Let’s face it, most of us having better things to do than spend hours and hours every week in the gym. And now that the sun has finally started shining? Our resolve to spend our precious free-time in the weights section is definitely waning...

However, the science shows us that, contrary to popular belief, dragging out those sweat sessions might not actually be the way to fast-track results. Research has shown that a 10-minute workout featuring just one minute of high intensity offers the same benefits as 45 minutes of jogging. The message? Train smarter, not longer.

It’s for this reason that we hit up our latest Women’s Health Collective trainer India Morse to break down exactly how to do this. Over the next 28 days, she’ll coach you through a full-body training plan, featuring a cardio blast, upper-body burn and lower-body burn, each lasting no more than 15 minutes.

‘We don’t need to spend forever in the gym to see results,' says India. 'Instead, all you need a quick workout which covers everything in one session. These workouts are especially good if you want to improve strength but hate cardio, as the mixture of bodyweight and weighted exercises will work your full body.’

Each of India’s 15-minute workouts focus on compound moves – exercises which utilise multiple muscle groups at the same time, explains India. ‘These will improve your cardio health and stimulate muscle mass growth so that as the weeks progress, you’ll see yourself getting stronger and fitter.’

For each move, India has included regressions and progressions so that you can tailor your workout to suit your ability level. ‘If you want to spice up your workouts, try the progressions, but remember to always start slow and light if it’s challenging,’ she advises.

Once the four weeks are up, India says you can expect to see improvements in your posture, form, and balance, thanks to the unilateral training included in the plan. ‘You’ll be able to perform cardio better, as including weight training (and single-leg and single-arm exercises) in your routine will help you become stronger all over, without any imbalances.’

The plan officially kicks off on Monday 5th June, but you’re under no obligation to stick to our timings. Bookmark this page and come back whenever you’re ready, and scroll down to see what India recommends once the four weeks are up.

Download and keep our illustrated, mobile-optimised plan for the next time you hit the gym DOWNLOAD PLAN

How to do the 4-week plan

  • Each week, India will coach you through three 15 minute workouts: a full-body cardio workout, an upper-body workout and a lower-body workout.
  • Always start your workouts with India's warm-ups, and follow them up with her cool-downs.
  • On the days when you aren't doing a workout, India advises either LISS, mobility or rest.
  • Rest days means a complete rest day, or a mobility session.
  • LISS, a.k.a. low-intensity steady-state cardio, means a 20- or 30-min (depending on which week of the plan you're on) walk or cycle.

Equipment needed: One exercise mat, 1 pair of heavy dumbbells, 2 kettlebells, 2 plates. Read on for advice on what weight dumbbell to go for.

Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
Lions Non-Slip Yoga Mat
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Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Eco Friendly Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Sweaty Betty Eco Yoga Mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Yogi Bare Natural rubber extreme grip yoga mat
Now 15% Off

The plan at a glance

Save or screenshot this handy infographic to help you keep track of what you should be doing and when.

timetable for india morse's four week full body training plan

What weight should I use?

India says: 'Everyone’s level of ability is different, so to prevent injury you will need to start slowly with lighter weight, and focus on your form. The weights you use shouldn’t feel easy, and the last few reps should feel fairly hard. As a rough guide, I would suggest starting with 4kg dumbbells for upper body, and 6/8kg dumbbells for lower body exercises, as well as 12kg kettlebells and 15kg plates.’

How to make the plan harder/easier

  • Week one:

    Follow India’s original timings for each of the workouts.

  • Week two:

    15-Min Cardio Workout: Use heavier weights
    15-Min Upper-Body Workout: Increase the tempo
    15-Min Lower-body Workout: Use heavier weights

  • Week three:

    15-Min Cardio Workout: Increase timings to 40 seconds working / 15 seconds rest
    15-Min Upper-Body Workout: Increase the tempo or use heavier weights
    15-Min Lower-body Workout: Adding the pause movement at the end of the superset for 5 seconds.

  • Week four:

    15-Min Cardio Workout: Add one more round
    15-Min Upper-Body Workout: Increase the weights used
    15-Min Lower-body Workout: Add one more set with a pause movement.

Your 4-week full-body workout plan

Workout 1: 15-min cardio blast

Equipment: 1 exercise mat, 1 kettlebell.

preview for 15-minute cardio blast workout with India Morse


Run through this whole warm-up twice.

  • 10 x Inchworm to lunge spinal twist
  • 10 x Lateral squat alternating reach
  • 10 x Squats


Perform the following moves for 35 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest before starting the next.

