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WJCL Editorial: When it comes to new technology, make sure you're asking the right questions

A message from WJCL President & General Manager Ben Hart

WJCL Editorial: When it comes to new technology, make sure you're asking the right questions

A message from WJCL President & General Manager Ben Hart

WJCL Editorial: When it comes to new technology, make sure you're asking the right questions

A message from WJCL President & General Manager Ben Hart

"One of the most pressing concerns surrounding AI is its potential to outstrip human control."You might not know it but that first line was written by a robot.I told it to write me two lines about why AI is dangerous. But I think it is a good example of why you need to be sure you find your opinion from something besides a computer.There are a million ways to answer any question. And AI could be a very useful tool.Are you being smart about how to separate yourself from your own biases?In this political year, our editorial board wants to make sure you stay 'present' in your local community and your political decisions.We need to hear from the sources and the other side as much as you can.You might remember, three years ago we talked about social media algorithms with the same warning"Every business is designed to make you want to use it. What better way to keep you coming back than to tell you that you are always right and other people are wrong? In our editorial meeting, we had a lot of opinions. People on our editorial team brought up that a lot of good has come from these platforms."It was true then and it is even more true now.This week at dinner with some friend this topic came up, and it reminded them of how humans imagine something and then it happens in real life.We talked about movies like AI from Steven Spielberg, the Terminator and even Star Trek.We are always going to have new technology to help us do things faster.The smart thing is to make sure you use it to look for more information and not less.I'm Ben Hart. Thank you for sharing this time.


"One of the most pressing concerns surrounding AI is its potential to outstrip human control."

You might not know it but that first line was written by a robot.

I told it to write me two lines about why AI is dangerous. But I think it is a good example of why you need to be sure you find your opinion from something besides a computer.

There are a million ways to answer any question. And AI could be a very useful tool.

Are you being smart about how to separate yourself from your own biases?

In this political year, our editorial board wants to make sure you stay 'present' in your local community and your political decisions.

We need to hear from the sources and the other side as much as you can.

You might remember, three years ago we talked about social media algorithms with the same warning

"Every business is designed to make you want to use it. What better way to keep you coming back than to tell you that you are always right and other people are wrong? In our editorial meeting, we had a lot of opinions. People on our editorial team brought up that a lot of good has come from these platforms."

It was true then and it is even more true now.

This week at dinner with some friend this topic came up, and it reminded them of how humans imagine something and then it happens in real life.

We talked about movies like AI from Steven Spielberg, the Terminator and even Star Trek.

We are always going to have new technology to help us do things faster.

The smart thing is to make sure you use it to look for more information and not less.

I'm Ben Hart. Thank you for sharing this time.