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What Your Sun, Moon, And Rising Signs Reveal About Your Personality, According To Astrologers

There's a reason they're known as the "Big Three." đŸ’«

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Picture this: You order a lemonade mimosa while at brunch with a potential new friend you met on Bumble BFF when suddenly she asks you about your “Big Three”—a.k.a your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. If you’re an astrology pro, you’d probably light up with excitement before spilling all of your birth chart knowledge. But if you’re a cosmic newbie, she may as well have been speaking a different language.

So what do these three major determiners of your astrological personality say about you? Your Sun sign “represents how you shine outwardly and go after what you desire,” says professional astrologer Erin River Sunday. It reflects your ego, she adds, because of its external nature.

Your Moon sign, on the other hand, relates to your emotional responses and “represents your inner realm,” per Sunday. Think: your deepest desires and intuition. The luminary also “relates to your emotional landscape and how you digest experiences,” Sunday adds.

Lastly, your rising sign is a culmination of how you assert these energies and “relates to your first impression and the characteristics that define how you show up in the world,” according to Sunday.

Meet the Experts:
Erin River Sunday is an astrologer and the founder of TBH Magic.

Ryan Marquardt is a professional, full-time astrologer based in West Hollywood, California.

So what does all this mean for how you show up in the world? Ahead, professional astrologers break down everything you need to know about Sun, Moon, and Rising signs and what your “Big Three” say about you:

What does my Sun sign mean?


Spending about 30 days in each sign, your Sun sign “marks the day you were born,” explains Sunday. It’s the sign you most likely refer to when someone asks, “What’s your sign?”

Your Sun sign is said to symbolize your life force energy, says Sunday. “It relates to your overall constitution and how you physically move through the world.” This is where you get your individual quirks, like being extremely competitive (looking at you, Aries) or super sensitive (hi, Cancer).

Basically, your Sun sign “determines your most fundamental character traits, motivations, and natural expressions,” says professional astrologer Ryan Marquardt. Ultimately, it’s the essence of who you are at your core.

What does my Moon sign mean?


Underneath your outward expression lies your inner world, and that's where your Moon sign reigns supreme.

The moon is the quickest-moving planet in astrology, according to Sunday. “It changes signs every 2.5 days, visiting each sign at least once per month,” she explains. So just because you and your bestie are both Gemini vegetarians (à la Elle and Bruiser Woods), you could have totally different Moon signs depending on the day you were born.

Your Moon sign reflects how you respond emotionally (are you short-tempered? Overly sentimental? Passive?) as well as how you might counteract the universe’s twists and turns. “The moon represents one’s inward nature and the emotions that go along with the receptive side of your personality,” says Sunday. It’s where you download insights, too. “The Moon sign impacts intuition by being your default setting for tapping into your inner knowing,” Sunday adds.

What does my rising sign mean?


Also called your ascendant, your Rising sign refers to what zodiac sign was “rising” over the Eastern horizon at the moment you were born, according to Sunday. And it changes about every two hours.

“The rising sign represents how you see the world, and how the world sees you,” Sunday explains. It’s most apparent when meeting new people and in social settings, she adds. (Tend to make great first impressions? Thank your Rising sign.) A Scorpio Rising, for example, may come off as secretive and guarded versus a Sagittarius Rising that’s more of a “glass-half-full-type that’s ready to have fun.”

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How do I find my Sun, Moon, and Rising signs?


Curious to find out what your “Big Three” are? In order to calculate your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, you’ll need to know your exact birth date, location, and time you were born. Once you have all three, plug that information into an online birth chart calculator, such as Astro-Seek, Cafe Astrology, or Astro-Charts.

What does it mean to have a Sun, Moon, and Rising in each sign?


Read on to learn more about what your specific Sun, Moon, and Rising signs reveal about your personality.


aries october 2023 horoscope

Aries Sun: As a Sun sign, Aries is brazen, assertive, and up for any task. “Because they tend to be confident, headstrong, and willing to take charge at a moment’s notice,” they’re also natural leaders, explains Marquardt.

Aries Moon: Short-tempered and emotionally explosive at times, an emotional Aries Moon can come off a little harsh, according to Marquardt. “They can react impulsively when an emotion arises, so they have to learn to take a step back and consider their options before making any significant moves from an emotional space,” he says.

Aries Rising: Whether at a party or during a job interview, Aries Risings certainly know how to stand out, Sunday says. They’re not afraid to ask for what they want and show the world exactly why they deserve their wins. “Aries Rising moves towards what they want unapologetically, in a way unique to them,” Sunday adds.

