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17 Best Hip Stretches For Women To Alleviate Tension And Improve Flexibility

Hips don't lie—stretching is key.

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trainer performing low lunge with arm reach
Kathryn Wirsing

If you spend a lot of time sitting (I'm talking to you, fellow desk-job-workers), your body, and more specifically, your hips, are probably aching to be stretched. One of the best ways to soothe tight hips (and your lower back) is simple, though: Give them a good stretch.

“Anything you do often, you get really good at. So, individuals who sit down for long periods of time get really good at holding that position,” says Colette Nguyen, CPT, trainer at Soho Strength Lab. “As a byproduct, the hip flexors get tight, glutes get elongated, and hips end up getting weak as a result.” If tightness in your hips goes unchecked, it's common to experience lower back pain or tightness in your knees.

Meet the experts: Yami Mufdi, CPT, is founder of The Fit Club. Colette Nguyen, ACE-CPT, is a personal trainer at Soho Strength Lab. Tatiana Lampa, CPT, is a corrective exercise specialist and the founder of Training With T.

Benefits Of Hip Stretches

Even if you don’t sit all day, chances are you could benefit from doing hip stretches on the regular. Hip stretches can relieve tightness in the hip flexors, which is common from both sitting and standing for long periods. This relief isn’t confined to the hips—stretching the hip joint can also alleviate lower back pain and discomfort in other areas connected to tight hips, says Nguyen. Improved flexibility from these stretches can also enhance your posture, helping you maintain a more aligned and comfortable stance throughout the day. Plus, the more limber and mobile your hips are, the easier and more efficient everyday activities like walking, bending, and lifting can become.

Stretching can also promote relaxation and reduce stress, offering a simple way to unwind and give your body and mind a little TLC. When you stretch, it not only relieves tension in tight muscles but also encourages the release of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.

Beyond flexibility, building strength in your hips is super important for preventing future hip pain and ensuring long-term joint health, according to Nguyen. Combining regular stretching with strength-building exercises to support the hip joint is key to maintaining healthy, pain-free hips in the long run.

How To Stretch Your Hips At Home

Below, trainers share their favorite moves to stretch the hips. These stretches can be performed on their own, or incorporated into your workout routine as a warmup or cooldown, says Yami Mufdi, CPT. You can also string a few of the moves below together for quick stretch breaks throughout the day.

Time: 5 minutes | Equipment: None | Good for: Hips

Instructions: Choose any three hip stretches from the list below. Perform each stretch for at least 30 seconds, repeat on the opposite side, if applicable, then continue to the next stretch. Once you've completed three stretches, repeat the cycle twice more for a total of three hip-opening rounds.

Pro tip: If you want to stretch your hips before a workout, Mufdi recommends first starting with a warmup that includes cardio to get your heart rate up, followed by a few dynamic stretches. For those who prefer to stretch it out after sweating it out, choose a few static stretches to thank your muscles and hip joints for working for you.


High Lunge (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

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Similar to a low lunge, a high lunge also works the quads, hips, and hips. But since you're moving upward here, you also get a bit more core engagement, Mayfield says.

How to:

  1. Start in a low lunge with left knee and shin off floor.
  2. From there, lift torso and raise both arms overhead. Keep shoulders down and hips squared to front of mat, and hold.
  3. Switch sides and repeat the movement.

Hip Rotations

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Targets: hip abductors, glutes, quads, psoas, core

Why it rocks: “This mobility drill is like we’re oiling up our hips for our next activity,” says Tatiana Lampa, CPT, a corrective exercise specialist.

How to:

  1. Start in a standing position, with feet just wider than hips.
  2. Place hands behind your head.
  3. Pull right foot up off floor, bending knee and drawing it in towards chest, out to side of body, and back down to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with your left leg and continue alternating legs for 30 seconds. That's 1 round.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

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Targets: hip flexors, glutes

Why it rocks: This stretch counteracts the negative effects of sitting by putting your hip in an extended position, easing stiffness and preventing those annoying backaches.

