There’s something undeniably exciting about a moonless sky—it evokes feelings of the great unknown, of limitless possibility. A blank sky means that soon, that great big rock that's always looking down on you will start to take shape again, sliver by silver sliver, beginning a cycle that feels like the first page of a new chapter. A moonless sky means starting fresh. I mean, it’s called the "new moon" for a reason, right?

Astrologically speaking, the new moon is the start of a new lunar cycle, Jessica Lanyadoo, humanistic astrologer, previously told Women's Health. “It is when our feelings (the moon) and our will (the sun) are aligned.” In other words, the new moon will always be in the same sign as the sun.

Each and every phase of the moon will have a different magickal (or spiritual) association, and can therefore provide an opportunity for different sorts of rituals you can perform. For example, the full moon is a great time to expel the things from your life that are no longer serving you. During that time, you may wish to cleanse your home to rid it of negative energy, according to Hadas.

When it comes to the new moon, the first phase of the lunar cycle, “it's an energetic reset,” says Sarah Potter, a psychic medium, tarot reader, and professional witch. “We’re starting over, we’re renewing and beginning again.” This makes the new moon the perfect time for any and all rituals involving planting seeds of intention, adds Julia Halina Hadas, a witch and author of the forthcoming Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick.

Meet the Experts: Julia Halina Hadas is a witch, magickal cocktail mixologist, and author of the forthcoming Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick. Sarah Potter is a tarot reader, psychic medium, and resident witch of the Jersey Shore’s Asbury Hotel.

How does the new moon affect me?

“The moon is the biggest energetic amplifier,” says Potter. So, of course, it's going to have an effect on you. That being said, the new moon will impact everyone differently, depending on your birth chart.

In general, however, the new moon will be a very exciting time. During this period, you may feel particularly energized or inspired. “When we’re in darkness, it heightens our other senses,” says Potter. “We really lean into the power of our imagination.”

Because of this, you might feel compelled to manifest your future, although using the new moon as a period of reflection is not uncommon, either. Types of spell work that may prove most fruitful during a new moon include “anything about starting anew—whether that be a new chapter in your life, a new job, or a new love,” says Potter.

That being said, you can celebrate the new moon without casting spells. Any act can feel or be magickal, if you let it. Performing moon rituals, however simple, is about “fitting your normal life [with] your magickal life in a meaningful way,” says Hadas. You might have time to really get into a complex ritual, but for many people, all you need to do is grasp those fleeting moments of calm. Remember, “energy travels the path of least resistance,” says Hadas. Be sure to give yourself the space to harness that energy.

12 New Moon Rituals

Ahead are 12 witchy new moon rituals, ranging from the incredibly easy to the slightly more involved. Pick one, or a few, and begin to harness the power of the new moon.

1. Make a new moon oil.

A good new moon oil is the perfect foundation for a new moon ritual, and making it can serve as a ritual in and of itself. Hadas suggests beginning with a carrier oil (that is, a neutral oil that can be used to dilute essential oils or other additives you may be adding to your concoction). Coconut oil is an excellent choice, as it’s something you might already have on hand and coconuts are a symbol of the moon. Pair the coconut oil with other ingredients associated with the power of the moon, like lemon zest, garden variety sage, or even the contents of a jasmine tea bag.

As you craft your oil, infuse it with the energy of the new moon by focusing on the idea of starting anew. Used alone, coconut oil can be applied as skin or hair care for a new moon beauty routine, Hadas notes. But with these additional ingredients, you may wish to apply the oil to certain areas on your body for meditation and healing purposes. If you decide to use essential oils in your new moon oil, such as sandalwood and myrrh, be sure to do a skin test first as these oils can be highly potent. Hadas notes that you may also choose to anoint crystals with this specific mixture.

2. Do a new moon candle ritual.

Now that you have your New Moon anointing oil, try a candle ritual to harness the power of the moon! Begin with a simple white candle, as this is the color of renewal and starting fresh, says Potter. After taking a few deep breaths, lighting the candle, and settling into the moment, you’ll want to zero in on your intentions.

You may wish to write your intention down, but it is also important to speak it out loud, says Potter. In doing so, your intention becomes all the more powerful. If you choose to write your New Moon intention down, Potter suggests burning it in the flame of the candle. After your candle ritual is over, you can then place the ashes into a potted plant or into your garden. “As the plant grows,” Potter notes, “so does your intention.”

3. Meditate with new moon crystals.

There are a number of crystals associated with the power of the moon—moonstone, obsidian, aquamarine, and selenite are just a few, according to Hadas and Potter. No moon-specific crystals on hand? No problem.“Trust your intuition and research the crystals that you’re drawn to,” says Hadas.

Crystals are known for their healing properties, making the new moon a great time to utilize their power through meditation or even an energy cleanse. You may choose to anoint your crystals with your new moon oil or, as Hadas suggests, dab your skin-safe oil onto your third eye, your wrists, and the back of your neck. Put on some meditative music and place the crystals on your body or hold them in the palms of your hand. While meditating, “visualize the moon and the sun aligned in the sky and you being aligned to that energy as well,” says Hadas.

Because the new moon is also associated with inner truth and the unknown, Hadas notes that you may instead choose to focus on communing with your core essence during this period. Remember, during the new moon, even though we cannot see it, the dark side of the moon is illuminated. Meditating during this period is a way to “tune into the mythos of connecting with something we can’t see with our eyes, but can feel on the soul level,” says Hadas.

