Opening ceremony of the Global Health Learning Centre Class of 2015

Opening remarks by Dr Shin Young-soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

2 March 2015

I welcome you all as the second cohort of the WHO Western Pacific Region Global Health Learning programme. The first cohort last year completed their programme successfully.

During my visits to your countries over recent years, I noticed that some national officials were not comfortable engaging in discussions in the English language. But we need to have the voice of countries in many international meeting and in policy dialogue.

Previously, from 1986 to 2003, a similar programme trained around 450 officials from countries of our region. Today, most participants of this earlier programme hold high level positions in the health sector of their countries.

Participants of this new course that I started last year, gave positive feedback. This confirms for me the value of this programme and the efforts and resources put into it by all the regional office staff in technical divisions.

Ateneo Language Learning Centre brings its extensive experience in language teaching and will work intensively with you for the first 4 month to improve communication skills in English language – this includes listening, reading, speaking and writing – you will be busy!

After the four months of English, in July and August, you will have sessions on a wide range of health topics and issues. You will have formal assessments during both modules and we expect much improvement, similar to the participants last year.

I will have one or maybe two sessions with you - so be ready! I like to talk about my visits to your countries, and also ask you what you think – you don’t have to agree with me!. I personally enjoy meeting with such bright, dedicated officials working very hard away from their families and home.

I am glad to meet and know the future health leaders through this programme. We all are looking forward to working with you.

Thank you.