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Talia from Stockport asks:

'Do I need to take a calcium supp during Veganuary?'

Expert: Sam Gould, registered dietitian and founder of

women's health collective

Firstly, full marks for being calcium-conscious. Now, let’s start at the beginning: what is calcium, and why do you need it?

You’ll probably already be aware that the mineral is fundamental for bone health. But it’s also key for physiological processes such as nerve function, muscle contraction and the prevention of blood clots.

Nor will it come as a surprise that there's more than one way to go vegan. It means that whether or not you'll get enough calcium when you start swerving animal products during Veganuary depends on a few things - starting with how much of the mineral you’ll be getting from your actual diet.

Sam Gould explains: ‘If you’re eating a variety of plant-based foods, such as beans, lentils and leafy greens alongside fortified plant milks, then you will easily meet your recommended intake of calcium.

Her advice? Try soya milk in your breakfast oats: most fortified varieties contain 120mg calcium per 100ml - about the same as cow’s milk.

Not a fan of alt milks? Try cooking with tofu. ‘It’s another naturally rich source of calcium: a 100g portion contains as much as 350mg - half the RNI for the average adult,’ adds Gould.

That said, there are certain life stages at which supplementing with calcium is recommended. During pregnancy, extra calcium is essential for building your baby’s bones and teeth, while the drop in oestrogen that occurs when you’re breastfeeding and menopausal also means you need more support maintaining strong bones.

Calcium aside, there are other supplements to be aware of to avoid a deficiency. Don’t forget about vitamin D – your body needs it to metabolise calcium and the NHS recommend that you supplement in the UK between the months of October and March.

If you’re not eating fortified cereals or alt-milk products (soy, oat, almond) the Vegan Society recommend taking a 10mcg supplement of B12, too.

Headshot of Nikki Osman
Nikki Osman

Nikki Osman is Editor at Women's Health. A journalist for 15 years, she’s written, commissioned and edited thousands of words on contemporary wellness culture and how to engage with it in a way that works for your health, rather than against it. Passionate about social health, she’s worked on campaigns designed to help people lead more connected lives, as well as initiatives which aim to deliver more equitable access to health.