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Full one-on-one interview with California Gov. Gavin Newsom as he visits New Hampshire

Full one-on-one interview with California Gov. Gavin Newsom as he visits New Hampshire
Governor, the best campaigns, the winning campaigns always write the ship. What is your message to voters out there? Regular people, not the pundits, not the talking ads who saw President Biden in that debate and thought he was too old. Well, I think you're doing just that. They riding the ship. You saw the rally in Wisconsin. You saw the work that he did this weekend. I just left Pennsylvania at seven stops in Philadelphia. We're in Pittsburgh. I was all over Michigan. Uh and they're doing everything they need to do to reach out directly to voters, to meet with people where they are. Uh *** lot of calls, *** lot of calls that have been leaked uh for better or for worse. *** lot of outreach. And I think they're doing exactly what they need to do. What about those high profile Democrats, some in Congress who are saying he does have to be replaced at the time. It's just the overwhelming majority of Democrats that are not saying that overwhelming majority of Democrats that are uh not only saying they have his back but are actually demonstrating that by supporting them being out on the campaign trail. I've seen *** bunch of them over the last few days, over the weekend, over *** holiday weekend, they could have dial it in, they could have stepped back, but they stepped up and they're continuing to fight. So we're seeing that it's expected to see some, *** few people expressing those doubts and perhaps even more publicly. Uh, but I think they're doing what they need to do to course correct. What are your thoughts on this idea of this blitz primary if he does step aside, is there something like that that can happen or is this go straight to vice president? I just for me, the question is what we need to do, put our heads down and do the hard work and continue to meet people where they are. That's why I'm here in New Hampshire. So my focus is on that. I'm not focused on where I know folks. It's *** legit question, but it's exactly the kind of question the Trump campaign wants us to have. They don't want us talking about Donald Trump, his record, his vision, his dystopian vision for this country to bring America back to the 19th century. And that's what I going to be focusing on this contrast, daylight and darkness, not just talking about the record because people don't want to only talk about the past, they want to talk about the vision for the future. And I think that's incredibly compelling contrast. The project 2025 agenda of Donald Trump that he's now trying to disavow his tariff strategy, which is *** 10% tax on all imported goods, which will impact everybody listening and watching. Increase inflation versus *** of accomplishments in directional movement, not only on inflation but continuing remarkable resiliency of the American economy in terms of jobs, Governor Chris Nunu here has had some rough things to say about you. I'm not sure how much you've interacted with him at these NGA events. What's going on there? Where's the animosity coming from? I don't honestly know, I, I actually met him once. He was incredibly generous and very kind. We actually had *** great exchange. We spent some time together. I've never met him since. Uh so I, I wish him the best. It's unfortunate uh that he says those things or feels that way, but I wish him only the best. And as you wrap up here, you know, you're coming to New Hampshire. Are we going to see you back here in some capacity someday? Run for president? I know I'm here for the president, United States. I'm here for the vice president. I'm here for the ticket. I'm here for not just team blue but red, white and blue. I think our values are universal. Uh There are values that have persisted for 248 years and I, I don't think it's an exaggeration. I know one thing about New Hampshire. Uh they, they have reverence for liberty and freedom uh in this democracy. And they don't want to see that come to an end and we have *** chance to reject uh the vision of Donald Trump on November 5th. And, and that's the focus governor. Thanks for your time.
Full one-on-one interview with California Gov. Gavin Newsom as he visits New Hampshire
VIDEO: Watch as California Gov. Gavin Newsom answers questions in a one-on-one interview with WMUR.

VIDEO: Watch as California Gov. Gavin Newsom answers questions in a one-on-one interview with WMUR.
