
See the bottom of this page for my latest update featuring upcoming events and other opportunities to connect.

Counseling Sessions are available either in person or remotely through phone or Zoom.

Shakti Penelope, M.A., teaches yoga, sees private clients, offers womb blessing attunements and womb healings, manages Penelope’s Homestead Store, and coordinates the Moon Lodge. She creates music and art which you can enjoy by visiting the creativity page of this website.

Click here to read Shakti Penelope’s bio.

Please feel free to contact Shakti Penelope through phone or text at (765) 460-6309 or through email at spiritunion@gmail.com

You can also connect with her on Facebook by clicking here.

Join the FAN CLUB in support of Shakti Penelope’s art and music at this link:


Support Shakti Penelope as a member for $100/mo.
Much appreciation for your monthly contribution of $100 or more. You support dreams becoming reality. You facilitate the creation of works of art and compositions of music as well as the continued development of this sacred place of renewal and retreat on the banks of the Eel River in Indiana. Each year, we add to the homestead to cultivate nourishing food systems in harmony with nature.
Each year we also develop the land as a gathering space and retreat center for Moon Lodge Indiana and for Wisdom Source Within Yoga and Counseling Services for Healing and Personal Development.

Our mission is to cultivate a community within which women have the opportunity to nurture their own development of wellness and empowerment in every aspect of their lives. We do this through events and retreats that cultivate a culture of mutual support, through contact with nature as therapy, and through our additional wellness services. We believe that because women are at the heart of families and communities, as they live in joy, wellbeing, and power the whole world benefits.

Thank you for believing in me and for helping me to create heaven on earth for the benefit of all.


2019    M.A. Transpersonal Psychology
            Sofia University – Palo Alto, California
            Specialization in Creativity and Innovation
            Concentration in Transpersonal Eco-Psychology

2002    B.A. Environmental Studies
            University of California Santa Cruz – Santa Cruz, California
            Concentration in Interpretation
            Awards: College Honors, Department Honors, College Service Award

Training and Certification

Permaculture Design Certification – Sirius Intentional Community – Massachusetts, USA – July 2005

Winter Permaculture Design Certification – Lost Valley Educational Center – Oregon, USA – Dec 2008

Yoga Teacher Training Certification – Sivananda Yoga Farm – California, USA – Oct 2009

Thai Massage Level 1 Training – Sunshine House- Evia, Greece – Aug 2012

Journey Of Young Women Mentor Training – Athens, Greece – Dec 2013

Radiant Women’s Circle Intensive Training Course – Athens, Greece – June 2014

Moon Mother Level 1 Training – Georgia, USA – Feb 2019

40-Hour Yoga Nidra Facilitator Certification – Gentle Heart / Amrit Yoga Institute – Indiana, USA – Oct 2020

Rosemary Gladstar’s “The Science and Art of Herbalism” Certificate – Vermont, USA – Dec 2020

Moon Mother Remote Practitioner Workshop: Distant 1-to-1 Womb Blessing – Hampshire, England – March 2021

UPDATE about Upcoming Events and Opportunities to Connect 2024

Dearest Community,

Such a beautiful time of year filled with hope and promise. I am slowly but surely settling in more and more to this beautiful 8.23 acre property on the banks of the Eel River in Indiana. I walk every day on the trails and become acquainted with the family of life with which I share this land. I learn about them through their tracks in the snow and occasional chance glimpses. Rabbit, deer, raccoon, opossum, kingfisher, sandhill crane, sycamore, walnut, maple. I am hoping this year to establish my first of many organic garden beds.
My mother, Ethel, is doing fantastic. She has fully recovered from a bout of bronchitis that she was fighting over the holidays. Her immune system is strong, and most days she is in good spirits. I am so blessed to have her here with us. Even decades ago, I knew this was to be my job, caring for my mother, walking her home. I look forward to seeing my father in Greece for his birthday and the Greek Easter which are about a week apart from one another this year. He and my mother spoke on the phone for their anniversary a few days ago. They have known one another for 60 years! I look forward to spending some good, quality time with him. These visits are so precious.
I have entered a new life phase that has me staying closer to home and focusing my time and energy here. The house is in need of quite a bit of work to be comfortable. Simplicity, rest, pleasure, and replenishment are feeling so wonderful to me in this chapter. The Peru Moon Lodge gatherings are taking place here at my home on the Friday closest to the full moon (aside from Worldwide Womb Blessings which happen on specified days). New this year is the addition of occasional circles for all genders, so bring along with you your friends, brothers, and mates. It is quite special indeed to share sacred space with our loved ones.