  • Kettlebell swings

Regression: Try slow Romanian deadlifts instead.
Progression: Use a heavier weight.

  • Kettlebell Clean

Regression: Perform just the kettlebell press.
Progression: Use a kettlebell in each hand.

  • Off Release Push Up

Regression: Use your knees.
Progression: Increase the tempo, lowering into the down position for 3 seconds before releasing your hands to increase time under tension.

  • Jackknife

Regression: Bend your legs or single leg movement alternating each side.
Progression: Slow down the movement.

  • Sprawls

Regression: Use alternating single leg movement.
Progression: Increase the tempo (but maintain a good form).

  • Lateral Lunge to Reverse Lunge

Regression: Alternate lateral lunges and reverse lunges each round.
Progression: Use weights.

    Perform this whole workout twice, giving yourself a 30 second rest between circuits to make 15 minutes. If you need longer between the circuits, that's absolutely fine – follow your body's cues and give yourself the rest you require.


    Hold each stretch for 20 seconds

    • Lying glutes stretch
    • Hip drop stretch
    • Pigeon stretch
    • Child’s pose

    Workout 2: 15-min upper-body burn

    Equipment: 1 resistance band, 1 x pair of dumbbells, 1 x kettlebells, I bench.

    preview for 15-minute upper-body workout with India Morse


        • Banded shoulders rotation (x4)
        • Bird dog (x4 on each side)
        • Bear plank (8x 5 second hold)



    Perform 12 reps of each, using light weights

    • Lateral raises

    Regression: Alternate arms
    Progression: Increase the tempo, holding for 3 seconds at shoulder height.

    • Halo

    Regression: Go lighter
    Progression: Go heavier.

    • Biceps pumps

    Regression: Go lighter
    Progression: Control the tempo so each pump takes 3 seconds up and down.

    Rest for 30 seconds at the end of each set. Perform 3 sets in total.


    Perform 8 reps of each, using heavier kettlebells.

    • High pull

    Regression: Go lighter and use weight on just one arm
    Progression: Use the 2-1-2 tempo, ie two seconds on the way down, 1 second at the bottom and two seconds back at the top.

    • Gorilla Rows

    Regression: 3 point row, focusing on a single arm exercise on the bench.
    Progression: Pendlay row, and increase the weight.

    • Push Press

    Regression: Lower the weight
    Progression: Slow the movement as you lower (ie add the eccentric tempo).

    Rest for 30 seconds.

    Finisher: Hold a hand-release push-up for one minute.


    Hold each stretch for 30 seconds

    • Child’s pose
    • Thread the needle
    • Lying pectoral stretch
    • Chest stretch

    Workout 3: 15-min lower-body burn

    Equipment: 2x plates, 2x dumbbells

    preview for 15-minute lower-body workout with India Morse


    Hold for 20 seconds on each side, and run through the warm-up twice.

        • World’s greatest stretch
        • Kneeling hip flexor
        • Cossack squat



    Do 8 reps of each of the following, completing 2-3 sets

      • Dumbell Deficit reverse lunge
      • Dumbell Deficit split lunge

      Regression: Do the lunges without the dumbbells and focus on form.
      Progression: Increase the weight used.

      Rest for 30 seconds before repeating another set.


      Do 8 reps of each of the following, completing 2-3 sets

      • Kettlebell lateral lunge (focusing one leg at a time, then switching over)
      • Kettlebell dual sumo deadlift

      Regression: Use only bodyweight for the moves
      Progression: Slow down the movement and hold the pause for three seconds before coming back to standing

      Rest for 30 seconds before repeating another set

      Finisher: Hold a wall sit for as long as you can.


      Hold each stretch for 30 seconds

      • Crossover hamstring stretch
      • Figure four stretch
      • Downward facing dog

      What to do when the 4 weeks is up

      After the four weeks are up, India suggests adding more rounds with longer rest time, or combining the upper and lower body burn workouts into one longer routine to create a more challenging full-body session.

      Georgie Lane-Godfrey

      Georgie Lane-Godfrey (she/her) is our Features Director, working across those fascinating longer reads you find in Women's Health UK. 

      She also acts as Membership Content Editor, overseeing everything that appears on the Women's Health Collective website, and in its weekly newsletter, The Dispatch.  

      With over ten years experience in women's lifestyle journalism, Georgie has worked for titles such as Stylist, Glamour, Evening Standard and Marie Claire. 

      When she's not at work, you'll most likely find her either walking her rescue lurcher on Wimbledon Common or reading, as she's currently undertaking an MA in Renaissance Studies.