4. Take a new moon bath.

For a ritual that emphasizes rest and relaxation, Potter suggests a new moon bath. The act of drawing a bath infused with energy you need in your life and soaking it all up in the suds is “a lovely way to center and be present,” she says. Grab refreshing dried herbs such as rosemary, peppermint, lavender, and basil, and place them in a sachet or directly in the tub. Then, just let the power of the moon (and some epsom salts) do the rest of the work.

This can be a perfect time to sit and reflect, as well as reset. If you’d like to step up your bathtime ritual (or if a new moon shower sounds more your speed), Hadas suggests making a new moon salt scrub. You can use the same ingredients you’d throw in the bath, add in a bit of your skin-safe new moon oil, or bring in other ingredients that represent the energy you want to attract—like sugar, which represents new love.

5. Craft a new moon tea.

One of Hadas’ favorite new moon rituals is to create a tea that can be consumed or used as an aromatic mist. Infuse hot water with your positive energy and intentions, as well as ingredients like dried rose petals or sprigs of rosemary. Let your potion steep in the morning sunrise on the day of the new moon, says Hadas. Then, transfer it into a spray bottle as a means to cleanse your space or spritz yourself while restating your intention or repeating affirmations.

If you’re looking for a tea better suited for drinking, Hadas suggests concocting some lemon and cucumber water, as these simple ingredients serve as a conduit for the power of the moon. Add some ice and a bit of mint, and you have yourself a refreshing new moon mocktail that’s perfect to sip on while you meditate on the beginning of a new cycle.

6. Cleanse your space.

Here, that new moon tea-turned-mist will come in handy. “Part of manifesting new things is making sure the pathway is clear for that to happen,” says Hadas. To clear your pathway, simply spray your new moon mist around your home. If you’re more into smoke than water, you can cleanse with incense as well. Potter adds that it's worth paying closer attention to cleansing spaces where you might start something new—your WFH desk included.

You may also choose to use the new moon as an excuse for a good deep clean. When it comes to manifesting under the new moon, you need to cultivate energy that is primed for a new beginning, says Potter. Is there a better way to do so than starting the moon cycle with a literal clean slate?

7. Come up with a new moon affirmation.

“Sometimes your mind is closed to the opportunities that are trying to come your way,” says Hadas. Because of this, you need to develop the right mindset to invite positive energy into your life. The perfect way to do this is with an affirmation.

Meditate on an affirmation that feels right for you and write it down on a piece of paper, say Hadas. To go the extra mile, dab the paper with your new moon oil. Then, tape the affirmation to your mirror. Look into the glass and repeat it to yourself just a few times every morning and every night. You may choose to do this every day until the next new moon, or however long it takes for the affirmation sets in.

8. Set your goals for the moon cycle.

Because the new moon is the beginning of a new cycle, Hadas notes that this can be the perfect time to set up your monthly goals. Grab your to-do list, your weekly planner, your wall calendar—even a few sticky notes. Then, “focus on what sign the sun and the moon are in and ask, ‘How can this energy benefit my life? How can I use this energy?’” says Hadas.

This ritual is so simple, it's something you may be doing already. And yet, by setting aside the time to map out your plans—especially with the energy of the new moon in mind—this can be the perfect way to mesh “magick with the mundane,” as Hadas says.

9. Write in a moon journal.

Potter suggests keeping a journal that you can write in not just on the new moon, but throughout the moon cycle. Under the new moon, you’ll want to jot down (or doodle!) your intentions and manifestations. “You can come back to it and reflect on it each month and see where you’re at,” says Hadas. Check in with yourself in two weeks on the Full Moon, at the next new moon, or even in six months when the Full Moon finally reaches the sign you’re currently celebrating. “Track your progress and adjust accordingly,” says Potter.

10. Pull a tarot card.

The new moon is an excellent time for looking ahead and practicing divination. A simple way to do this is with tarot or oracle cards. Sit with your deck and ask, “What is my soul calling me to look towards at this time?” says Hadas. Another great way to consult the cards, Potter says, is to ask how you can be supported in the new moon.

11. Do something creative.

Everyone has a creative side. That being said, the overall nature of adulthood has a nasty habit of keeping that side of you down. “The new moon is a fantastic time to embark on something new creatively,” says Potter. As your new moon ritual, why not set aside the time to do something creative that you love?

Paint, draw, dance around the room. Write a short story or a poem, craft a collage or vision board. Whatever creative outlet your life doesn’t normally allow the time for—let the new moon be your excuse to do it.

12. Learn something new.

The new moon is associated with the idea of new beginnings. So, this is the perfect time to do something you’ve never done before! For example, Hadas suggests that the new moon can be a great time to embark on new magickal studies. Wink, wink.

But rituals aren’t limited to things that are inherently magickal. Just like making time and giving yourself space to explore your creativity is important; hitting pause on your day-to-day life and learning something fresh and exciting is crucial. Each new moon, pick something new to try. Maybe you sign up for a new fitness class each month, or finally get the girls together to take that pottery course you’ve been eyeing. Maybe, you make a new dinner recipe, or start a book on your TBR. Whatever it is, let that act of stepping into the unknown be your new moon ritual.

    Headshot of Aliza Pelto
    Aliza Pelto

    Aliza Pelto (she/her) is a rurally raised, NYC-based writer, Gemini, and iced coffee enthusiast. Her work has appeared with The National Organization for Women, Alma, and both in print and online at BUST Magazine. When she’s not reading, recording her podcast (Little Sleep//Much Reading), or doing something witchy, you can find her dissociating via TikTok for hours on end.