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taurus october 2023 horoscope

Taurus Sun: “Taurus Sun is grounded and patient,” says Sunday. Ruled by Venus, they’re drawn to luxury and material comforts, while also being extremely headstrong yet down-to-earth. “They gravitate toward anything they find to be naturally beautiful,” Marquardt adds.

Taurus Moon: Those with a Taurus Moon are in tune with their emotional world and are all about quality over quantity. “Taurus Moon appreciates the finer things in life and prioritizes long-standing emotional bonds” over superficial ones, says Sunday.

Taurus Rising: A Taurus Rising may come off as posh yet practical. They have a presence that feels majestic and serene, says Marquardt. It’s likely because this Venusian sign “appreciates beauty in all things,” per Sunday.


gemini october 2023 horoscope

Gemini Sun: Quick-thinking and curious, Gemini Sun signs strive to be well-rounded. “Gemini Sun loves to learn and might be the class clown,” Sunday explains. They tend to have a youthful energy and “might seem immature to others who don’t share a similar sense of humor or thirst for new experiences,” says Marquardt.

Gemini Moon: As a logical air sign, a Gemini Moon might come off as aloof in the emotional department. It’s likely because they tend to overanalyze and try to rationalize their emotions rather than actually feel them.“Gemini Moon prioritizes talking things through and needs to logically understand the source of [their] emotions,” says Sunday.

Gemini Rising: At first, a Gemini Rising might come off as chatty and extremely friendly. But despite their charm, don’t expect to pin these shapeshifters down right away, says Marquardt. “They morph in and out of different versions of themselves, so it can take a while to learn all the distinct ways they’re able to show up,” he explains.


cancer july 2024 horoscope

Cancer Sun: Those with a Cancer Sun are known to be intuitive and emotionally aware. “They are sensitive people who usually seem soft and welcoming,” explains Marquardt. But their soft middle is accompanied by a hard shell. They may not always be quick to open up to others and “might be grappling with a much stronger emotional current underneath,” Marquardt adds.

Cancer Moon: As an emotional water sign, Cancer Moon tends to be moody and overly-sensitive. They also rely heavily on their gut feelings and need “to feel safe in [their] environment” in order to thrive, says Sunday. Oh, yeah, and they’re uber nostalgic, Sunday adds.

Cancer Rising: A Cancer Rising is often a natural empath who can instantly pick up what strangers are feeling. But if they can’t guess your situation, this caring water sign will certainly check in. “They’re constantly asking if others need something or doing pulse checks,” explains Marquardt.

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leo july 2024 horoscope

Leo Sun: You can spot a Leo Sun from a mile away because of their shining charisma—and they’re life-of-the-party energy. “Leo Sun is a natural performer and enjoys being on stage in front of a crowd,” says Sunday.

Leo Moon: A Leo Moon is highly passionate and does—as well as feels—things with extreme heart. This fixed fire sign is “immensely creative with dramatic affections,” Sunday says.

Leo Rising: “Leo Rising lights up a room with heartfelt energy,” says Sunday. They tend to be extra AF when you first meet them, plus extremely showy and dramatic in social settings.


virgo july 2024 horoscope

Virgo Sun: Someone with a Virgo Sun tends to be put-together and extra organized. In fact, “a Virgo Sun is the ultimate fixer and knows how to compartmentalize,” says Sunday.

Virgo Moon: As an earth sign, Virgo Moons are emotionally grounded. They’re able to express effectively their emotions in a practical way because they’re “great communicators and appreciate structured connections,” Sunday explains.

Virgo Rising: At first meeting, a Virgo Rising might seem like a type-A overachiever. “Virgo Rising enjoys handling business and playing a supportive role,” says Sunday. In other words, they’re the person you go to when you need practical advice or a stellar recommendation.


virgo july 2024 horoscope

Libra Sun: “A Libra Sun prioritizes peace and appreciates beauty,” Sunday explains. This social air sign is all about the aesthetic and romance of it all. If “romanticize your life” was a person, it’d be Libra Sun.

Libra Moon: Although they’re a logical air sign, a Libra Moon is understanding and emotionally aware. These people are loving and “value fairness in relationships,” Sunday explains. They also “appreciate a well-curated home,” per Sunday, to house all their sentimental items, of course.

Libra Rising: Social and diplomatic, a Libra Rising often takes on the role of host. They have the best dinner parties and it’s likely because, “a Libra Rising relies on one-on-one connections as a way of life,” Sunday explains.

