Believe it or not, Americans sit almost 10 hours each day (on average). At a desk, on the couch, at the dinner table, or yes… on the toilet. (Yikes!) After all that time on your rear, you will eventually have to stand back up. When you do, you’ll need lower-body strength and mobility, so it’s important to keep your quads, glutes, and hamstrings strong. An excellent way to prep or mix up your lower-body workout routine? Say hello to the box squat—one of the many awesome squat variations to try.

The box squat is a great functional exercise to work the lower body and core, says Kate Baird, ACSM-certified exercise physiologist and member of the NYU Sports Performance Center team. In addition to targeting your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, the box squat also works your abdominals and those tiny muscles in your spine. (Yep, sitting down and standing up is a core workout!)

So why add a box, bench, or stable chair below you while you squat? The box helps boost awareness of your squat depth. It also allows you to focus on range of motion and standardize each squat. Plus, it can even help you break through squatting plateaus, says Baird.

The box also offers security as you lower down so you can boost your squat confidence, says strength coach and trainer Alena Luciani, CSCS, creator of Training2XL. “The tactile feedback [of the box] reinforces really important components of the squat itself and also gives you a sense of safety and confidence.” Think of the box as a safety net, explains Luciani. If you get to the bottom and you’re unable to stand back up, no problem, just take a seat.

Ready to drop it to the box? Here’s everything you need to know about box squats, including how to do the exercise with perfect form, how to incorporate it in your workouts, and more move progressions from expert trainers.

How To Do A Box Squat With Perfect Form

You may be an expert at sitting (ahem, above stats), but that doesn't mean your box squatting form is *chef's kiss*...yet. Here's exactly how to perform a box squat according to trainers.

  1. Set up a box, bench, or stable chair at the proper height. (“When you squat down, your thigh should be parallel to the floor,” says Luciani.) Stand about a half step away with your back facing the box and your feet hip width apart. Make sure your toes face forward and slightly out at 11 and 1 o’clock to create space for your hips. If you are taller you may need to widen your stance, says Luciani.
  2. Engage your core, drawing your belly button and rib cage inward, and keep your chest tall. This will keep you stabilized and aid in that extra core workout.
  3. Inhale and shift your weight back onto your heels (evenly distribute weight between your two feet) while slowly pushing your hips behind you as you lower down. Stop lowering when your thighs are parallel with the box or you have gently made contact with the surface. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your knees over your toes.
  4. Once you tap the surface of the box, reverse the motion as you exhale. Squeeze your butt cheeks together, keeping chest lifted and core tight as you push through your legs and return to standing. That's one rep.

Benefits Of Box Squats

There's a lot to love about box squats whether you're a newbie, fitness pro, or somewhere in between. Here are the big rewards you can enjoy when you add box squats to your routine.

  • You *really* learn to squat. If you’re a beginner, the box squat can be the perfect introduction to the world of squatting. On top of working your entire lower-body, the box is going to give you a sense of security and allow you to focus on squat form, explains Luciani. “A little bit of security often gives someone more confidence in the movement pattern,” she says.
  • You can rehab injuries. While you should always make sure you are cleared by a doctor or physical therapist, the box squat can be a great way to retrain your body after an injury. “Choose a height that is just above where you start to lose your form or where you feel your injury talking to you,” says Baird. Working on smaller movements at partial heights gives you the opportunity to focus on form, safely.
  • You improve range of motion. Tight hips or ankles? No problem. The box squat is a great way to increase range of motion, explains Baird. “The primary function of the box is to give your squat a goal depth,” she says. The benefit of the landing pad helps control the technique and lets you focus on working toward that 90-degree knee bend positioning.

What's the proper box height? “When you squat down, your thigh should be parallel to the floor,” says Luciani.

  • You become consistent with your squat depth. Listen, not every squat is perfect and that’s okay! Air squats will always vary in depth no matter how much of a pro you are, says Baird, but the box helps to standardize the movement. Box squats help you focus and give you a dedicated place to pause at the bottom every time, says Baird.

Common Box Squat Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

  1. Your box is the wrong height. When squatting to the box, make sure you have a good range of motion, explains Luciani. “If you use something too high, it’s going to restrict and limit your range of motion,” she says. Remember to find a stable surface that will allow your thighs to be parallel to the floor at the lowest point.
  2. You round your shoulders. If you feel your chest drop and upper back round, you want to realign your upper-body. Remember to keep your chest tall and core tight. “Let your hips do the hinging,” says Baird.
  3. Your knees turn inward. Keep your knees aligned over the toes to protect your joints. Think of your knees and feet in a straight track as your squat up and down.
  4. You lose control. Remember to keep things ~smooth~. Try not to plop down and sit back once you reach the box. Instead, gently tap the box before squeezing your glutes together, maintaining your core stability and driving your hips forward as you stand back up. “This should be a smooth transition without a lot of leaning backward and forward with the chest,” says Baird.

How To Add Box Squats To Your Workout

The best way to work box squats in: at the beginning of your workout, after you warm up, and before you feel depleted. “Think of your body as a gas tank,” says Luciani. “For movements like a squat, especially when using weight, we want to make sure our gas tank is as full as it can be.”

And, you can do box squats often. Because a squat is a fundamental movement pattern, it’s safe to do box squats a few times a week, says Luciani. She recommends starting out with 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps. When you start adding weight (dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell), take the volume down a little bit, says Luciani. “Once you increase intensity, give yourself more recovery time between squat sessions,” she says. Don’t overdo it!

Box Squat Progressions To Try

The box squat is awesome for beginners, but you can level up the foundational move whenever you want a challenge. Once you're comfortable with bodyweight box squats, you're ready to try one of these progressions. The same rules apply for box height and remember to focus on form in these variations. (Think: 90-degree knee bend position, core tight, and chest tall throughout the movement.)

1. Single leg box squats

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Why it rocks: Feeling good on two legs? Now try one leg at a time. It requires extra stability and coordination. And, if one of your legs is stronger than the other, this move can help balance you out.

How to: Start with one foot hovering above the ground and your arms to your side. Keep your core engaged and use your arms for balance by extending them straight in front of your body as you lower down to the box. Once your butt touches the box, press through the same leg, and return to a standing position. Don’t forget to change legs between sets!

2. Weighted Box Squat

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Why it rocks: Adding resistance in the form of a kettlebell or dumbbells makes the squat more difficult, allowing you to progress and get stronger.

How to: Using both hands, hold a weight to your chest as you squat. Think of this like a goblet squat, but the box below allows you to focus on the depth of each squat.

3. Barbell Box Squat

Why it rocks: If you are more experienced and looking to squat heavier while also working your posterior chain, Baird recommends adding a barbell.

How to: This can be done while resting the barbell on your upper back, bracing your core, and slowly squatting.

Headshot of Andi Breitowich
Andi Breitowich

Andi Breitowich is a Chicago-based writer and graduate student at Northwestern Medill. She’s a mass consumer of social media and cares about women’s rights, holistic wellness, and non-stigmatizing reproductive care. As a former collegiate pole vaulter, she has a love for all things fitness and is currently obsessed with Peloton Tread workouts and hot yoga.