Normally the endorphin high of an exercise class nullifies the day that proceeds it. That annoying email from your boss? Forgotten. The overcrowded tube? Over it. The pass-agg message in your hen party What’s App group? No biggie. So, when I realised that an indoor cycling class didn’t nix my annoyances and in fact, made them worse, I knew I wasn’t a spinner.

The truth is, I felt claustrophobic in cleats and couldn’t stand the awkwardness of being so close to other riders that an energetic tap back too far would send sweat from my sodden hair onto their arm or face.

I couldn’t “ride to the beat” and thought dancing on a bike was the least effective route to “tone-up” that I’d come across.

'I felt claustrophobic in cleats'

But recently, my distaste for spin was overwritten when three classes deep at SoulCycle I began to sob into my sweat towel. Out of nowhere, the emotional floodgates opened and I found myself lost in the music while swaying in synchro with other riders.

Essentially, I got SoulCycle’d – an experience that has earned the brand rockstar status amongst its 20,000 daily riders.

What is SoulCycle?

Back in 2006, way before boutique fitness was a thing, two women bonded over their frustration of the current exercise scene. Unsatisfied by clinical and calorie-burn driven cycling concepts, Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler formulated a fitness plan, on the back of a Starbucks napkin no less. Their vision? To launch an exercise hybrid of workout-meets-wellness.

Fast-forward to 2019, and this unique concept of a mind-body-soul experience is now available in more than 90 US studios and this summer, they opened the doors in London.

The UK launch, the brand’s first stab at global expansion, is why I found myself 32 minutes into a 45-minute class having a “soulful moment”, to use brand lingo.

My 'Soulful' experience

One minute I’d been focusing on turning my legs over in time to Beyoncé’s Homecoming album, the next, salty tears dripped from my cheeks and onto the handlebars. They were the type of tears that normally happen when someone gives you a reassuring hug and tells you everything is going to be OK. I didn’t understand it.

A later conversation with Melanie Whelan, the company’s CEO, who herself is regular rider, helped make sense of my experience. ‘We’re in the business of personal transformations,’ she explained. By this, she wasn’t referring to rippling abs or buttocks so round they're an IRL peach emoji, although, you’d be hard pushed to find a SC instructor who isn’t in good nick. But no, Whelan was referring to the men and women who’ve worked through their personal struggles in class.

‘We’re in the business of personal transformations’

‘I always say, SoulCycle, at its simplest raw element, is a space in the dark where for 45 minutes you put your phone away, listen to music and have someone tell you you're stronger than you think you are,’ said Whelan.

SoulCycle Positivity

Before my mini-meltdown I had been sceptical that a simple formula of fitness-meets-positive-phrases can create such internal change. After experiencing it, I put it to Sarah Vohra, Consultant Psychiatrist.

‘When class instructors use negative self-talk centering on punishment or perhaps, the need to earn that next meal or that bikini body, we can internalise the comments and use them to confirm what we already think about ourselves, that we deserve to be punished,' explained Vohra. ‘But positive self-talk instils hope and can help reframe a tough situation.’

'Positive self-talk instils hope'

When peddling manically, this can be especially useful: ‘It can allow you to remain focused on you, comparing yourself less to others around you and reframe and internal dialogue from, it is hurting therefore I can’t be as strong as everyone else, to, my muscles will be aching because they are working so hard.

Inspiring SoulCycle mantras

  • ‘You’re stronger than you think you are’
  • ‘Put your hands in the middle and let’s give each other a bump of love’
  • ‘You’ve got the confidence, you just need to find it’
  • ‘Get out of your own way and let good things happen in life’
  • ‘If you complain you’ll remain, if you praise you raise’
  • ‘It doesn’t matter how you start, what matters is how you finish’

I think back to the intimate SoulCycle studio, void of camera phones (they’re banned) and flashing night club lights (only grapefruit-scented candles here). Inside, never has I’ll do me and you do you been so accurate. There was no competition, friendly or otherwise, and the only person I connected with was myself.

But of course, not every rider feels the same and what lands with one person isn’t going to with another. Whelan knows this. ‘It may not be every song that speaks to you and it may not be every bit of coaching that speaks to you, but there's usually something out of the 45 minutes in there for every single one of the 60 people in the room,’ she assures me.

Your SoulCycle Fit Kit
Reebok Hero Racer Medium Impact Sports Bra
Reebok Hero Racer Medium Impact Sports Bra
£33 at John Lewis
Where's my wine water bottle
TYPO Where's my wine water bottle
Power Mesh 7/8 Workout Leggings
Sweaty Betty Power Mesh 7/8 Workout Leggings
Now 70% Off
Women's Road Cycling Shoes
B'TWIN Women's Road Cycling Shoes
Now 18% Off

SoulCycle riders

Despite the marketing images being all abs and enthusiastic smiles, the class goers, the ones paying the fees, didn’t look anything like this. The front row, the brand’s most dedicated, experienced riders, were not fitness models but normal folk. Although, time your class right and you might ride next to Victoria or David Beckham, who are both in the SC clique. Not that it earns them any special credit - they are treated just like any other class-goer.

Feeling at home, no matter what your background or lifestyle is, is something SoulCycle puts serious energy into. ‘People ask me all the time who the target rider is and I always say this is much more about a state of mind than it is about any kind of age or demographic,’ explains Whelan.

I think back to the studio and Whelan's statement feels warranted. While I scaled back my speed to deal with internal resistance, others around me turned the dial and ‘crushed that hill’. We were all experiencing our own up the ups and downs of a SoulCycle class.

😅 Insider tip: If you're a carer or a mum who's always on call hand your over phone to reception. Should you get an emergency call or text, the front desk staff will sneak into class to let you know.

Back home, I gave a verbal SoulCycle review to my husband (lucky him). His response, ‘far too woo-woo for my liking.’ I get it. Like the signature studio crystal that’s placed behind the instructor to soak up negative energy in the room, the ‘soul’ in SoulCycle isn’t for everyone. However, right now in the UK female body confidence is at an all-time low.

In the last round of research conducted by WH, only 9% of women would say that they had high body confidence. And while social media and comparison to others is partly to blame, so too is the lack of positive rhetoric in every day life. As women, we either don’t make compliments or gloss over them when we receive them. So, to saddle up in the dark for 45-minutes with an instructor who lays on positivity, can’t be a bad thing.

I say, ride on.

Your Virtual Tour of SoulCycle London
soulcycle London

Inspired to give SoulCycle London a go? Here's your need-to-know:

  • Find it at 3-4 Great Marlborough Street, Soho
  • You can book your SoulCycle bike now
  • There's 60 bikes
  • It's over 3,500 square feet
  • In the changing rooms you'll find luxurious beauty products: Le Labo shower products, Drunk Elephant skincare, and Dyson hairdryers
  • There's a Good Life Eatery Bar
  • Shop SoulCycle branded kit on-site
  • The downside? Classes aren't cheap... £24 per class. Ouch.

Need more convincing? Follow the UK team on IG to see what you're in for.


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Headshot of Amy Lane
Amy Lane

Amy Lane was WH Executive Editor, digital.