March is a big month for us "wee folk." You guessed it: With a name like Meaghan Murphy, I'm practically part leprechaun. Did I mention that my husband's name is Patrick and we think of the 17th as St. Patrick (Murphy's) Day?!

irish woman
Patrick Murphy//Instagram
Are you lucky enough to have furry shamrock leg warmers?!

But even if you're not Irish, the day is a shamrocking excuse to decide your luck is about to improve. I caught up with Richard Wiseman, Ph.D., author of The Luck Factor, who believes we can create our own luck regardless of our circumstances. Wiseman outlines several key life approaches to manifesting four-leaf-clover-level good fortune.

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  1. For starters, lucky people are resilient and manage to squeeze some upside from even the crummiest situation—given lemons, they make lemonade. For instance, when they run out of pancake batter on Sunday morning, they'll think: I'll hit the grocery store—we needed paper towels anyway! instead of Breakfast is ruined!
  2. Also, fortunate folks are optimists who expect good things to come their way.
  3. They live, as I like to say, "with their cab lights on," relaxed and open to possibility, prepared to abandon routine and take smart risks.
  4. Finally, the charmed ones rely heavily on gut instinct and boost their intuition with mind-clearing practices such as mediation.

I challenge you to try Wiseman's advice and report back by DM'ing me on Instagram @meaghanbmurphy.

Headshot of Meaghan B Murphy
Meaghan B Murphy

Woman's Day editor-in-chief Meaghan B Murphy is known for her high-energy, upbeat personality and YAY lifestyle. She is a certified fitness expert, hack master, Penguin-Random House author, editor, podcaster, holiday celebrator and mama of 3 (plus a fur baby!).