How to:

  1. Start in a half-kneeling position with your right foot forward and left knee on the floor.
  2. Placing your hands on the right knee for stability, press the hips forward slightly and engage the left glute to stretch into the front of the left hip.
  3. Step right foot back to place right knee beside left knee in kneeling position.
  4. Step left foot forward to half-kneeling position to repeat on the other side. That's 1 round.
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Alternating Low Lunge with Rotation

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Targets: hip flexors, glutes, thighs

Why it rocks: This stretch takes the high lunge to the next level by adding some rotation to stretch the front leg’s glute.

How to:

  1. Starting in a high plank position, step left foot forward to rest outside of left hand.
  2. Lift the left arm into the air and twist the torso toward the left leg.
  3. Replace hand on floor and step back to high plank, then repeat on right side and continue alternating sides for 30 seconds. That's 1 round.

Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

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Benefits: Low lunges will open up your hips and help you balance, Mayfield explains. It also stretches the quads and inner thighs.

How to:

  1. Start in a forward fold.
  2. Then, step left foot backward until leg is straight, toes are tucked, and heel is high.
  3. Bend the right knee to 90 degrees and come up to balance on the fingertips.
  4. Lower back knee and shin to the mat.
  5. Hold the position.
  6. Switch sides and repeat the movement.

Toe Touches

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Targets: core, glutes, hip flexors, quads, hamstrings

Why it rocks: This is a good dynamic option to warm up with prior to a workout, says Lampa. You’ll get a great stretch through the inner thighs and hips.

How to:

  1. Start standing with feet wider than hips. Bend right knee, leaving left leg straight, and reach across the body and down toward right toes with left hand.
  2. Keeping hips low, bend left knee and straighten right leg to reach toward left toes with right hand.
  3. Continue alternating between legs for 30 seconds. That's 1 round.
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Happy Baby

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Targets: hamstrings, groin, inner thighs, hips

Why it rocks: This option is a great hip-opening alternative for people who experience discomfort in a lunge position.

How to:

  1. Start lying on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at sides.
  2. Draw knees toward the chest outside of ribs with legs bent and soles of feet facing the ceiling.
  3. Bring arms inside of legs and grab big toes and gently pull knees toward the floor. Gently rock from left to right, extending and bending each leg organically as you feel fit. That's 1 round.

Knee Lifts

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Targets: quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip flexors

Why it rocks: Knee lifts are a great dynamic stretch to add to your warmup. They fire up the hips, knees, and core all at once.

How to:

  1. Start standing with feet wider than hips.
  2. Bend your arms to place your hands behind your head.
  3. Bend right knee and lift right leg up toward elbow.
  4. Return to standing, repeat with your left leg. Continue alternating legs for 30 seconds. That's 1 round.


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Targets: hips, groin, inner thighs, knees

Why it rocks: This position lets gravity do most of the work, pulling your knees down for a good hip stretch.

How to:

  1. Start seated with legs together and bent, feet flat on the floor, hands hugging knees, and spine long.
  2. Open legs like a book, bring soles of feet together, and grasp toes.
  3. Push knees down toward the mat and reach your chest forward slightly. That's 1 round.

Pro tip: Move your heels closer toward your body for a deeper stretch or further away from you for an easier one.

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Hip Flexor Rainbow

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Targets: hip flexors

Why it rocks: This move takes the hip flexor stretch a step further by adding some rotation to get deeper into the hip flexor.

How to:

  1. Start in a half-kneeling position with left foot forward and right leg back with right knee, shin, and foot flat on mat.
  2. Press hips forward slightly, rest right hand on left thigh, and reach left arm straight out in front of you.
  3. From here, reach left hand back toward right foot, keeping arm straight.
  4. Then, extend the left arm back out in front of the torso, and repeat.
  5. Repeat on the other side. That's 1 round.

Couch Stretch

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Targets: glutes, hamstrings, knee flexors

Why it rocks: This is a great stretch to get deeper into the opening of the hip flexor, says Lampa.

