable anger) I emulate her enthusiasm, flailing my arms with such vigour I elbow my thigh. It bruises.


As someone with painfully lazy hip flexors this workout was tough without a longer warm up. There were lots of plyometric movements and I felt my range of motion was hindered as my muscles weren't warm enough to begin with.

I would repeat the session – it was a great, short workout – but I'd do my own warm-up beforehand, focusing on slow squats, hinge exercises and proper glute activation.

Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
£13 at Amazon
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Now 15% Off

Tuesday: 10 minute abs and 10 minute booty


Okay, not technically one workout, but two I push together and call a workout. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, eh? Normally, my training routine alternates one strength training day with one cardio or low impact day. This week though, I'm emulating CB herself. A day off? No chance.

Two short workouts performed back to back, focusing on the important core and glute muscles seems like the perfect compromise.

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First up: Abs. 20 exercises performed back to back for 30 seconds each, this workout looks challenging. Alternating between weighted and unweighted movements – including fan favourites russian twists, dumbbell crunches, butterfly crunches, plank variations, side planks, bicycle crunches, dumbbell sit ups and supine chest presses with leg raises. Tough? Tough.

Supersetting (coupling up) weighted exercises with bodyweight exercises makes the workout feel far more achievable. Courtney moves quickly – huge energiser bunny vibes – but the fact she's also struggling stops my self esteem from taking a nosedive. My whole core is being worked and I finish the session far, far sweatier than I expected to be after a quick core workout.

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Second sesh: Booty. Pushing my thoughts of how much I want to continue lying down to one side, I perseve. A slightly different structure, this workout is 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off, mixing banded exercises with weighted ones.

The first move puts the fear of god into my glutes: Banded donkey kicks with a weight behind my kneecap. The second one almost finishes me off. The same set up but this time each donkey kick is followed by a fire hydrant. Woof.

So, instead of stopping, I slow the movements down to keep on working for the full period of time. Courtney starts shouting about how much her bum is burning. Unfortunately I can't hear her over my own screaming. My quads feel like breeze blocks. (When will this end?)

Obviously it does end – after some spicy weighted crab walks, adductor moves and glute bridges – and Courtney finishes by doing a brief celebration dance. I fall face first onto my mat, groaning at how much everything burned. Will I be able to stand up to crawl to the shower?

(For dramatic purposes, I'll leave this unanswered.)


They were short workouts but, boy, were they hard. Coupled together, 20 minutes of exercise felt as effective as some longer workouts I've suffered through and I save them to my archive to re-do at a later date.

Wednesday: 30 minute leg day


Courtney starts by holding up the workout rundown to the camera, saying 'this is the hardest leg workout I've ever put together in half an hour.' Inwardly, I smile. Love a leg day, me.

Slipping on a resistance band straight from the jump, we start with squats with heel raises, leg lifts, donkey kicks with fire hydrants, weighted glute bridges and pulses, and adductor exercises.

My hip flexors feel less than mobile first thing in the morning and I find sitting into the squat position difficult. Again, I do feel it would have been beneficial to have a longer warm up before getting into the big lower body moves.

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After yesterday's glute workout my bum feels like mechanical cogs grinding away. Fortunately, the variation of exercises stops it from feeling like pure pain without any reprieve.

The rest of the workout is weighted with a four exercise circuit of slow tempo squats, romanian deadlifts, dumbbell swings and dumbbell jump squats. I appreciated the change in pace – slower paced lower body exercises help me to engage the correct muscles and keep correct form. I lose the weight for the jump squats to avoid sacrificing my technique.

The final round of weighted split squats, reverse lunges, power lunges, weighted hip thrusts and curtsy lunges are the cherry on the challenge-cake. My quads are shaking with the effort of trying to move with control and when the final exercise finishes I starfish flat on the floor.


This workout was hard and I loved 99% of it. Some movements I felt were close to the line of compromising good form for more sweat – pulsing during Romanian deadlifts and weighted jump squats – but for the most part it reflected the same exercises I would do in my own sessions.

Hex Dumbbell 10kg
Hex Dumbbell 10kg
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
SONGMICS Hex Dumbbells Set
Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Anchor's Adjustable 20kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells
Umi Neoprene 1kg Dumbbells

Thursday: 10 minute 'coredio'


I normally take a rest day mid-week (Rome wasn't built in a day etc.) but this was the week of the great Courtney Black experiment! I commit to doing one 10 minute session instead and roll out my exercise mat with multiple aching muscles.

Enter: 'coredio'. A ten minute, no-kit HIIT workout focused on working the core.

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After leg day yesterday I'm looking forward to something that isn't focused on annihilating every muscle in my lower body. Why I don't realise Courtney's ab workout would be just about as hard as it would get – I'm not so sure.

Squats with double knee lifts, reverse lunges with upper body twists at the top and bottom of the movement, mountain climbers compounded with down dog toe taps and plank to squat burpees, I am toast by the end of it.


Short and sharp with not a lot of messing around, Courtney was her usual highly energetic, positive, warm self. Ten minutes felt longer than it had any right to, but this had become a familiar feeling four days into this week of workouts. Saved for later, again.

Friday: No HIIT full body workout


The last day rolls around and I feel, if it's not too cringey, proud of myself. Courtney Black's workout are no joke and to be at the end of five days back to back – yeah, it feels good.

Wanting a change, I pick a no HIIT full body workout to round the week out. Do I anticipate this would be an easy slide into the weekend? Yes. Am I completely wrong? Of course.

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Designed to get 'every single muscle fired up and burning', the workout mixes up weighted exercises (squats with upright rows and chest flys), side lunges with lateral raises, weighted sit ups with russian twists and forward presses, press ups with shoulder taps and plank jacks, and burpees with dumbbell chest presses. There's more than enough to get me as sweaty as I would have during an interval based session.

After a week of workouts my bod is sore but I feel energised. Five days of workouts different to my norm and a glimmer of the love I had for HIIT pre-lockdown has crept back in.

Courtney: 1, Stuck in a Rut Morgan: 0.


Another workout from Court that surprised me with how challenging an on-the-face-of-it 'easier' session could be. Long story short, I loved it. Building up a burn without working to super short intervals or flooding my nervous system with stress hormones, this no HIIT workout did the job nicely.

My week in review

There is little wonder in my mind why Courtney Black is so popular. She's personable, highly positive and charming in her authenticity. The fact she does the entire workout along with you is unparalleled in making it feel like a joint mission we're both struggling to get to the end of.

Her workouts are, above all else, efficient. Something that for time poor people is priceless. Most can be done without kit but, if they do call for home gym equipment, it's largely just a resistance band or set of dumbbells.

Occasionally I found the music grating but that's largely because I usually like to listen to Little Mix back to back when I workout. As 'cons' go, it's an exceptionally small one.

Would I do the Courtney Black 28 Day Challenge?

After a week of workouts, this was obviously the next question I asked myself as her 28 day challenges are what people talk about (read: Instagram).

BTW, this is how the 28 day challenge works:

  • Workout timetable posted on a Sunday on Courtney's social channels
  • You access 30-45 minute real time workouts in the app (membership required)
  • Sweat through the month and share your journey

With that in mind, would I do it? Well, this week was a fun week, Courtz. Loved it. So maybe...

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Headshot of Morgan Fargo
Morgan Fargo

Morgan Fargo is a freelance beauty and wellness editor. Her CV includes Women's Health Magazine UK (and sister publication Women's Health Australia), Stylist Magazine and more.