HIIT training is scientifically one of the most efficient forms of training. By combining short intense bursts of exercise with brief rest periods, your heart rate remains higher for a longer time. In fact, one study showed it can burn 25% to 30% more calories than other types of exercise within the same timeframe.

You keep burning them afterwards, too. ‘This is known as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC),’ says Women’s Health expert trainer and the creator of this plan Amanda Ngonyama. ‘Because HIIT workouts are so intense, your metabolism remains elevated whilst your body repairs its muscles.’

And you don't need any equipment. Amanda has created this exclusive 4-week home HIIT plan, formed of three workouts, using only your bodyweight. ‘All you need is an exercise mat,’ she explains. The plan includes a 30-minute full-body HIIT workout, a 30-minute lower-body HIIT session and a mobility workout.

‘Two HIIT sessions per week allows you adequate recovery time, and a mobility workout is crucial for preventing injury since it encourages a full range of motion. It also gives you greater use of soft muscle tissue, meaning you have more muscle to create force, and less stress on a smaller amount of muscle.’

The plan kicks off on Monday 31st July, but feel free to bookmark this page and come back whenever you’re ready to start. Don't forget to scroll down to see what Amanda recommends doing once the four weeks are up.

Download and keep our illustrated, mobile-optimised plan for the next time you hit the gym DOWNLOAD PLAN

How to do the 4-week plan

  • Each week, Amanda will coach you through three workouts: a full-body HIIT workout, a lower-body HIIT workout and a mobility session.
  • On the days when you aren't doing a workout, Amanda advises either LISS, rest or active recovery.
  • Rest means a complete rest day.
  • LISS, a.k.a. low-intensity steady-state cardio, means a 15-30 min cycle.
  • Active recovery means a 30-60-min walk.

Equipment needed: One exercise mat.

Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
£13 at Amazon
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Now 15% Off

The plan at a glance

Save or screenshot this handy infographic to help you keep track of what you should be doing and when.

amanda's home hiit workout timetable
Amanda’s Home HIIT workout timetable

How to make the plan harder

Amanda advises choosing the following progression options for each workout, within each week:

  • Week one:

Add a 5-minute finisher at the end of each workout.

  • Week two:

Increase the duration of your working intervals in each workout by 5-10 seconds. Remember, this will mean 5-10 seconds less rest between exercises.

  • Week three:

Increase the duration of your working intervals in each workout by 15-20 seconds. Again, this will mean 15-20 seconds less rest between exercises.

  • Week four:

Consider replacing a LISS session with your favourite HIIT workout from my programme - either full- or lower-body.

Who should avoid the plan?

The plan may not be suitable for anyone who falls into the below categories, advises Amanda:

  • Anyone who is injured or recovering from injury: 'This could enhance the injury even more, most likely making it chronic or unrepairable.'
  • Anyone who is pregnant or has not been given sign off to do HIIT-specific workouts postpartum.
  • Anyone who is unwell: 'Your immune system is already suppressed, and doing HIIT could make it worse.'
  • Anyone who is brand new to exercise should ease their way in slowly. 'These workouts are particularly vigorous, so you'll want to build up your muscle strength and respiratory system to tolerate such intense movement.'

Your 4-week home HIIT plan

Workout 1: 30-min full-body HIIT workout

Equipment: 1 exercise mat.

preview for 30-minute full-body HIIT workout with Amanda Ngonyama

Warm-up: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, and repeat the whole warm-up three times through.

  • Jog on the spot
  • Jumping jacks
  • Dynamic lunges, side to side floor lunges
  • High knees


Circuit 1: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then repeat the whole circuit three times through.

  • Lunge + kick + punch
  • Predator jacks
  • Push-up + knee to elbow
  • Plank reach

Circuit 2: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then repeat the whole circuit three times through.

  • Burpee
  • Inchworm
  • Shoot throughs
  • Back extension into push-up

Cool-down: Hold each stretch for 20 seconds.

  • Supine hamstring + cross-body stretch
  • Child's pose into cobra
  • Floor lunge + tricep stretch
  • Hamstring stretch

    Workout 2: 15-min mobility workout

    Equipment: 1 exercise mat.

    preview for 15-minute full-body mobility workout with Amanda Ngonyama

    Perform the below exercises for 30 seconds each:

    • Standing ‘open the gate’ hip stretch
    • Reverse lunge + rotational twist
    • Cossack squat on toes, open chest
    • Good morning squat, open chest
    • Lunge + side stretch
    • Single-leg child's pose
    • Supine crow
    • Cobra + walk hands to each side
    • Single-leg lumbar rotations

    Workout 3: 30-min lower-body HIIT workout

    Equipment: 1 exercise mat.

    preview for 30-minute lower-body HIIT workout with Amanda Ngonyama

      Warm-up: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, and repeat the whole warm-up three times through.

      • Jog on the spot
      • Switch kicks
      • Dynamic lunges + lateral floor lunges
      • High knees


      Circuit 1: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then repeat the whole circuit three times through.

      • Squat pulses
      • Side to side single-leg hops
      • Lateral lunge + high skip
      • Frog squat

        Circuit 2: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then repeat the whole circuit three times through.

        • Lateral lunge squat
        • Sprinter bound
        • Duck walk
        • Stomp

          Cool-down: Hold each stretch for 20 seconds.

          • Supine hamstring + cross-body stretch
          • Pigeon stretch
          • Butterfly stretch
          • Squat + overhead reach

            What to do when the 4 weeks is up

            Amanda says: 'Once the 4-week plan is up, consider incorporating/replacing some exercises and/or increasing the duration of the workout, maybe from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. It’s always good to update your HIIT catalogue, so shop on YouTube/social media for more exercise ideas - my Instagram @angonxo contains plenty of new, fun and challenging bodyweight movements.'

            Bridie Wilkins
            Fitness Director

            Bridie is Fitness Director at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).