How to:

  1. Set up in front of a bench (or your couch). Bring your left leg to a low lunge position and bring your right foot to rest on the bench (toes pointing up) with your knee resting on a pad or rolled up mat. Place your hands on your hips.
  2. Squeeze your right glute, then release and repeat on the other side. That's 1 round.

Glute Push-Through

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Targets: glutes

Why it rocks: This micro-movement may not look like much, but it’s one of the best ways to get a deep stretch in the hip flexors. It can be done standing just about anywhere—try it in the airport security line, waiting for the train, at the office—you name it.

How to:

  1. Start standing with your left foot forward, right leg about a foot back.
  2. Push up onto your left toe while simultaneously pushing your toe hard into the ground as you tuck your pelvis while squeezing your left glute on and off.
  3. Release and repeat on the other side. That's 1 round.

Pro tip: Your feet should be on “railroad tracks” with your hips facing straight ahead.

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Targets: inner thighs, hips

Why it rocks: The frog stretch is excellent for preparing the body for squats and other lower-body exercises that require significant range of motion in the hip joint.

How to:

  1. Get into a frog position with your knees separated as far apart as is comfortable, resting on your forearms and shins, knees, and ankles.
  2. Squeeze the right glute to activate the stretch in the right hip first. Release and repeat on the left side. That's 1 round.


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Targets: hips, spine, core

Why it rocks: The pretzel gets deep into the glutes, hip flexors, quads, and spine all at the same time—talk about efficiency!

How to:

  1. Lay flat on your back with one leg extended long and the other bent.
  2. Pull your bent leg across your body at a 90 degree angle with your opposite arm helping to press that knee to the floor.
  3. Then, use your other hand to pull your extended leg back toward your quad forming a 45 degree angle.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Pro tip: Keep your shoulders flat on the floor.


90-90 Hip Switches

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Targets: hip flexors, glutes, external rotators

Why it rocks: This stretch boosts mobility, eases muscle tension, and helps prevent injuries in your hips and lower back.

How to:

  1. Sit on the floor with your with arms extended behind you for support, knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  2. Rotate your right leg so that your right shin is in front of you, making a 90-degree angle between your right thigh and calf.
  3. Rotate your left leg so that your left shin is beside you, also making a 90-degree angle between your left thigh and calf. Your left knee should be in line with your left hip.
  4. Sitting tall with your spine straight, flip each leg to the opposite side. Place your hands on the ground for support if needed.
  5. Continue alternating for 30 seconds. That's 1 round.
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Half Kneeling Abductor Rock

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Targets: hips, inner thighs

Why it rocks: This dynamic unilateral stretch helps address mobility imbalances between your right and left hip.

How to:

  1. Get into a kneeling stance with one leg extended out to the side.
  2. Lean forward into your bended knee.
  3. Repeat on the other side. That's 1 round.

Supine Figure 4

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Targets: hips, glutes, hamstrings

Why it rocks: This is a “must do” move for a deep release in the glutes, according to Lampa.

How to:

  1. Laying flat on your back with knees bent, cross one leg over the other to create a 4.
  2. Then, reach through to pull your uncrossed leg closer to your body.
  3. Repeat on the other side. That's 1 round.

Pro tip: You can also do this stretch seated or rock your legs back and forth in windshield wipers to get a deeper stretch.

Headshot of Lauren Del Turco, CPT
Lauren Del Turco, CPT
Lauren is a freelance writer and editor, an American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer, and the Fitness & Wellness Editor of Women’s Health. You’ll find her hiking, lifting weights, working on her downward dog, or perusing the farmer’s market.
Headshot of Olivia Luppino
Olivia Luppino
Editorial Assistant

Olivia Luppino is an editorial assistant at Women’s Health where she covers health and fitness. She previously wrote for The Cut, POPSUGAR, and Salon and has written about everything from New York Fashion Week to dating app trends to the United States Women’s National Soccer team (a.k.a. her heroes). When she isn’t writing, Olivia is likely catching up on Bravo shows or running late to barre class.

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