Are you interested in working with me one on one for a counseling session to help you get in touch with your own inner guidance? I’d be happy to speak with you about scheduling if that interests you. We can arrange a 15 minute free call to see if our working together is a good fit for you.
More information about my counseling style as well as testimonials can be found on my website on the “Counseling” page under “Group Work” on the top menu of this website.

MUSIC SHARE – Revisiting this song written in 2001 with the final verse as an addendum in 2010. It’s quite simple, just voice, no guitar. I enjoy seeing the images of the video created six years ago, such a beautiful chapter of new love with Aaron and I spending so much time together in the woods. Happily, we still do as we go for our regular walks, seeing the seasons change. We also see one another change as we pass these years at one another’s side. Such a gift.
If you would like to see the music video and hear the song, click on this link:
The song was inspired by my experience having a 3 day solo in the California wilderness with the organization Sierra Institute. All together we were in the wild for 5 weeks. Truly life changing. Ever since that trip I have felt an unmistakable call of the wild, the Great Mother Nature calling us home. This song is about that call. Not just Mother Nature but also the Soul is calling us home as well. Finally these 22 years later I have purchased my property and am learning how to integrate my way of being into the Great Web of Life more and more. I truly feel that my connection to this land is much like connecting with a beautiful, wise friend whom I admire. Everyday I am learning and leaning into Pure Life, Pura Vida.

Recent art pieces can be seen on the “Art” page under “Creativity” on this website.

Would you like to join my Fan Club to follow along with me on my creative journey of development and exuberant expression? Simply request to join the private group here:

Please do mark your calendars for our upcoming circles and retreats. Dates are found below.

Sending you warm blessings!

Shakti Penelope

In-Person Moon Lodge Gatherings – Peru, Indiana
*** Location is at the Moon Lodge/Wisdom Source Within Heartquarters and Nature Sanctuary

  • WWWB – Saturday February 24th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, register at https://wombblessing.com/register/ and choose the time of 24:00 (actual full moon Feb. 24th, 7:30 am)
  • ALL GENDERS – Friday, March 22nd, 6 – 8 pm (actual full moon March 25th, 3 am)
  • Women’s Meeting – Friday, April 19th, 6 – 8 pm (actual full moon April 23rd, 7:49 pm)
  • WWWB – Thursday, May 23rd, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, register at https://wombblessing.com/register/ and choose the time of 24:00 (actual full moon May 23rd, 9:53 am)
  • JUNE RETREAT – Thursday, June 20th through Sunday, June 23rd – Annual Fundraiser for the Miami Indians of Indiana, Location: 7 Pillars Miami Campground (actual full moon June 21st, 9:08 pm)
  • ALL GENDERS – Friday, July 19th, 6 – 8 pm (actual full moon July 21st, 6:17 am)
  • WWWB – Monday, August 19th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, register at https://wombblessing.com/register/ and choose the time of 24:00 (actual full moon Aug.19th, 2:26 pm)
  • Women’s Meeting – Friday, September 13th, 6 – 8 pm (actual full moon Sept. 17th, 10:34 pm)
  • WWWB – Thursday, October 17th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, register at https://wombblessing.com/register/ and choose the time of 24:00 (actual full moon October 17th, 7:26 am)
  • ALL GENDERS – Friday, November 15th, 6 – 8 pm (actual full moon Nov. 15th, 4:28 pm)
  • DECEMBER RETREAT – Thursday, December 5th through Sunday, December 8th, Location: TBD
  • Women’s Meeting – Friday, December 13th, 6 – 8 pm (actual full moon Dec. 15th, 4:02 am)

Shakti Penelope, M.A., is a hobbyist who loves sharing her art and music creations with the world. She lives with her husband and mother whom she cares for in her lovely home on the banks of the Eel River in Indiana, USA. In addition to coordinating the women’s community, the Moon Lodge, she also has an active interest in homesteading, health, and wellbeing. She enjoys studying multicultural theology and non-dual philosophy.