World Immunization Week Launch 2014

Message from Dr Shin Young-soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

20 April 2014


Today marks the first time we had 35 countries and areas in the Western Pacific Region all observing World Immunization Week together.

The Region has been celebrating World Immunization Week since 2011, and all six WHO regions have observed Immunization Week simultaneously since 2012.

The World Immunization Week's activities stress the importance of immunization as a crucial public health programme –– and the best way to protect people and their communities from vaccine-preventable diseases.

This year, the Western Pacific Region focuses on preventing liver cancer through hepatitis B vaccination with the slogan: Stop hepatitis B and liver cancer. Vaccinate at birth.

The theme capitalizes on the success we have enjoyed in hepatitis B control. We have achieved the 2012 milestone of less than 2% hepatitis B prevalence among 5-year-old children. And 11 countries have been verified as having reached the goal of less than 1% prevalence among children – well ahead of the 2017 deadline.

While great progress has been made, we still face major challenges. Now is the time to ramp up communication and advocacy to increase awareness and commitment to controlling this deadly infection.

Hepatitis B is known as a "silent killer" because the infection usually is present for decades before leading to liver disease.

Babies born to infected mothers are particularly at risk for chronic hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccine birth dose within 24 hours of birth is best method of preventing mother-to-child transmission during childbirth.

We have reason to be proud of our achievements in battling hepatitis B –– just as we can be proud of many other immunization success stories.

The Region has remained certified polio-free since 2000. We are now implementing polio endgame strategies to support the goal of a polio-free world.

Four countries in the Region were recently verified as having achieved our measles elimination goal.

And 34 – that's nearly all – countries and areas in the Region have eliminated the danger of tetanus during childbirth and early infancy.

We all know that investing in prevention requires fewer resources than responding to outbreaks. And immunization is perhaps the most cost-effective way to prevent disease.

During Immunization Week, countries and areas in the Region will be conducting activities to raise awareness and support for immunization programmes, especially the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose campaign.

Activities will include national and local launching ceremonies, as well as educational programmes for health workers, parents and child caregivers.

Awareness campaigns will also be promoted through mass media outlets, vaccination sessions and immunization workshops.

Beside this launch ceremony, a brown bag session tomorrow will enhance understanding of the dangers of hepatitis B infection and how to prevent it.

I encourage you to attend the session, as well as the many other activities scheduled during this important week.

While the topic is fresh in your mind, make sure you and your family are up to date on immunizations.

Once again, I appreciate the EPI Team and supporting staff in the office for their hard work in preparing this event. Let us together celebrate "World Immunization Week".

Thank you.