The approach was beloved by elite athletes before it was co-opted by gym culture. Could nutrient timing work for you?

woman making healthy breakfast in kitchen
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Ever parted with upwards of three British pounds for a protein shake for the privilege of glugging it before you've left the gym premises? Perhaps you've forgone the banana and done your HIIT class hungry because you heard fasted workouts are ‘a thing’.

Then you, friend, have been dipping your toe in the pool of nutrient timing: the idea that it's not just about what you eat and how much of it, but when that makes all the difference.

New to most of us, nutrient timing has actually been around since the early noughties, based on some 50 years of research into the myriad ways different macronutrients - protein, carbs and fat - affect your body.

The principles were first applied at elite sporting level, where they helped the world's fittest get shredded, and then followed the inevitable dissemination into gym culture.

No longer the preserve of gym bros exchanging anecdotes about the anabolic window (more on that later), deployed in the right context, experts argue this method could be the key to the body composition - and performance - you've always wanted.

The most common iteration of nutrient timing doing the rounds is 'carb cycling'. 'It essentially means scaling your carbohydrate intake up and down in accordance with your activity levels,' explains performance nutritionist Liam Holmes.

He uses the principles of nutrient timing to get elite athletes and CrossFit enthusiasts to their leanest before competitions.

'If you're training for an event - be it a cycling race or the CrossFit open games - you're going to want to shed those last few percentages of body fat,' says Holmes. 'Not only can excess fat hold athletes back from the correct weight category, it makes body weight exercises, like pull-ups, that much harder.'

Race against time

So how is it done? Most experts recommend a fasted training session followed by carbohydrates.

'The body works harder when it doesn't have carbs as fuel, so it learns to become a more efficient burner of the fuel once it is there,' explains Holmes. 'Eating this way also means you're more likely to be running off your fat stores.'

The technique is also favoured by nutrition coach Gillian Brunton, who cites the technique's ability to sharpen the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar from carbohydrates as fuel.

'This is important because increasing numbers of people are becoming insulin resistant,' she says.

Ashley Grossman, professor of endocrinology at Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, agrees.

'This is what happens when insulin doesn't do its job of pushing blood sugars into the cells for energy, so they just hang around in the bloodstream,’ she explains. You eat your carbs, but you can't reap any energy from them, so you eat more.

The consequences range from flagging energy levels and fat gain to increasing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

'Remaining insulin-sensitive, on the other hand, helps you maintain a healthy body composition,' Professor Grossman adds - one that's more in line with your training goals to improve performance and lose excess fat.

One method Brunton deploys to get her clients' bodies more insulin sensitive - and ultimately more shredded - is 'carb back-loading'. 'Essentially, it means eating carbs at night on the days you've worked out fasted that morning,' she says.

The science seems to stack up. One study that seriously disputed the ‘AM carbs = good; PM carbs = bad’ binary was proffered by the University of Jerusalem in Israel.

Researchers put participants on a plan where they ate the majority of their carbohydrates in the evening before analysing their hunger levels, body fat, waist circumference and blood sugar levels.

After 180 days, they discovered that the group eating carbs later lost more weight, more inches round their middle and got less hungry than those spreading their carbs throughout the day.

Crucially, the baseline insulin levels of those eating carbs later was significantly lower, which led the researchers to conclude that 'manipulating carbohydrate distribution' could improve insulin resistance.


If we're talking about timed eating intake, isn't protein a thing, too? The queue at the drinks counter in your gym post sesh would suggest so.

Early research on the impact of protein on muscle growth and repair raised the idea of an 'anabolic window' - a time frame within which protein is optimally absorbed. But the research has since moved on.

'When it comes to protein, recent studies show that, for most women, it's the amount you have that's important, not so much when you have it,' agrees Brunton.

Indeed, a review of studies by California State University concluded the anabolic window had been overstated and that the amount and quality of the protein was more important than when it was eaten.

