Building lower-body strength is one of the best things you can do for your fitness. It’s the foundation of pretty much all your daily movement, too, from your day-to-day activities to every full and upper-body workout.

‘Strength in this area is essential for overall stability and functionality,’ says Women’s Health's expert trainer, PT, and creator of this plan, Sophie Lait. To help you on your way, she has curated this 4-week lower-body training plan, designed to help you improve your body composition and build strength by burning fat and promoting hypertrophy (i.e. muscle growth). ‘It’s suited for every ability as each exercise can be progressed or regressed,’ Sophie explains.

There are three workouts within Sophie's plan: a glute session, a leg workout and a hamstring workout. ‘This ensures you’ll work all of your lower-body muscles and avoid any imbalances,' Sophie says. 'What’s more, all three workouts incorporate compound exercises – those that recruit more than one muscle group – so you get more bang for your buck, while the muscle-specific workout split means they'll have adequate time to recover over the weeks.'

The plan kicks off on Monday 4th September, but feel free to bookmark this page and come back whenever you’re ready to start. Don't forget to scroll down to see what Sophie recommends doing once the four weeks are up.

Download and keep our illustrated, mobile-optimised plan for the next time you hit the gym DOWNLOAD PLAN

How to do the 4-week plan

  • Each week, Sophie will coach you through three 15-minute workouts: a glutes workout, a leg workout and a hamstring session.
  • On the days when you aren't doing a workout, Sophie advises either LISS, rest or active recovery.
  • Rest means a complete rest day.
  • LISS, a.k.a. low-intensity steady-state cardio, means a 45-min cycle or walk.
  • Active recovery means 30 mins of mobility, stretching or yoga (Sophie recommends searching YouTube for videos to suit your level).

Equipment needed: One exercise mat, resistance band, one pair of medium weight dumbbells, one medium weight kettlebell. Optional: barbell (to replace dumbbell in workout one).

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The plan at a glance

Save or screenshot this handy infographic to help you keep track of what you should be doing and when.

lower body workout

How to make the plan harder

Sophie advises choosing the following progression options for each workout, within each week:

  • Week one:

Glute workout: Use a heavier dumbbell (or barbell) for glute bridges. Swap staggered glute bridges for Bulgarian split squats. Replace glute bridges with banded squat jumps.

Leg workout: Perform every exercise as slowly as possible to increase time under tension.

Hamstring workout: Incorporate a 3-second isometric hold at the top of glute bridges, squeezing at the top of movement. Perform every exercise as slowly as possible to increase time under tension (apart from the kettlebell swings).

  • Week two:

Glute workout: Use a heavier resistance band for banded exercises.

Leg workout: Add pulses where possible to increase time under tension.

Hamstring workout: Use a heavier resistance band/weights where possible.

  • Week three:

Glute workout: Use a heavier resistance band than week two for banded exercises.

Leg workout: Add a jump where possible to increase power and burn.

Hamstring workout: Go slower on weighted movements to increase time under tension.

  • Week four:

Glute workout: Use a heavier resistance band than week three for banded exercises, and add 20-50 abductions with the band at the end of each set.

Leg workout: Incorporate multiple jumps where possible to increase power and burn.

Hamstring workout: Use a heavier weight than previous weeks.

Who should avoid the plan?

The plan may not be suitable for anyone who falls into the below categories, says Sophie:

  • Anyone who is injured or recovering from injury.
  • Anyone who is pregnant or has not been given sign off to train.
  • Anyone who is unwell.

Your 4-week lower-body build and burn plan

Workout 1: 30-min glute strength workout

Equipment: 1 exercise mat, resistance band, 1 medium weight dumbbell or barbell.

preview for 30-minute glutes workout with Sophie Lait

Warm-up: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, and repeat the whole warm-up twice.

  • Jog on the spot
  • Lateral lunges
  • Open and close the gate


Circuit 1: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds before moving onto the next exercise. Repeat the whole circuit four times through.

  • Banded glute bridges
  • Banded staggered glute bridges
  • Banded weighted glute bridges

Circuit 2: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds before moving onto the next exercise. Repeat the whole circuit four times through.

  • Reverse lunges
  • Banded squats

    Workout 2: 25-min leg strength workout

    Equipment: 1 exercise mat, 1 medium weight dumbbell.

    preview for 25-minute lower-body EMOM workout with Sophie Lait

    Warm-up: Perform each exercise for 45-60 seconds.

    • Jog on the spot
    • Bodyweight squats
    • Slow frog squats

    Workout: Perform 20 reps of each exercise. Repeat the whole circuit four times through, with a 60-second rest between each round.

    • Frog squats
    • Dumbbell hanging squats
    • Reverse lunge + knee up (right side)
    • Reverse lunge + knee up (left side)
    • Bodyweight squats

      Workout 3: 15-min hamstring strength workout

      Equipment: 1 exercise mat, 1 pair of medium weight dumbbells, 1 kettlebell.

      preview for 15-minute hamstring workout with Sophie Lait

      Warm-up: Perform each exercise for 45-60 seconds.

      • Walking hamstring scoop
      • Leg swings
      • Slow frog squats

      Workout: Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise, resting for 15 seconds between each set. Move onto the next exercise after 3 sets have been completed.

      • Glute bridges
      • Dumbbell Romanian deadlift
      • Staggered dumbbell deadlift

          What to do when the 4 weeks is up

          Sophie says: 'Consider taking a deload week to allow your body time to recover and avoid plateaus. After this, you can repeat the 4-week plan, substituting some exercises for other similar moves. For example, a reverse lunge could be exchanged for a Bulgarian split squat; a glute bridge could be swapped for a hip thrust.'

          Bridie Wilkins
          Fitness Director

          Bridie is Fitness Director at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).