And the Server You Rode in On

It's OK to admit it. At one time or another, we've all felt the urge for violence (or at least for vandalism) at the sight of a homepage paying cyberdork homage to Anna Nicole Smith, Mark Kostabi, or some guy's pet rat. Generally speaking, the most authentic form of such vigilante justice results in jail […]

It's OK to admit it. At one time or another, we've all felt the urge for violence (or at least for vandalism) at the sight of a homepage paying cyberdork homage to Anna Nicole Smith, Mark Kostabi, or some guy's pet rat. Generally speaking, the most authentic form of such vigilante justice results in jail time, but with SegaSoft Network's Web Vengeance you can express your online displeasure without bringing down the wrath of local authorities.

Download Web Vengeance's weapon packs and take aim at online mediocrity, defacing your sites of choice with automatic fire bursts, shotgun blasts, rotten eggs, and more.

Even though the damage is virtual, the truly proud can still protect their sites with Web Vengeance's defense packs - police shields, guns, launch trays for tomatoes. By the way, despite repeated attacks, the IRS site has still not installed a defense pack. You know what to do.

Browser Beware Electronica through the Ages

A Cure for Web Bloat

Distance Fades Away

Soul Survivor

Future Teller

Nine Ounces of Freedom

A Gaggle of Grrls

Medicine's Human Face

Entering New Dimensions

No-Frills Thrills

War of the Worlds

"Why Has My PC Forsaken Me?"

Big Head


And the Server You Rode in On

Animation Invasion

Body Double