'Timing does matter with protein,’ argues sport and exercise scientist Dr Graeme Close. ‘But rather than being squeezed into a window, it should be supplied to muscles in small amounts, every four to five hours, after which muscle-protein synthesis - how your body rebuilds its muscle tissue - just switches off.'

Timing isn't everything

The approach to nutrient timing today is less prescriptive. Researchers writing in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition concluded that the science itself doesn't dictate any hard-and-fast rules, and that practitioners should bridge these gaps with their expert 'observations and experiences'.

In reality, professional approaches vary. Brunton keeps her client's protein and fat levels steady while playing with the size of their carb intake.

Holmes 'seesaws' the levels of fat and carbs, decreasing the fat content of a client's meal plan during the high-carb phase to lessen the chances of overeating on more-ish high-fat, high-carb foods.

'We're working to identify and test a client's 'tipping point' - the place at which their body stops holding onto fat and the person can maintain a consistent weight,' explains Brunton.

When it comes to incorporating the performance nutrition hacks of the fitness elite into your own routine, you're essentially your own science experiment. To know what works - and what doesn't - you'll need everything else except the macronutrient you're playing with to remain consistent.

That means it’s vital to have nutrition foundations nailed first. 'You need the three T's: total food, type of food - and only then, the timing,' says Dr Close.

If you’re au fait with the fundamentals of fuelling your training - and you have a specific sporting event to strip fat for - by all means experiment with carb cycling, under the guidance of a nutrition professional.

That said, you wouldn't go after a sub-four hour marathon time if the sum of your athletic achievements amounted to the 2008 Race for Life, and experts agree that nailing a sustainable plan to fuel your fitness should be your first priority.

'Focusing on the timing of your nutrition can work, but it also adds a layer of complexity to the business of achieving lean and healthy body composition,' says Dr Close. 'For the majority of people, there's really no need to confuse the picture.'

Brunton agrees that it's more important to nail a healthy routine - food, fitness and mindset - before attempting to emulate athletes. 'You can pay close attention to the timing, but if you're eating the wrong things - or doing the wrong workouts - it won't make a difference,' she explains.

We've said it before and we'll say it again - you can't out-train a bad diet.

Nutrient cycling at a glance

Gillian Brunton on the fundamentals of eating around your workouts - and making them work for you

Plan your weekly training sessions

    'The whole point of nutrient cycling is that you're adequately fuelling your engine before each session, and refuelling after it. So you'll need to schedule in your workouts in advance.' Read and repeat: achieving your body goals doesn't just happen.

    If you're training in the morning

    'Make sure you fuel up on the day or evening before with a meal that contains adequate protein, carbs and fat. That way, you'll have enough energy banked to do your workout fasted in the morning. Once you've trained, refuel with a breakfast of carbs and protein.' Oats with added protein powder are a quick win.

    If you're training at lunchtime

    'Ensure both your breakfast and post-training lunch contains all the macros so you have enough energy to get through your morning - and recover post-workout. You’ll have already replenished your energy, so if you're trying to lose weight then base your evening meal on protein and fats.' Chicken and avo salad, anyone?

    If you're training in the evening

    'Eat a breakfast based on protein and fat, such as smoked salmon with scrambled eggs, followed by a lunch and dinner made up of all the macros. You'll need all three to power you through the afternoon and, even if you're training later on, carbs are necessary post-workout to replenish your energy stores.'

    Play by the (basic) rules

    ‘There’s no point nutrient cycling around a poor diet. Try to get plenty of sleep, rehydrate regularly and don't rush your meals. Toxins like alcohol will negatively impact results, so note down if and when you drink, too.' Which, if you're bothering with all this, should probably be rarely.

    Headshot of Roisin Dervish-O'Kane
    Roisin Dervish-O'Kane

    As Women’s Health Senior Editor Roisín reports on healthcare and the booming culture around wellness - and hosts the weekly WH podcast, Going for Goal. Named the PPA’s Writer of the Year in 2018, her journalism entertains readers - and empowers them with the tools to perform - and feel - at their best.