It’s likely you can name your zodiac sign and the personality traits associated with it, and maybe you even know a bit about the planets that rule your emotions, the way you love, and how you handle conflict. You could spend eternity unpacking the way the cosmos dictate who you are and why you do the things you do. And eventually, you’d land on the four natural elements: fire, air, water, and earth.

Each one rules three astrological signs. And while the way a certain element impacts each of its three signs is different, they still share a few core traits and values. That’s why all three earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—are considered the most grounded of the zodiac.

"Earth is the element that teaches one the wisdom of making the hard choices that bring long-term and lasting rewards," says Linda Joyce, a professional astrologer and author of The Star Within: Tapping the Power of The Zodiac. As a result, earth signs embrace hard work, commitment, and truth. They take pride in their self-discipline and their reliable reputations, she adds. If this sounds like you, there’s a good chance the earth’s had more of an influence on your life than you might've realized.

But, it’s not all work and no play for the earth signs who—let’s be honest—have a reputation for being a bit intense, and well, a tad boring. We get it, Capricorns love analytics. But they can be a freak in the streets and the spreadsheets.

"Earth signs are very sensual and hedonistic. They work hard, so they play hard, and there's no shame in that game," says Lisa Stardust, an astrologer and author of The Love Deck: 70 Cards to Ignite Attraction, Passion, and Romance. Tauruses, in particular, will work 14 hours a day and want a $20 cocktail when it's (finally) quitting time, she explains. "They work to afford luxury in life."

All this is to say, earth signs have layers, which makes sense—they're the builders of the zodiac, says Stardust.

Meet the Experts:
Linda Joyce is a professional astrologer and author of The Star Within: Tapping the Power of The Zodiac.

Lisa Stardust is an astrologer and the author of The Love Deck: 70 Cards to Ignite Attraction, Passion, and Romance.

Narayana Montúfar is a senior astrologer at

Ahead, astrologers explain exactly what it means to be ruled by the earth and which zodiac signs channel this grounding power. And because familiarity with your ruling element can explain why you value the things you do and even reveal aspects of yourself you may have overlooked, prepare to look at your sign in a whole new light.

What are the common characteristics of earth signs?

For starters, all three earth signs are practical and methodical, says Joyce. They are considered the "builders of the universe" because structure is a personal biggie. But don't get it twisted: While these signs love a plan of action, they're not mega-serious sticks in the mud. (One in particular has a penchant for rebellion, so stay tuned for that.) Earth signs just appreciate stability.

Joyce even considers these signs pretty sexy. "They’re connected to their bodies and desires," she says. "They seek to understand their purpose, and they’re powerful because their ego does not get in the way of hard work and the difficult choices that must be made on the road to success."

In romantic and sexual relationships, they also tend to seek commitment—or, at least, they like to know where they stand. "They like to have labels. So in a relationship, they like structure and tradition," Stardust says. "Either you're my partner, or you're not."

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When the going gets tough, earth signs have the wisdom to know which strategies will get 'em going and reap lasting rewards. Plus, because they're not afraid of getting their hands dirty, they'll put distractions aside and do whatever's necessary to get the job done. But even though they'll rise to occasion, earth signs still prefer a good, old-fashioned itinerary.

"They like to think things through," says Stardust. For example, "They're not going to be going on a random road trip—they want to know where they're staying, who they're going with, all the details."

FYI: Your earth sign is related to your sun sign. Learn more about this sector of the zodiac.

preview for Everything You Need to Know About Earth Signs

What are the modalities of each earth sign?

Every zodiac sign not only falls under one of the four natural elements, but each one is also put into one of three different modality categories: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The three earth signs are broken up into these modalities based on their respective times of year.

Capricorn is cardinal earth, meaning it's associated with the start of a season. Taurus is fixed earth, which means its sign is associated with the middle of a season. Finally, Virgo is mutable earth, so its sign is associated with the very end of a season, which checks out. "Virgos are all about finishing up summertime and getting us back on track," Stardust says. "There's a reason Virgo season is when school starts."

How do each earth sign's traits differ from one another?

Though they have some pretty awesome characteristics in common, the individual earth signs all bring something special to the astrological table. Here's everything else you should know about each sign:

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

If you're trying to spot a Taurus, just look for whoever stands out most from the crowd. Of the three earth signs, Taurus is the rebellious, instinctive, and unique one. "This is the sign where individuality begins to emerge," says Joyce. And if anyone dares stand in a Taurus' way? They're in for a rude awakening—a Taurus will always achieve what they want in the end. Some call it stubbornness, but a Taurus would probably consider it a skill, and they would be right. This sign can be very persuasive if they have evolved beyond their hard-headed nature.