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scorpio july 2024 horoscope

Scorpio Sun: Scorpio Suns are passionate and strive for deep connections. Ruled by fiery Mars and mysterious Pluto, they’re moody and often “defined by intensely transformational moments throughout life,” says Sunday.

Scorpio Moon: “A Scorpio Moon is willing to put in the emotional work,” says Sunday. This sensitive water sign feels deeply and craves emotional intimacy. At the same time, they have “lots of secrets,” per Sunday, which may present a barrier to forming solid emotional connections.

Scorpio Rising: It can be hard to crack a Scorpio Rising, as they often seem standoffish at first. But what they lack in openness, they make up for in their extreme willpower, according to Sunday. “They will stop at nothing to achieve their desires.”


sagittarius july 2024 horoscope

Sagittarius Sun: Those with a Sagittarius Sun are thrill-seekers with overly-curious minds. Safe to say, this fire sign isn’t afraid to explore uncharted waters or unmarked paths. Their adventurous spirit proves “they want to get the most out of life,” says Sunday.

Sagittarius Moon: As a fire sign, a Sagittarius Moon tends to be emotionally intense and excitable. “[They] enjoy the thrill of the chase,” Sunday says. Meaning, if they ever get you, don’t be surprised if they get bored quickly and easily turn to the next shiny object of their affection.

Sagittarius Rising: A Sagittarius Rising typically comes off as happy-go-lucky and has a refreshing sense of optimism, says Sunday. They’re hopeful creatures and no matter what life throws at them they have no doubt “that everything will work out,” she adds.


capricorn july 2024 horoscope

Capricorn Sun: “A Capricorn Sun is steadfast and committed,” says Sunday. This ambitious earth sign is a natural-born leader that strives for success in everything they do.

Capricorn Moon: Pragmatic and emotionally disciplined, a Capricorn Moon tends to feel things from a logical standpoint. When it comes to romantic relationships, Capricorn Moon “is a practical lover that takes their time,” says Sunday. (Ahem, it may take a while before you crack their shell.)

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Risings tend to scope out social interactions for their networking potential. In other words, they’re always looking to further their ambitions. Oh, and you’ll learn this earth sign’s boundaries right away, says Sunday. “Capricorn Rising understands that ‘no’ is a full sentence.”

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aquarius july 2024 horoscope

Aquarius Sun: Marching to the beat of their own drum, an Aquarius Sun strives to be one in a million. “Those with an Aquarius Sun are true visionaries and catalysts for change,” explains Marquardt. They’re revolutionaries who aren’t afraid to stand out and fight for what’s right.

Aquarius Moon: Aquarius Moons may often come off as emotionally detached, but that’s only because they simply prefer processing their emotions independently. “Aquarius Moon has unique beliefs around relationships and requires a lot of space,” Sunday says.

Aquarius Rising: At first meeting, Aquarius Rising comes off as eccentric—they aren’t afraid of standing out from the crowd. “Aquarius Rising is a trendsetter and unafraid to push boundaries,” Sunday says. But while their IDGAF attitude is admirable, their natural urge to rebel “can [also] make them seem reckless or troublesome,” according to Marquardt.


pisces july 2024 horoscope

Pisces Sun: When they’re not predicting the future or dabbling in their creative pursuits, a Pisces Sun can be found daydreaming. “Pisces Sun is the ultimate dreamer and wants to be transported,” says Sunday. This emotional water sign would rather have their head in the clouds than their feet placed firmly down on the ground.

Pisces Moon: Because a Pisces Moon is deeply intuitive, they tend to be emotionally sensitive—to their own feelings and that of others. “They have a desire to feel understood by others because their inner world is full of abstract thoughts and feelings,” says Marquardt. For this reason, they really will go above and beyond to gain the approval of those around them.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Risings tend to have wild imaginations and wax poetic, according to Sunday. These serial romantics “know how to go with the flow and see the world through magical lenses,” she adds.

Headshot of Brittany Beringer
Brittany Beringer
Freelance Writer

Brittany Beringer-Tobing is a freelance writer, mystic, creator, and full-time Aquarius based in San Diego, CA. Her bylines have appeared in POPSUGAR, Bustle, Well+Good, Frenshe, Thought Catalog, and more. She was formerly an astrology writer at Bustle where she covered all things mystical—from lunar forecasts and numerology to manifestation rituals and retrograde dos and don’ts. Outside of writing in the cosmic realm, you can catch Brittany casting spells, listening to true crime, and dancing the night away.

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