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Free weights and kettlebells and pullup bars are all stellar pieces of equipment. But name a more portable and lightweight tool—that’s still powerful enough for a full-body sweat—than a mini resistance band. We’ll wait.

Is that crickets we hear? Thought so. The band, arguably one of the most underrated strength-training modalities, creates constant tension that increases as you stretch it, says Kelsey Sheahan, personal trainer, iFit instructor, and cofounder of Sweat Den. It also adds quality to movement. Do a squat with DBs and you may not notice your knees falling inward, she says. “Add a band above the knees and you have a feedback loop of where your form needs improvement.”

To that point: Resistance band training was not only deemed a great alternative to lifting free weights, in a study in the Journal of Human Kinetics; it also causes muscle fibers to fire even harder than they do with free weights, possibly due to the instability you’re fighting with a band.

Really, there’s no question why the mini band is the headliner for this year’s fitness challenge. Expertly crafted by Sheahan, the plan is a spicy workout that’ll condition you head to toe, improve muscular endurance and mobility, and enhance the mind-body connection. Each week, you'll also focus on a new mini goal as you progress through the 30 days.

Ready to build strength, enhance the mind-muscle connection, and work your way to a more confident you?

Sign up for a WH+ membership to access the challenge workouts below—and tons of other perks.

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the gameplan

DAYS 1–7: Train With Intention

Do the designated workout for each day at the links below, performing each exercise for 30 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest between moves. Repeat each circuit three times. As you kick things off, think about why you’re here—and where you’re feeling it with each move. The brain needs to be all in for the bod to follow.

DAYS 8–14: Course-Correct

For each workout, stick to performing the exercises for 30 seconds each, resting for 15 seconds between moves, and doing the circuit three times. Take inventory of where you felt off last week. Balance wonky in that airplane pose in the booty workout? Need to increase the tension on your upper-body days? Tweak your path accordingly.

DAYS 15–21: Up The Intensity

Try to power through each move for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds of intermittent rest, for, again, three total rounds. You’ve gotten the hang of the movements—so let’s take the energy and burn up a notch here.

DAYS 22–30: Go Out With A Bang

Bring all you’ve got to every single minute of every workout. You’re ready to push for 45 seconds of work, with 15 seconds of rest between moves, for four total rounds.

button to download the 2022 fitness challenge calendar guide on your phone or desktop


Track your progress: At the end of a workout (or week), jot down how many reps you did in the time frame and what level band you used. These notes act as benchmarks to help you witness growth and know when to level up.

Need A Mini Band? We've Got You
Best Budget-Friendly Pack
Amazon’s Choice
Fit Simplify
Now 53% Off
$10 at Amazon$24 at Walmart
Credit: Fit Simplify

There's a reason this quality, rip-proof pack has over 100,000 reviews. You'll be stocked with five different band levels (the bands themselves are marked X-Light to X-Heavy) as you progress through the challenge for only $12.

Best Fabric Bands

You'll love these heavy fabric bands on lower-body days. They feature a non-slip inside layer and stay put whether you're squatting, lunging, lifting, or jumping.

Best Overall Latex Bands
Editor’s Choice
Now 43% Off
Credit: Bala Bands

Sheahan uses this five-pack set herself. Each of these mini bands, at various tension levels, also features a sweet motivational message. Love!

Lower Body
fitness challenge
Kat Wirsing
Upper Body
fitness challenge
Kat Wirsing
fitness challenge
Kat Wirsing
fitness challenge
Kat Wirsing

Trainer tip: On cross-training days, mix it up. Take your favorite class, or move through a relaxing yoga flow—whatever your body craves.

Kelsey's Ultimate Workout Playlist

Headshot of Jacqueline Andriakos
Jacqueline Andriakos
Executive Health & Fitness Director

Jacqueline Andriakos is the Executive Health & Fitness Director at Women's Health, where she oversees all health and fitness content across and the print magazine. She has more than a decade of experience writing and editing in the wellness space and has contributed to national publications including Time,, Health, Real Simple, and People, among others. Jacqueline is also certified in personal training by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).