Universal Health Care Conference for Northern and Western Mindanao

Dr Shin Young-soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

11 July 2011

Honourable Secretary of Health, Dr Ona

Distinguished Under Secretaries,

Assistant Secretaries

Regional Center for Health Directors,

Provincial Health Officers, and Hospital Directors

from Regions IX,X & XIII,

Honourable Congressional Representatives,

Honourable Governors and Mayors

Ladies and Gentlemen

Good afternoon.

Thank you for inviting me to address this very important summit involving the regions of Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao, and CARAGA on Universal Health Care.

To have so many representatives from various levels and different sectors in the three regions makes this a truly unique meeting. I sense that this will be one of the localizing events in the future of universal health care in the Philippines and thank you once again for the opportunity to participate today.

It makes me happy to see participants from the three regions coming together for this Universal Health Care Conference --- from local government units, local chief executives and their representatives, Regional Center for Health Development Directors, provincial health officers, representatives from health and non-health sectors.

The Philippines is reaching its turning point in health care delivery.

I urge you not to lose the momentum you have gained, nor stumble on the steps you’ve taken so far in reaching this path towards achieving universal health care.

You are lucky in the sense that this country has many many strengths – you have human resources for health such as doctors, nurses, and other health professionals, infrastructure system of hospitals and health facilities, and increased fund- money reflected in the annual DOH budget.

Although some structures need to to be upgraded, you have a system already in place.

Even the most developed country like the United States need to upgrade their system.

However, I want to tell you, that the most important of your strength, is the STRONG COMMITMENT from your political leader.

The support that cascades down from the highest level – the Aquino Health Agenda which has made health of the Filipino people a priority—coupled with the commitment from the political and health leaders from the regional and provincial level, are the crucial factors that would make UHC successful.

Central DOH needs to collaborate with local health officials, and they in turn, should keep the communication open and dialogue with community leaders down the line.

All communication channels should be tapped, resources should be utilized, and utilized well and efficiently to benefit the people.

Providing access to quality health care and addressing the health needs of the people, specifically, improving the delivery of health care at every locality will go far beyond improving the lives of the Filipino people.

Universal health care is about ensuring that every person in society, no matter how rich or how poor, is free from the fear of financial ruin if they or a family member becomes ill.

It is fundamental to a country’s economic development and to building a secure society.

Addressing these issues would also strengthen the SOLIDARITY and SECURITY of the people, establishing a stronger foundation for the country to move towards progress and development.

There is a saying that “Good health equals good politics.”

The country is unique with immense potential.

It has everything in place to achieve universal health care coverage.

You might have some challenges in implementation, but I encourage you to work together, different provinces may have different progress in health system, but the bottom line is: every Filipino child, women and men have a right to good health.

And it is the responsibility of those in power to meet the health challenges and shorten the rope of health inequity.

I welcome this invitation by Honourable Secretary Ona to speak before you because I want to tell you that our support for the Department of Health, under the able leadership of Secretary Ona, is very important for WHO.

We support the implementation of a province-wide health system that will promote efficiency and equity in health across all localities.

And today, in this room I see some of the most influential local leaders and health officers representing regions IX, X and XIII, gathered here today to discuss how to move this.

I applaud all those who have committed to this important initiative.

With your wholehearted commitment, the Philippines will be on an enviable position.

When we have a meeting of national and local leaders of both political and health, advocating and promoting UHC, you need only to give a final push to achieve something that will produce benefits that go far beyond the health sector.

WHO and all its international partners are willing to work with you and provide support to ensure that this can be achieved.

I thank you once again for inviting me to speak at this important event today and I wish you every success with these efforts in the future.

Thank you and may I say Mabuhay!