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WJCL Editorial: How are you using your time?

A message from WJCL President and General Manager Ben Hart

WJCL Editorial: How are you using your time?

A message from WJCL President and General Manager Ben Hart

The following is an editorial by WJCL 22 president and general manager, Van Hart. You may not know this, but I'm older than I look. As *** matter of fact, I'm way into my forties this holiday weekend that gave me pause. I'm much older than Martin Luther King was when *** racist gunman murdered him at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. He was only 39 years old. Martin Luther King was only 39 years old when he became one of the most famous people in the entire world. One of the most important people in the history of the world. He didn't do it by playing football or acting in Hollywood. He was only *** 26 year old pastor when he decided to help lead *** bus boycott in Alabama. Leaders in the civil rights movement there, say they chose him to speak because of his calm demeanor. That's just it. The formula was simple. Martin Luther King only used exactly who he was *** calm and charismatic pastor to do the best thing he could do and he didn't waste any time. Martin Luther King was fearless and he used every moment in his young life to make America better. For 13 years. He faced unbelievably violent racism and the seemingly impossible task to force the country to treat its citizens equally. Now, almost 60 years later, his revolutionary actions are still improving America every day. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight and we as *** people will get to the promised land. Martin Luther King would have been 95 years old this week, but we only had him for 39. So take *** look at what you've done with your own time. If you're 26 what are you doing to make your community better if you're 39 what will people say about who you are if you're older than Martin Luther King? Do you think you've done enough? The good thing is there's no time like the present. I'm Ben Hart. Thank you for sharing this time. Your opinions matter, share them with us at editorials at
WJCL Editorial: How are you using your time?

A message from WJCL President and General Manager Ben Hart

You may not know this, but I’m older than I look. As a matter of fact, I am way into my 40s.This holiday weekend, that gave me pause.I am much older than Martin Luther King was when a racist gunman murdered him at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.He was only 39 years old.Martin Luther King was only 39 years old when became one of the most famous people in the entire world.One of the most important people in the history of the world.He didn’t do it by playing football, or acting in Hollywood.He was only a 26 year old pastor when he decided to help lead a bus boycott in Alabama.Leaders in the Montgomery civil rights movement say they chose him to speak because of his calm demeanor.That’s just it.The formula was simple.Martin Luther King only used exactly who he was, a calm, charismatic pastor, to do the best thing he could do.And he didn’t waste any time.Martin Luther King was fearless.And he used every moment in his young life to make America better.For 13 years, he faced the unbelievably violent racism in the seemingly impossible task to force the country treat its citizens equally. Now, almost 60 years later, his revolutionary actions are still improving America every day. Martin Luther King would’ve been 95 years old this week.But we only had him for 39.Take a look at what you’ve done with your own time.If you’re 26 years old, what are you doing to make your community better? If you’re 39, what will people say about who you are?If you are older than Martin Luther King, do you think you have you done enough?The good thing is there’s no time like the present. I’m Ben Hart. Thank you for sharing this time.


You may not know this, but I’m older than I look. As a matter of fact, I am way into my 40s.

This holiday weekend, that gave me pause.

I am much older than Martin Luther King was when a racist gunman murdered him at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.

He was only 39 years old.

Martin Luther King was only 39 years old when became one of the most famous people in the entire world.

One of the most important people in the history of the world.

He didn’t do it by playing football, or acting in Hollywood.

He was only a 26 year old pastor when he decided to help lead a bus boycott in Alabama.

Leaders in the Montgomery civil rights movement say they chose him to speak because of his calm demeanor.

That’s just it.

The formula was simple.

Martin Luther King only used exactly who he was, a calm, charismatic pastor, to do the best thing he could do.

And he didn’t waste any time.

Martin Luther King was fearless.

And he used every moment in his young life to make America better.

For 13 years, he faced the unbelievably violent racism in the seemingly impossible task to force the country treat its citizens equally.

Now, almost 60 years later, his revolutionary actions are still improving America every day.

Martin Luther King would’ve been 95 years old this week.

But we only had him for 39.

Take a look at what you’ve done with your own time.

If you’re 26 years old, what are you doing to make your community better? If you’re 39, what will people say about who you are?

If you are older than Martin Luther King, do you think you have you done enough?

The good thing is there’s no time like the present.

I’m Ben Hart. Thank you for sharing this time.