Core strength is a fundamental part of your fitness. Fact. Having a stable mid-section will improve your overall power, posture, coordination and balance, and it's not just about your 'abs'. Your core is formed of everything in your trunk: your internal and external obliques, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles and your back muscles.

Women's Health Collective trainer and GRNDHOUSE co-founder Izy George adds: 'Our core supports us in everything we do, including standing up with good posture and supporting our skeletal structure and organs. With a stronger core, you become stronger at all other movements including squats, rows, push ups and running.'

Izy has created this exclusive 4-week challenge, formed of three exclusive workouts, to help you reap the rewards. 'It's good for all fitness levels, as all the movements are scalable, and you can choose a lighter weight or even perform movements as bodyweight only,' she explains.

The plan includes a core strength workout, core cardio workout and a functional core workout. 'The core strength workout always comes first, to build and strengthen your muscles. Then we have a mid-week sweat with core cardio, to test the strength you've built, then finally, the functional core session ties the two together, to test your core through more advanced, quicker movements that require strength, balance and athleticism.'

The plan officially kicks off on 3rd July, but you’re under no obligation to stick to our timings. Bookmark this page and come back whenever you’re ready, and scroll down to see what Izy recommends once the four weeks are up.

Download and keep our illustrated, mobile-optimised plan for the next time you hit the gym DOWNLOAD PLAN

How to do the 4-week plan

  • Each week, Izy will coach you through three 15-20 minute workouts: a core strength workout, a core cardio workout and a functional core workout.
  • On the days when you aren't doing a workout, Izy advises either LISS, rest or stretching.
  • Rest means a complete rest day.
  • LISS, a.k.a. low-intensity steady-state cardio, means a 30-60-min walk (how long you walk for will depend on which week of the plan you're on).

Equipment needed: One exercise mat, 1 kettlebell, 1 dumbbell. Izy advises the following weight recommendations. Beginners: 1kg to 4kg, intermediates: 5kg - 9kg, advanced: 10kg and above

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The plan at a glance

Save or screenshot this handy infographic to help you keep track of what you should be doing and when.


What weight dumbbells/kettlebells should I go for?

Izy says: 'Perform some of the movements with bodyweight first, with your best form possible. Then pick a weight that means you can still perform the movement in the same way but with more effort; begin with that weight and work your way up from there. For beginners, this could be anything from 1-4kg, intermediates 5-9kg, and advanced 10kg and above. Be aware that different weights may suit you for different movements. After a 5-minute set of core work, you should have a deep burning sensation around the core, not a cramping or pain, it’ll feel like you’ve got a hot water bottle strapped to your stomach!'

How to make the plan harder

Izy advises choosing the following progression options for each workout, within each week:

  • Week one:

Perform all workouts as stated, perhaps keeping a slower pace or choosing the lowest rep range option to begin with to ensure you nail your technique.

  • Week two:

Core strength workout: try to increase the weight used, or use the same weight but move slower, to increase time under tension.

Core cardio workout: move faster, but maintain control.

Core functional workout: increase the reps on some or all of the movements; if you reach the top of the rep scheme recommended in the workout video, increase the weight and drop back down to the bottom reps.

  • Week three:

Core strength workout: try to increase the weight used, or use the same weight with more control.

Core cardio workout: move faster with more control.

Core functional workout: increase the reps on some or all of the movements.

  • Week four:

Core strength workout: try to increase the weight used, or use the same weight with more control.

Core cardio workout: move faster with more control; go for maximum output on every round.

Core functional workout: increase the reps on some or all of the movements; if you reach the top of the rep scheme, increase the weight and drop back down to the bottom reps.

Your 4-week core-challenge

Workout 1: 20-min core strength workout

Equipment: 1 exercise mat, 1 medium weight dumbbell.

preview for 20-minute core strength workout with Izy George

Perform the below five exercises for three sets, with 1 minute of rest after every set, and the following timings for each set:

Set 1: 40 secs work, 20 secs rest. Set 2: 45 secs work, 15 secs rest. Set 3: 50 secs work, 10 secs rest.

  1. Windmill right side
  2. Windmill left side
  3. Weighted sit up
  4. Leg raises
  5. Plank drags
  6. Rest, 1 min

Workout 2: 15-min core cardio workout

Equipment: 1 exercise mat, 1 medium weight dumbbell or kettlebell.

preview for 15-minute core cardio workout with Izy George

Perform the below five exercises for three sets, with 1 minute of rest after every set, and the following timings for each set:

Set 1: 30 secs work, 30 secs rest. Set 2: 30 secs work, 15 secs rest. Set 3: 20 secs work, 10 secs rest.

  1. Skaters
  2. Plank pikes
  3. American swings
  4. Plank taps, knee to elbow
  5. Russian twists

Workout 3: 15-min functional core workout

Equipment: 1 exercise mat, 1 medium weight dumbbell or kettlebell.

preview for 15-minute functional core workout with Izy George

    This workout is an EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute) workout. Perform each exercise for 10 reps in round 1, 12 reps in round 2, and 14 reps in round 3. Each round is one minute long, and you can rest until the minute is over if you finish your reps before the time is up. Take 1 minute of rest between each exercise, then move on to the next.

    1. Front rack marches, weight on right shoulder
    2. Front rack marches, weight on left shoulder
    3. Woodchops
    4. Switch sides
    5. Halos

    What to do when the 4 weeks is up

    Izy says: 'You could consider switching your exercises for more complex movements, but I believe that the most simple core exercises are often the most effective. I would recommend keeping the core strength workout as a weekly staple in your training routine; it'll help improve other areas of your training!'

    Bridie Wilkins

    Bridie is Fitness Editor at Women's Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).