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Francis Suarez speaks on issues popular among young voters

Francis Suarez speaks on issues popular among young voters
Actually just came back from *** trip to the border. You got *** first hand account to see everything going on there as president, what were your priorities be in terms of addressing the various issues we're seeing on there? You know, it's frustrating because it is *** multi decade, multi administration problem that hasn't been solved. And I think as *** mayor, I'm focused on solving problems. Uh and I think that's how you have to approach this as *** problem that needs to be solved. So first thing that you recognize when you're there is the difference in intentionality, uh seriousness, right? You had the former president's wall 30 ft high, the current president. Uh I don't know what he spent the money on doing. I I if anything but it's about *** 4 ft high fence. So, you know, you need to complete the fence that was being done because you need to have uh *** certain control over the border to prevent fentaNYL human trafficking, things that are really disruptive in our country right now. Second thing is you need to create *** hemispheric strategy and dep power China, which by the way helps you with the China issue. You, you're giving China $330 billion in terms of *** trade deficit that should be coming to our hemisphere creating prosperity, which reduces pressure for people to go to the United States. If they're doing well in their own home country, they're gonna want to stay there. *** third. We've got *** right size, legal immigration and we got to peg it to objective metrics like unemployment, the need for skilled and unskilled labor. The fact that we have *** declining birth rate, I mean, those are all objective measures that can influence the size of legal immigration could increase it significantly based on our needs of, you know, benefiting the United States. And then I think lastly as *** Hispanic Republican president, I think I'd be in the best position to demystify the idea that if uh immigrants, all immigrants are gonna be Democrats, right? I think, uh you know, we're starting to see trends where Hispanics are trending more and more Republican. And I think this will be an important election and this will help me deal with some of the debates that have to be had relative to the undocumented and those who are illegal in this country. Kids are headed back to school, you mentioned earlier, your kids first day today. Um One thing about this country is *** teacher shortage in your state in Florida. We've seen it here in New Hampshire. What can be done to make sure teachers get back in the classroom and stay in the classroom. So we don't see this in the future. I think two things. I think the first is we've got to prioritize teachers over administration. We're starting to see in *** lot of administrative bureaucracies that they're not paying teachers well enough. My mother was *** teacher. She retired, um, teachers need to be well paid. I mean, just like any other job and they're entrusted with one of the most important responsibilities, which is educating our youth, which out into the future, what kind of an economy that we have? So we've got to look at it from that perspective in terms of *** strategic investment. Uh I think uh number two, we've got to focus on the fact that uh teachers uh you know, right now are not appreciated, just like law enforcement officers are not appreciated, we gotta appreciate our teachers. We gotta make sure that they feel valued and that they understand their role in our children's lives. And, you know, when you look at the things like charter schools and things that create some uh competitive pressures that are positive uh for the school systems, I think it's important to have some level of competition, to keep our school systems honest and to give parents choices. If parents want to put their kids in *** charter school, they should have that ability. We gotta uh make our teachers feel value, pay them well. And by the way, both of those go hand in hand and then of course, give parents options not too long ago. Uh Super pac endorsing your campaign launched *** it so voters could ask questions about you or your campaign in what ways do you think the federal government could benefit from the use of *** I? And are there any concerns at the rate of development and use of technology that we're here? You know, I think the way I approach the *** I issue is I actually start *** different way. I look at it sort of reverse engineering, right? It's what are our enemies gonna do? Our enemies are going to use *** I to undermine us, they're gonna use it to um you know, create strategic um advantages if they can, if they, if they beat us certain, you know, marks uh whether it's militarily, whether it's uh making decisions, whether it's reading our emails, et cetera and quantum computing, which is *** component of that. We cannot allow that we've got to restrict their ability to get *** I technology. We've got to develop our own *** I I think, you know, like everything else in life, technology can be scary for many. Um But, you know, then after the fact you realize how do we live without it, right? How do we live without our cell phones? How do we live with without some of the technology that's become so important to us? On *** day to day basis. I think we have to, uh, regulate it in *** way that protects people but not stifle innovation. What I don't want to see happen is your future, my future, our children's future, our grandchildren's future be stifled by people who don't understand technology and hyper regulate it in *** way that gives our enemies an advantage.
Francis Suarez speaks on issues popular among young voters
Republican presidential candidate and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez spoke with WMUR one-on-one about topics young voters are interested in after the taping of "Conversation with the Candidate."Producer Zach Smith spoke to the mayor about the southern border, artificial intelligence and the teacher shortage.See the full "Conversation with the Candidate" event through the following links:Watch Part 1: Suarez says there is sentiment Trump indictments are ‘a bit unfair’Watch Part 2: Suarez says he’s in ‘position to negotiate what’s needed’ to help immigration crisisWatch online exclusive: Suarez outline strategies to combat opioid epidemicOther "Conversation with the Candidate" events will be held throughout the campaign season. The full list of candidates who participate will be updated here.Conversation with the Candidate is a town hall-style program recorded in advance of when it airs. It is intended to allow the candidate to convey their points of view on a wide range of topics. During the program, the moderator may challenge the candidates' assertions, but every fact may not be checked in real-time. WMUR News 9 is committed to holding the candidates accountable on their claims throughout the election cycle.

Republican presidential candidate and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez spoke with WMUR one-on-one about topics young voters are interested in after the taping of "Conversation with the Candidate."


Producer Zach Smith spoke to the mayor about the southern border, artificial intelligence and the teacher shortage.

See the full "Conversation with the Candidate" event through the following links:

    Other "Conversation with the Candidate" events will be held throughout the campaign season. The full list of candidates who participate will be updated here.

    Conversation with the Candidate is a town hall-style program recorded in advance of when it airs. It is intended to allow the candidate to convey their points of view on a wide range of topics. During the program, the moderator may challenge the candidates' assertions, but every fact may not be checked in real-time. WMUR News 9 is committed to holding the candidates accountable on their claims throughout the election cycle.