This superset workout is designed to target all the muscles that are important for a stronger booty—your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. You'll do two glute exercises that work the same muscle groups back to back without taking a break in between moves—then continuing on immediately to the next set of exercises. Pairing up moves like this in what's called a superset makes for a super-effective workout with a major muscle burn and cardio burst too.

For this routine, you’ll need to grab a “booty band”, also called a resistance band or mini band, and a single dumbbell. These two tools will add a little extra challenge to your butt workout—and you can go for a more weight and resistance the stronger you get.

Grab your fave workout buddy and crank out this booty routine two to three times a week for best results.

Time: 8 minutes

Equipment: Mat, resistance band, dumbbells

Good for: Glutes, hamstrings, lower back

Instructions: For the first superset, complete 12 reps of each exercise, then immediately start on the next one. Repeat the first superset without rest in between then move on to the next pairing. Continue this pattern for the remaining supersets.

Superset 1

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Goblet Squat

How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and turned out, thighs facing forward, knees tracking over toes, holding a dumbbell in front of chest. Tuck tailbone and lower down until thighs are parallel with floor. Press through heels to rise back up to start. That's one rep. Complete 12.

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Single-Leg Kickstand Deadlift

How to: Start standing with right leg slightly behind left, knee softly bent, heel high, left hand at side, and right hand holding a dumbbell in front of body. Engage abs and slowly lean forward, bringing torso toward floor until chest is parallel to ground and right hand is almost touching floor. Drive into left heel to return to start position. That’s one rep. Complete 12, switching sides on second round.

Repeat the superset once more.

Superset 2

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Lateral Shuffle

How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, resistance band wrapped around thighs, and hands on hips. Engage abs and step right foot out to the side, then reverse the movement to return to start. Repeat on the left side. That’s one rep. Complete 12.

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Standing Leg Lifts

How to: Start with your feet hip-width apart, resistance band wrapped around thighs, left leg slightly behind right with just toes touching the floor, and hands on hips. Squeeze glutes, engage abs, and lift leg straight up in air while keeping hips squared to front. Lower back down to start. That's one rep. Complete 12, switching legs on the second round.

Repeat the superset once more.

Superset 3

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Booty Band Bridge + Abduction

How to: Start lying on back with a resistance band around thighs, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and close to glutes, arms at sides on mat. Engage abs, push down into heels, and squeeze butt to raise hips toward the ceiling so body forms straight line from shoulders to knees. Then, press legs out to the sides. Reverse the movement to return to start. That's one rep. Complete 12.

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Fire Hydrant

How to: Start on all fours with resistance band wrapped around thighs, wrists under shoulders, and knees under hips. Keeping hips level and left leg bent at 90 degrees, lift left knee out to side as far as possible. Return to start. That's one rep. Complete 12.

Repeat the superset once more.

Karena and Katrina are wearing tops and sports bras from Alala, and sneakers from Puma.