Taurus is the friend that will help you design your home, because they always have an opinion, especially when it comes to aesthetics. This is also the friend you hit up when you're looking to eat well. "They're really into food, luxury, nice clothing, and fabrics," Stardust says. Taurus signs love to indulge—whether that’s in an elaborate home-cooked feast, or at the trendy new spot in town they just can’t wait to try, adds Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer at

That said, "Taurus is a creature of habit," Montúfar notes, adding that this sign is very likely to be in a long-term relationship. So, definitely also hit up your Taurus friend with any love woes. They have mastered the long-term partnership and usually have pretty solid advice for how to keep a steady, successful relationship going.

Overall, life as a Taurus means mastering the balance between instant gratification and self-discipline. It's tough, but then again, a Taurus loves a challenge. They'll never run short on staying power, perseverance, and the clarity of truth, says Joyce. And even when things get difficult, a Taurus will probably succeed anyway because they've got strength like a bull–the Taurus' symbol.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Attention to detail? Check. Organizational skills? Check. Got a problem? A Virgo's got the solution.

"Virgo rules service, purpose, and health," says Joyce. "It is the sign of responsibility and consequences." Thanks to their keen attention to detail, Virgos know exactly what you'll need to keep your eye on the prize and ditch distractions. In fact, their eyes rarely waver. But, if yours do, you'll likely get left behind. (Sorry, not sorry.)

Every functional team needs a Virgo, says Montúfar. They have big leader energy, which can be useful in both work and play. But that’s not all this sign has to offer.

Since this sign is ruled by Mercury (the planet that rules communication, processing information, and creativity) they can be cunning, just like the other sign ruled by Mercury—Gemini.

"Virgo is very smart, so we don’t always notice they are playing us," says Montúfar. But they are so powerful in their intuition and communication style that it’s easy to get all caught up in Virgo’s story. This also speaks to Virgo’s ability to analyze things and see a problem from all sides. This is definitely the friend you call when you want some detached, analytical advice. (Just don’t call them when you’re emotional, because they’re not going to want that.)

A Virgo knows exactly what it'll take for them to be great because they know their strengths, adds Joyce. And thanks to this laser-focused command of all of their skills, when they slip up, a Virgo knows exactly where they went wrong and how to fix it.

When challenges come up, a Virgo can take the heat. In fact, they've probably got about seven other things in the works, too. Let's hear it for a multitasking queen.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

A Capricorn is a born leader. They're the friend who plans all your group trips, the first to arrive to dinner, and the one who reminds you to take your medicine. They're just on top of it all. In Stardust's words, they're the "CEO of the zodiac," if you will.

"Experience has taught [the Capricorn] that a steady pace, self-imposed limitation, and hard work is what’s needed to get ahead," says Joyce. It's why they live for commitment and plans. So, if you're not the type to stick to your word, prep for a very disappointed look from the Cap in your life.

Even while they're busy keeping everyone else on track, there's a good chance a Capricorn still has bigger plans in the works because ambition is never in short supply. In the end, they're not looking for praise or a beefed-up resume, they're fueled by passion.

And if things don't go according to plan (a rarity, but it'll happen), you won't find a Cap down for long. They're "not afraid to reinvent themselves," says Joyce. "They meet the moment with an open heart and the willingness to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve their goals. This is the key to a success that keeps on giving."

But there is a deeply emotional side to Capricorn that people tend to forget, says Montúfar.

"People see Capricorn’s work ethic and think they are all work work work and boring, but I disagree," says Montúfar. Capricorns are a sensitive bunch; they just don’t wear it on their sleeves.

Caps are also great at seeing a situation from a higher perspective. If you have Capricorn placements, you might find that people come to you with some of life’s big questions like, "Where do I belong?" or "What is my true purpose?" And the great thing about Capricorns is they can actually answer effectively and honestly.

Capricorns are also excellent social climbers. They know how to connect and get into the rooms and spaces they need to be in to continue to grow their profile and their wealth. They're not to be underestimated.

Headshot of Aryelle Siclait
Aryelle Siclait
Aryelle Siclait is the editor at Women's Health where she writes and edits articles about relationships, sexual health, pop culture, and fashion for verticals across and the print magazine. She's a Boston College graduate and lives in New York.

Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at

Headshot of Lydia Wang
Lydia Wang
Love & Life Editor

Lydia Wang is the love & life editor at Women’s Health, where she writes and edits articles about sex, relationships, identity, and pop culture. She lives in New York and spends way too much of her free time reading romance novels in coffee shops and tweeting about her favorite dating shows.